Epic Fail stories

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I got one from my friend. First time in the nether for him on the SMP he is hosting. We have a high spawn but nothing nutty..well ghasts are nutty. Anywho he goes in and ghast blows a hole into the floor which causes himt o fall. He survives then is killed by firebat. He goes back to get his stuff..falls down hole and firebat gets him again. First loss of diamond drill. He is back in the nether on a different night. He is getting netherrack to make into magma to fuel his machines. Using his diamond drill he gets a little to happy with it and drills a hole, falls down hole and gets eaten by firebat. He gets stuff back only to punch zombie pig and gets eaten by pig. He goes back a third time and takes his time. Stuff despawns so second loss of diamond drill. Same night he is walks along the edge of his quarry. He falls down, blaming the shift key, and gets eaten by zombies. He gets his stuff back only to be re eaten by zombies. He takes time to get stuff back, succeeds only to have creeper blow up stuff so third loss of diamond drill. Finally tonight. I just got my wand of the adept so I am happy. I manage to research the infernal furnace. I get the mats and set it up outside so my friend and his wife can see. He gets on top of it to check it out..and falls into the open hole. I walk around and manage to get his stuff, which was two buckets. Needless to say he lost his diamond drill. Sooooo yeah
I got one from my friend. First time in the nether for him on the SMP he is hosting. We have a high spawn but nothing nutty..well ghasts are nutty. Anywho he goes in and ghast blows a hole into the floor which causes himt o fall. He survives then is killed by firebat. He goes back to get his stuff..falls down hole and firebat gets him again. First loss of diamond drill. He is back in the nether on a different night. He is getting netherrack to make into magma to fuel his machines. Using his diamond drill he gets a little to happy with it and drills a hole, falls down hole and gets eaten by firebat. He gets stuff back only to punch zombie pig and gets eaten by pig. He goes back a third time and takes his time. Stuff despawns so second loss of diamond drill. Same night he is walks along the edge of his quarry. He falls down, blaming the shift key, and gets eaten by zombies. He gets his stuff back only to be re eaten by zombies. He takes time to get stuff back, succeeds only to have creeper blow up stuff so third loss of diamond drill. Finally tonight. I just got my wand of the adept so I am happy. I manage to research the infernal furnace. I get the mats and set it up outside so my friend and his wife can see. He gets on top of it to check it out..and falls into the open hole. I walk around and manage to get his stuff, which was two buckets. Needless to say he lost his diamond drill. Sooooo yeah
Yeah, reminds me of a feller I used to play with. We've been trying (and failing) to work together on a base, he was losing nano armor and diamond drills faster than I could mine the mats for them.
Thankfully I didn't farm the mats for the drills but twelve diamonds are gone. Now I have lost stuff but..yeah. Also sorry for wall of text.
Hooking up an automatic brewing system with ender chests, and then accidentally hooking up your quarry ender chest to the brewing system isn't good for the aura, surprisingly.
Proceeding to try to fix the issue by hooking it up to yet another wrong ender chest network (my item storage system) isn't a very good idea either.
Oh! I have another, this one is recent :)

I have been working on a Wither killer on our server, to help kill withers. Hardly an issue for the people in full quantum but for the newbies it's nice to be able to kill a wither without any issues. So I created the standard MFFS mob killer setup that's featured in many videos. Tested it a few times and it worked just fine.

So I then invited a bunch of people to come watch and I activated it. And just as I build the wither instead of moving in it's spot like it should it actually moved sideways a bit outside the MFFS forcefield. Ofcourse it then proceeded to kill everyone around it. Oh, and the platform was a very nice looking one build in the middle of a lava lake. Guess where the items of the people who died fell?

Could not do much other than refund some of the stuff they lost. Guess they've learned that when I say "come watch this" they should be prepared to RUN :)
Oh! I have another, this one is recent :)

I have been working on a Wither killer on our server, to help kill withers. Hardly an issue for the people in full quantum but for the newbies it's nice to be able to kill a wither without any issues. So I created the standard MFFS mob killer setup that's featured in many videos. Tested it a few times and it worked just fine.

