Epic Fail stories

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Does that respect the usual exclusions such as bedrock and warded glass?
Tests reveal that it doesn't touch bedrock, warded blocks get sucked in, but are replaced immediatelly.

My current Epic fail story.... I got sucked into getting Simcity.... yeah I think EA needs to send lube with their games these days.

My other epic fail. Recently.

Forgetting that my mob system is currently wired to destory everything in lava while working on it and then breaking a soulcage only to see the shard go get sucked into the system destroyed... By by teir 5 blaze.
On a server, I was exploring a friend's house (some 1.3 kilometres away from spawn, without a good way bacl and forth). I was trying to get a good look at some bees hiding in a massive pit under his house, when suddenly I fell off the ladder. Byebye Fortune III, Unbreaking III, Efficiency V diamond pickaxe, and Unbreaking III, Power III, Infinity crossbow.
Once I got some closure on their final fate, I used some of the shared resources at the starting base to get better equipment (same crossbow but Thaumium Pick with good enchants instead).
I was waiting for my turtle to clear the last layers above bedrock, just to find it sitting there. On Ultimate. With Flat Bedrock.
The waterblock above is indestructible btw.
Oh, and while writing this, got blown up by a creeper, lava started pouring out nearby, destroying my newly built jetpack.
Of course.

I was waiting for my turtle to clear the last layers above bedrock, just to find it sitting there. On Ultimate. With Flat Bedrock.
The waterblock above is indestructible btw.
Oh, and while writing this, got blown up by a creeper, lava started pouring out nearby, destroying my newly built jetpack.
Of course.

View attachment 2615
I saw an unnamed item in C inventory when I placed it it looked like bedrock but when the block updated there was water on it
I was waiting for my turtle to clear the last layers above bedrock, just to find it sitting there. On Ultimate. With Flat Bedrock.
The waterblock above is indestructible btw.
Oh, and while writing this, got blown up by a creeper, lava started pouring out nearby, destroying my newly built jetpack.
Of course.

View attachment 2615

I'm pretty sure thats the bottom of one of the BC infinite water spring thingies, it will spawn a water source block whenever you update it and looks like bedrock.
Nothing to do with the Flat Bedrock mod :)
There are a few threads discussing them, like this one for example.
My biggest fail is probably putting my T5 blaze spawner in the basement of my house (which had a wood floor between the first and second levels), then trying to remodel the glass wall. I placed one glass block and it broke the redstone connection keeping the spawner off, while the rest of the wall was still down. I got blazes all through my house VERY fast. I wound up losing my grav suit and all of my tools because they despawned before I could get back to them since the blazes kept killing me as soon as I spawned. I finally had to just get buckets of water put every where. Totally wrecked my house. Stupid blazes.

The moral of the story is dont put a blaze spawner in your house, especially if you have a wood floor.

The other big failure I did is trying to get a stack of scrap out of my extra dimensional barrel with my Vajra in my hand. Doh.
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This is nearly as funny as the story about running a matter fabricator off an IC2 generator.. I saw this set up in one of our server player's bases just now (yes that it is a magma crucible powered by a redstone engine) :


It's currently filling up its 36000 MJ capacity at around 1 MJ per second. :D
Went into the nether only to find a creeper somehow there. It killed as well as took out my portal in the nether. Had to cheat in some flint and steel.
The very first time I setup a quarry using landmarks to increase the size. Had everything all setup quarry with an enderchest on top and an energy link and energy teleport pipe on the side (think of it like an energy tesseract). All shiny and ready to go. Flip on the power.... *poof* everything vanishes. I stood there staring at the space for a sec thinking it must be a graphical bug... but nothin. I was just about to throw my pc across the room before I figured it out. I couldn't get the quarry to respond to the landmarks until I had placed it INSIDE the line.... facepalm.

:eek::oops: I have made extra sure I never did this. Very paranoid the first time I used a quarry.[DOUBLEPOST=1364062470][/DOUBLEPOST]
I discovered that if you want to change the color combinations of your enderchest/pouch, you should remove the contents first. Arcane bore, Wand of Excavation, 1/2 stack of diamonds, magic armor, goggles of revealing... That and more gone!
Doublefail for not really understanding how enderchests work. lol your stuff is still here.

Yeah, reminds me of a feller I used to play with. We've been trying (and failing) to work together on a base, he was losing nano armor and diamond drills faster than I could mine the mats for them.
Urg people like this sound like they need some training wheels for a while. maybe the deathchest mod would be wise as farming charms would just be an extra hassle.

More comedy from the same guy. I've no idea what he's trying to do here!
Looks like he's putting energy into a Tess. :cool:
This is nearly as funny as the story about running a matter fabricator off an IC2 generator.. I saw this set up in one of our server player's bases just now (yes that it is a magma crucible powered by a redstone engine) :

It's currently filling up its 36000 MJ capacity at around 1 MJ per second. :D
We have a couple guys like that on my server too! I'm so amused. Also amused they're going the solar route after the patch lol. They have finally progressed to actually using their matter fabricator, producing a whopping 1 uu matter per day. And they claim to have been playing with some of these same mods for several months. I was strictly vanilla until I made this server in January.

They want my dragon egg too. I'm half-tempted to give it to them to see a bajillon _____ was killed by wisp, ______ was struck by lightning and god knows what else. I see plenty of those as it is :rolleyes: Not to mention LMAO when they find out they need to make the dragon egg energy siphon and how much iridium plate it takes.

My epic fail was demonstrating to one of these guys an obsidian pipe to void pipe while on mumble. My PTT button is middle mouse button and it sometimes scrolls as I"m talking. I was saying "watch this" while I hit q on what I thought was a stack of cobblestone. I ended up scrolling through the hotbar and hitting q on my advanced diamond drill. :oops: I never swore so much in my life. No more obsidian to void for me.
Was learning the ropes of Modular Powersuits, thought it'd be neat to try out the jetpack module.
(Back then I didn't know you had to up the thrust in the tinker table, I have no idea why.)
Decided it was a brilliant idea to test it by flying around outside my workshop.
My beautiful power armour, resources and tools all gone. Sads were had.