Epic Fail stories

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Don't put the soul shards in your hand until you're ABSOLUTELY ready to kill the first mob. Now I have soul shards for firebats, normal bats, and pigmen (whoops...it was an accident, guys!)
Today I wanted to get a Blaze soul shard so I went exploring in the nether. While I was in the nether fortress, I walked into "invisible" lava. I had my animations for it turned off and to be honest my MC is really glitchy. When I came back the lava was visible and everything of mine burnt up.
I learnt that I must remember with the Arcane worktable that I must upgrade my wand if I want multiple stacks of something. Left the basic wand in the slot, needed to build 5 things that cost 30 vis each. Filled my cauldron with all the aspects needed for the 5x items.
Did my magic, only 1 item crafted. All those resources and aspects wasted, and a lot of flux dumped into the atmosphere.

Suffered various poison effects the rest of the evening while the flux was trying to be purged...
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Had a sorting machine connected to my quarry via a chest. Spent ages trying to get it to work... several hours later, realised the machine was the wrong way round :confused:.
Found a new nether fortress (hopefully the last I'd need in a while)...Absorbed my the last blaze spawner for my tier 5 soul shard, switched from my jet pack to my lap pack to harvest just a little bit more glowstone...

Immediately leapt off the wall to start flying away...no more than 10 seconds after taking off my jet pack.

Beautiful swan dive into lava...

Almost rage quit...but instead drained the lava pool for power gen for the win.
After getting tired of my "starter cave" base I figured it was time to move out to an actual base somewhere else, so I make a few backpacks, grab everything I have and as I am about to move out I see a bunch of red dots on the map, in an enclosed space near where I'm at, I figure "Hey may be a dungeon or something, might as well check it out while still here."
I tunnel in a stair patter there, get low enough so that the floor starts looking dark...too dark, I move in to place a torch only to realize there was no floor...

I fall in to a cave with angry zombies and creepers.
Zombies kill me, Creepers explode everything I dropped.
Since I had packed everything, means my bed as well, meaning I respawn back a original spawn with no idea how to get back there.

Moral of the story: DO NOT explore underground when you're carrying EVERYTHING you currently have in that world. T_T

Also, a lot less of a "Oh no..." moment and more of a "Good gracious, what have I done?!" moment:
Basically, Wand of Equivalent exchange + infinite Nukes = Crash and all land destroyed down to bedrock as far as the eye can see once I could get the world working again.
My worst effort was putting a new spawner in our base for endermen. Already had a T5 skele, zombie & creeper spawner up there, added a new setup with pistons & wiring so I could drop endermen down the same chute into our base for leg-chopping. Unfortunately I didn't consider the whole picking up blocks part & some of our base still had dirt walls (temporary stuff) - as soon as I turned it on they started ripping apart the system on the way down and even worse they managed to grab a block that had the bundled cable for the off switch attached to it, turning on the zombie skele & creepers, and also open up an exit at the bottom so they could all walk out into the base.

Long story short our base got totally taken over by 4 tier 5 spawners worth of mobs churning into it. Managed to get out the door & fly up and get levers turning off all the spawners, but it took AGES to actually get our base back cause it was wall-to-wall mobs & terrifying amounts of creepers mixed in. My mate who shared the house wasn't impressed :p
Waltzing through the nether having collected a reasonable amount of stuff plus carrying a lot of what I considered "essential" stuff. I also carry a few canvas bags and some of them carry quite a bit of stuff. Walk out on to a floating gravel platform and for some insane reason, I planted a torch into it. Queue block update, which causes the gravel to fall, which causes a block update of all those it's touching.

Did I mention that I was above Lava at the time?
I did the exact same thing the OP did--researched Unified Thaumic Field Theory, ho hum, onto other things. Oh, look, Goggles of Revealing! Lemme craft thi--"Wand doesn't have enough charge!"

So I figure I need to research the Wand of the Adept and that it's a hidden research. I researched quite literally EVERY elemental wand and tool before actually figuring out that I'd already unlocked it ages ago.

My other issue with TC3 is that it tends to throw research you DIDN'T necessarily want in your way. "Oh, trying to research more golems, are you? Have a Theory of Everything to chew on for awhile!"
I've gotten a little lazy with the whole don't dig straight down thing since they added bubbling sounds to lava. I was in my current world, and had a decent amount of stuff on me getting ready to leave the mine at y=12. I didn't hear anything, so I dug straight down and into a lava reservoir. I found out that lava only makes sound if it has air space above it. no air, no sound.

Never have a mining laser as the active item on your hotbar when you exit the game or go to sleep. The first thing minecraft does when you enter/wake up is "right-click" the active item in your inventory.
I did the exact same thing the OP did--researched Unified Thaumic Field Theory, ho hum, onto other things. Oh, look, Goggles of Revealing! Lemme craft thi--"Wand doesn't have enough charge!"

So I figure I need to research the Wand of the Adept and that it's a hidden research. I researched quite literally EVERY elemental wand and tool before actually figuring out that I'd already unlocked it ages ago.

