Epic Fail stories

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Hey kids. Did you know that even if you make a 3d outline for a filter, if you have floor clear (3 bricks 3 glass) it will go above and beyond the limits? I found that out while trying to make more room for a basement. Under my home. Yeah...

So you could essentially place one at bedrock level and hope there's no lava and it would just be like an underground quarry that goes up?
So you could essentially place one at bedrock level and hope there's no lava and it would just be like an underground quarry that goes up?
People used to do this all the time so now the filler only drops items for a few seconds.
People used to do this all the time so now the filler only drops items for a few seconds.

yes saddly.

Filler and was water was basiclly the poor mans quarry and to be honest it was faster in most cases. But yeah they 'corrected' that over sight so the items only drop for a few seconds making it nearly imposable to collect.

I thought that also were going to make to work top to bottom instead of bottom to top... don't know its been awhile since I used one.
The Story of a Genius:
This Genius thought, he needs some Enderpearls, so he made an T5 Enderman Spawner. And he Thought: "The Enderman will be Dangerous, i Put them far up in the Sky". So he Build the Spawner in the Sky with Wireless Redstone to activate it.
But This Genuis build the Spawner 131 Blocks Above Ground. And as we all know, all Mobs will be instantly Despawn when there further away then 128 Blocks.

So this Genuis needs to Pillar him self up 3 Blocks, when he want Enderpearls.

The End
So you could essentially place one at bedrock level and hope there's no lava and it would just be like an underground quarry that goes up?
No. I wanted to make a bigger basement so I wanted to use a filler to quickly empty the area. And Guess what happened.
Oh sorry. Misread what you posted. Also guess who thought you needed to find therioes from the cruicable?
Even if you pipe it out?

Unlike the quarry, a filler just throws the items on to the ground as if a player had mined em out, instead of popping them out the top of the machine. Piping with a filler is, unfortunately, difficult to impossible.
Well, you could always floor the area with transposers to instantly collect the resources, but that's a bit tedius and resource heavy :P
The items now drop starting from the top layer, which means that by the time they would land on the transposers, the filler would be done with most of the digging, and most of the drops would have despawned. The despawn timer is really, really short - even in a moderately tall space, blocks broken from the ceiling will even despawn before hitting the ground. (You could do some sort of quickly pulsing transposers descending from the top on frames as the filler digs, but at that point you can just build a proper frame quarry with the same effort.)
Using Gregtech lightning rods, I hooked up a 8192 voltage current into a transformer, put it into a huge energy storage system, and then put a mass fab hooked up to 513 voltage current. That ONE EXTRA ****ING EU caused the mass fab to explode and COMPLETELY wipe out my entire base. It also blew up the lightning rod, and killed me instantly even though I had full nano.
Needless to say, I rq and deleted that world.

Also, don't get a high-potency-enchanted-frugal-enchanted wand that turns blocks into ferns and right click on your mob trap's walls.
As it turns out, ferns don't tend to hold creepers back very well.
This Genuis build the Spawner 131 Blocks Above Ground. And as we all know, all Mobs will be instantly Despawn when there further away then 128 Blocks.
So this Genuis needs to Pillar him self up 3 Blocks, when he want Enderpearls.
Or the genius could just move the spawner. He could use a Gravity Gun if he didn't want to break and rebuild it.
Went to open my favorite personal safe that keeps all my most valuable stuff, but I had the omniwrench in my hand. Lost everything inside.

I do something similar with my ender-pouches semi-frequently. While holding my "valuables" pouch, I'll click to open my quarry enderchest necessitating a trip back to my main base to reset the pouch..
I do something similar with my ender-pouches semi-frequently. While holding my "valuables" pouch, I'll click to open my quarry enderchest necessitating a trip back to my main base to reset the pouch..
I'm sorry, but that doesn't count as an epic fail. I do that at least once in a week...
If you re-read the post I was replying to- you will see that is WHY I use the enderpouches- to never have an epic fail with my inventory :)

I could even toss the bag into lava and all I lose is the materials required to replace the bag itself.