So I then invited a bunch of people to come watch and I activated it. And just as I build the wither instead of moving in it's spot like it should it actually moved sideways a bit outside the MFFS forcefield. Ofcourse it then proceeded to kill everyone around it. Oh, and the platform was a very nice looking one build in the middle of a lava lake. Guess where the items of the people who died fell?

Could not do much other than refund some of the stuff they lost. Guess they've learned that when I say "come watch this" they should be prepared to RUN :)
You my good sir /win this thread.
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Oh! I have another, this one is recent :)

I have been working on a Wither killer on our server, to help kill withers. Hardly an issue for the people in full quantum but for the newbies it's nice to be able to kill a wither without any issues. So I created the standard MFFS mob killer setup that's featured in many videos. Tested it a few times and it worked just fine.

So I then invited a bunch of people to come watch and I activated it. And just as I build the wither instead of moving in it's spot like it should it actually moved sideways a bit outside the MFFS forcefield. Ofcourse it then proceeded to kill everyone around it. Oh, and the platform was a very nice looking one build in the middle of a lava lake. Guess where the items of the people who died fell?

Could not do much other than refund some of the stuff they lost. Guess they've learned that when I say "come watch this" they should be prepared to RUN :)

"Hold my beer and watch this" is *never* a good thing to hear. :P
Oh! I have another, this one is recent :)

I have been working on a Wither killer on our server, to help kill withers. Hardly an issue for the people in full quantum but for the newbies it's nice to be able to kill a wither without any issues. So I created the standard MFFS mob killer setup that's featured in many videos. Tested it a few times and it worked just fine.

So I then invited a bunch of people to come watch and I activated it. And just as I build the wither instead of moving in it's spot like it should it actually moved sideways a bit outside the MFFS forcefield. Ofcourse it then proceeded to kill everyone around it. Oh, and the platform was a very nice looking one build in the middle of a lava lake. Guess where the items of the people who died fell?

Could not do much other than refund some of the stuff they lost. Guess they've learned that when I say "come watch this" they should be prepared to RUN :)

Only thing worse than losing your own stuff is losing someone else's xD
Oh! I have another, this one is recent :)

I have been working on a Wither killer on our server, to help kill withers. Hardly an issue for the people in full quantum but for the newbies it's nice to be able to kill a wither without any issues. So I created the standard MFFS mob killer setup that's featured in many videos. Tested it a few times and it worked just fine.

So I then invited a bunch of people to come watch and I activated it. And just as I build the wither instead of moving in it's spot like it should it actually moved sideways a bit outside the MFFS forcefield. Ofcourse it then proceeded to kill everyone around it. Oh, and the platform was a very nice looking one build in the middle of a lava lake. Guess where the items of the people who died fell?

Could not do much other than refund some of the stuff they lost. Guess they've learned that when I say "come watch this" they should be prepared to RUN :)
A tip of the gentlemen's hat to you sir.

I wonder how many people on that server still go "remember that time you killed everyone? That was great"
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So I am looking for an oil well to run my quarry. After hooking the refineries up with hundreds of redstone engines (when they did work), my quarry began to mine. This oil was in a swamp 2000 blocks away from my home, so I think, why not pipe the items? After sending the items through pipes over 2000 blocks (none of them gold or chunkloaded), my game began to lag.


I cannot access that world to this day.
In this world, before that happened, I had 5 doublechests out with all my stuff, creeper comes and breaks them all, no big deal. But I panicked, and a key got stuck that made everything zoomed in and slowed down and I couldn't walk, and I had to watch (in agony) as all my items despawned...in close up view and slow motion.
Nothing quite so bad as some of these, but...