My other issue with TC3 is that it tends to throw research you DIDN'T necessarily want in your way. "Oh, trying to research more golems, are you? Have a Theory of Everything to chew on for awhile!"
Had exactly the same issue. Wanted the Smart Animation Core, got stuck with Theory of Everything and a ton of other projects before I could even get that.
That was a fun evening of research....
So, I'm not the only one who has the "god damn it, I wanted to research X, NOT Y, YOU STUPID TABLE!" issue? Okay, phew...I'm not a moron, then! XD

Going to melt down some items into essentia, while forgetting that my alembics all have crap in them. None of which is an essence that my target items possesses. Flux the World!

Also, don't put the lever for your base self-destruct (via nukes, it was just a proof-of-concept!) next to the lever that turns on your rotary macerator.
One day I wanted to test out factorization's wrath lamps. At first I only made one and installed it in our central crafting area. I was quite impressed with the bright bundle and decided to replace the torches with more wrath lamps. The first lamp left some shadow near one of the walls, so I decided to move it a couple of blocks. It didn't come down when I hit it with my diamond drill, so I shot it with my mining laser. I didn't double check my laser setting, but the hole in the ceiling wasn't deep, so I wasn't concerned.

A couple of minutes later someone noticed that the library, that was a couple of floors above the workshop, was on fire. It housed our enchanting table, mystcraft books, loads of cosmetic bookshelves and was completely made out of wood. By the time we managed to put out the fire, it was half ruined.
At first we did not understand what had happened, untill I noticed a hole in the library floor. It turned out that my mining laser was on long range and I didn't shoot completely straight up. One of the wood blocks at the exit caught fire and burned the place down.

An hour earlier I burned down all the grass and trees in our courtyard when I made the dark iron. I had to promise to stay away frome fire and explosives for a while.
One day I wanted to test out factorization's wrath lamps. At first I only made one and installed it in our central crafting area. I was quite impressed with the bright bundle and decided to replace the torches with more wrath lamps. The first lamp left some shadow near one of the walls, so I decided to move it a couple of blocks. It didn't come down when I hit it with my diamond drill, so I shot it with my mining laser. I didn't double check my laser setting, but the hole in the ceiling wasn't deep, so I wasn't concerned.

A couple of minutes later someone noticed that the library, that was a couple of floors above the workshop, was on fire. It housed our enchanting table, mystcraft books, loads of cosmetic bookshelves and was completely made out of wood. By the time we managed to put out the fire, it was half ruined.
At first we did not understand what had happened, untill I noticed a hole in the library floor. It turned out that my mining laser was on long range and I didn't shoot completely straight up. One of the wood blocks at the exit caught fire and burned the place down.

An hour earlier I burned down all the grass and trees in our courtyard when I made the dark iron. I had to promise to stay away frome fire and explosives for a while.

I didn't think I'd have a story for this thread, but I do and it relates to the mining laser here. Pretty much the same thing but my friend had made our first mining laser, and he showed me where he burnt a whole swath of forest down. So I was like 'omgomgomgomg gimme that thing' and was messing around with different settings and stuff on it. However we were running back to the house and I didn't think it set stuff on fire (read that he had TOLD ME HE BURNT DOWN THE FOREST) cause I'm a stupid and I burnt our awesome treehouse to the ground. It... we had put a lot of work into that thing. I remember him saying 'we were running back to the house and all I see when I look up to the house is one lone laser rocketing its way toward the treehouse and into it, and setting the inside on fire' makes me lol every time he says it. That was a nice show of fire.

Whoops, just had another today...guess what happens when you start collecting four cave spider spawners in your base using a portal gun to prepare for a soul shard, and then take away the torches?
just had one today

got redwheat from IC2 crops within 20 minutes of growing. Replanted and attempted to create more. Weeds grew - I tried to click on the weeds to destroy them. I hit the redwheat shoots instead and destroyed them.

The random number generator giveth and the random number generator taketh away :C
OK, here goes my tale of woe.

I have been playing on a server with for a good 2 weeks now. We have been running MindCrack, without GregTech. We added logic pipes. We got a good number of solars, enough for a large flower. I would say at least 30. We have been slowly upgrading them, pumping power into our Mass Fab when we could spare it. I spent roughly 2 days building a wonderful sorting system that was a 1 stop processing plant for almost every resource in the game, with extra dim barrels lining the walls 3 high and 17 wide. We of course pumped our UU into 1 of these barrels. 1024 stacks of UU, what could go wrong? Surely we will use it all up?

Nope, after we built full quantum and gravisuits we only used it to upgrade solars to ultimate hybrids. All the solars got upgraded within 1 day. I go to bed that night with the UU barrel half full. I walk up the next morning, and the entire system is saturated in UU. 5 diamond overflow chests are full, the barrel is stuffed. The tunnel bores have no place to put unsorted stuff, so the filters on the enderchest backup. The sorting machine soon followed. Cue me ripping out every piece of wireless redstone in sight to shutdown the entire system. I now have to tear the entire system from the clutches of the earth in order to figure out a way to prevent such things in the future.

Turns out, I just need to put a filter slightly ahead of the chests to void any extra UU, or maybe have excess routed into making diamonds.
I guess really on a system like that, a kill switch should have been designed to turn the fabricator off if there was overflow. Have a final overflow tube with an item detector on it, once it receives UU matter, send a redstone signal back to the fabricator to turn it off. Toggle Latch I think.

On a plus, at least you are swimming in purple goo now, so resources are not an issue :D