so I started by crafting 16 wrath igniters
My first foray into building wrath lamps -- i needed 16, so I started by crafting 16 wrath igniters...
I tossed my eff3 silk touch drill into lavaI was derping around with Thaumcraft when, by mistake, I tossed my Advanced Mining Drill in to the crucible.....
Haha that reminds me...I was derping around with Thaumcraft when, by mistake, I tossed my Advanced Mining Drill in to the crucible.....
Created an impromptu automatic chicken farm for Thaumcraft research. Nothing fancy, chicken in a 1x1 room on a transposer, tubes moving eggs to a dispenser on a timer. "No automatic shutoff mechanism", I think, "I'll have to remember to turn it off when I log out".
Two days, 1,500 chicken and one crashed server later, I remembered.
I wanna ask, how did the chickens multiply? Does the dispenser 'throw' the eggs like a player does? If so, lol.
My first foray into building wrath lamps -- i needed 16, so I started by crafting 16 wrath igniters...
I do this all the time, only with quicksand...Just got boots of striding and was running around the over world like a ferret hopped up on pixie stix. I never even saw the lava pit in the middle of the jungle until it was too late....