Derping around in my manual tree farm one day, an enclosed, mob-safe area, I stepped away from the computer to refill my drink. By the time I got back, it was to discover that it wasn't the mobs that had it in for me, as the sapling I happened to be standing on decided to grow up around and suffocate me. There aren't many who can claim the trees in Minecraft have it out for them. :D
Two important lessons were learned this day: One, be very careful when placing high voltage IC power lines. Two, don't put your matter fabricator on the same circuit as every other machine in your house.

Big Badda Boom.png
Two important lessons were learned this day: One, be very careful when placing high voltage IC power lines. Two, don't put your matter fabricator on the same circuit as every other machine in your house.

Ouch. That is really the only thing I can think to say. Oh, wait, one more thing: Sweet, copper! See? There is a bright side the things.
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After all your failures, mine seems kinda pathetic...
So I was on the FTB forums, anxiously anticipating the latest DW20 pack update ("Maybe finally the configs will work for me again!" I say, as I practically bounce up and down in my chair). I download the pack, transfer everything over to MultiMC, and try to run Minecraft...
"Railcraft doesn't like the old version of Forge, might want to switch it up" The console said. I was confused (after all, stuff you put into InstMods gets automatically JAR'd, right?), so I went and downloaded a more recent version of Forge before slapping it into InstMods. I start up Minecraft again...
I go to check the Railcraft changelog and the DW20 pack changelog. They both say that the Forge version should be alright.
Then I go into the mod manager for MultiMC to check Forge's version.
"Hey hon you've got the right version of Forge here! Keep being awesome ^-^"
So then I go "WTF is this?"
And then I click the Rebuild JAR button, before opening up Minecraft. And finally it worked!
I facepalmed so hard I cracked my skull (as did my school friend who also plays Minecraft did when I told him my stupid mistake).

Once I start this Let's Play with my school friend, I should totally "accidentally" do some of these things to... y'know, shake things up a little bit. That Wither killer failure looks pretty good for use as a troll prank.
My favourite to date was:

I'd built a pretty awesome sky base, and I was just setting up a nether portal on the edge of one of the platforms. Laziness kicked it when I went to light it, and me, not having a flint and steel handy, decided: Hey, why not see if this wrath igniter works?

Cleaning up 200 blocks high worth of Lava that refuses to disappear at the removal of a source block is not the most fun thing to do on Feed The Beast.

Edit: Did i forget to mention there was another persons base below mine? yeah whoops. And he hadn't installed a roof yet. Shame he wasn't in it to witness the fail.
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Two important lessons were learned this day: One, be very careful when placing high voltage IC power lines. Two, don't put your matter fabricator on the same circuit as every other machine in your house.

View attachment 2343
That didn't use to be a problem till GregTech added the feature that when one machine blows from wrong voltage, the whole circuit goes up.
Not so much a fail as an "I wonder..." moment. Was derping around in a tunnelers dream flatmap and setup 4 standard size quarries all running at full speed thanks to 3 redstone energy cells each and dumping in to a TC3 crucible. Next thing I know I get attacked by about 10 wisp, struck by lightning, and affected by about every negative effect in the game. Gotta love all the flux. Tho it would make an awesome trap if you use teleporters to lure people in to the area.
Taking a nice stroll around my nice Nether Fortress until I come across a hole into Lava. I think, well this isn't so bad, because I had my jetpack on. I mouse over the jetpack to check its energy and forgot that
#1- I wasn't on hover mode
#2- You drop when you're in inventory not in hover mode

Did I forget to mention I had a Woven Miner's Backpack literally FULL with Copper, Tin, Iron, Diamonds, Emeralds, some gems (Sapphire, Green Sapphire, Ruby), and an ultimate solar helmet on? Now, this normally wouldn't be a problem, but for some reason, in FTB if I'm around large quantities of Lava in the nether and try to get away from them, I drop to 1 FPS for about... 20 seconds.
Accidentally breaking the wire that was turning off my skeleton and creeper spawners and not noticing for 5 minutes seems pretty mundane in comparison to some of the stories above.