Epic Fail stories

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Xycraft updated so I was like YAY!!! let's go install it... did so, needed the newest Forge (534) accidentally installed the source version not universal, opened my world... every single mod item was instantly deleted...

yyyyeah from now on I'll start backing up my worlds :/
I made sure to back-up my world before setting off my first nuke to clear out a nice space underground for me to build ^.^ All went well, except all the levers getting knocked off the walls and all my iron/wood golems in my mob farms dying. Cows, Pigs, Chickens, Sheep, Slimes, Skeletons, Zombies, and Wither Skeletons everywhere.
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I used the Wand of Cooling to set the entire river around my (wooden) house into ice. That wouldn't be a problem, but then I used a Wrath Igniter on the Ice, thinking "Okay, it'll just melt all the ice" Nope. It destroyed all the ice, and then the normal fires left behind spread to my entire house, engulfing it, as well as the barrels and items I had in those barrels, aka over 2500 iridium (2 mass fabricators running on diamond dust = win), over 50 stacks of redstone, 20+ stacks of gold, and just... EVERYTHING. I had walls of my house as just barrels. I now have no resources left except for the few I left in some crystal chests. The backup of my world I have happens to be before I spent 5+ hours working on an underground base after I detonated the nuke mentioned above. I think I'm just going to ragequit for a few days to cool down >.> Likewise, the autum woods around my forest burned down a huge amount, as well as the MASSIVELY dense forest that I created through repeated use of a Terraformer on a plains biome. Someone kill me please...
Xycraft updated so I was like YAY!!! let's go install it... did so, needed the newest Forge (534) accidentally installed the source version not universal, opened my world... every single mod item was instantly deleted...

yyyyeah from now on I'll start backing up my worlds :/

Same thing just happened to me. I'm so impatient, I don't wanna wait for the Launcher to update.
Yeah, reminds me of a feller I used to play with. We've been trying (and failing) to work together on a base, he was losing nano armor and diamond drills faster than I could mine the mats for them.

Sounds like my irl friend I have on my server.. Hes dying every 5 min it seems.. Thing is I made the mistake the first time he died he claimed it was some bug so I gave him his stuff back since iM server admin.. Now anytime he dies he wants stuff back. (tho i aint doing it anymore).. He will die in dumb ways like walking off a clif or something and yelling fallin dmg is op.. He swears that fall dmg is harder on my server then any other hes played on i told him hes nutz.[DOUBLEPOST=1362252224][/DOUBLEPOST]
My first foray into building wrath lamps -- i needed 16, so I started by crafting 16 wrath igniters...

I did the same thing... I also did that with the redpower 2 diamond plate things lol..
Xycraft updated so I was like YAY!!! let's go install it... did so, needed the newest Forge (534) accidentally installed the source version not universal, opened my world... every single mod item was instantly deleted...

yyyyeah from now on I'll start backing up my worlds :/

Yeah... I run a script these days that backs up my world saves with a date stamp then lunches MC. One to many times have I done an Update only to find it blew sometihign up.
So this isnt really too much of a ground breaking fail, but just something that I thought was a little fail on my own.

Le me, derping around in the Ultimate pack beta (Not telling you where you get it, find out yourself lazy asses >:( ) spawned in a vajriaskdjaksdasdas thing, because GT got all these new texture updates and some cool new toys (Advanced electric jetpack (gravity suit in jetpack form), etc ) and I found out that you can right click to destroy the block you are looking at, so you don't destroy the next 10 blocks behind it. So le me clearing out an area with it. Pro tip guys: Don't right and left click on the same block at the same exact time. Corrupted my world :3
We built our Nether Portal, and all jumped in. My friends immediately moved forwards out of the portal on the other end to get rid of the wibbly wobbly... straight over the edge and into a huge lava lake 50 blocks below. One of them had our Portal Gun on him, that we'd found in a chest.

Later on that same day, we'd just made some Soul Shards and I wanted to go farm a Blaze Spawner that I'd encased in Cobblestone. We needed books for an enchanting table, though, so I went and farmed some leather first. Now we have no shortage of Cow Shards.

Oh, and then when we'd made some more shards, I was on my way to the portal when I got ambushed by a Fire Bat. We really didn't need a Fire Bat Shard, but hey, it wasn't far back to the base to pick up a fresh one, and diamonds are pretty cheap nowadays.
I heard some strange rumor about "shooting the moon whit the portal gun"...
Don't shoot the moon wen you have a portal right below your feet...Oh the horror!
Especially don't shoot a moon portal when the other half is near expensive blocks like Iridium-reinforced Tungsteel (see what I did thar?) Alloy Blocks. The little sucker will... suck those expensive blocks away without a moment's quibbling.
I think. Not 100% sure. Could use some Testing... ack, I feel the need to Test that, now. Always Test Everything...
I had bit of an "epic" fail last evening. I've been working on a rather large mobile Redpower2 frame quarry, which can move in six directions. It's also got a fancy 150 block breaker drill head that goes up and down. I had the guts built and it was working like a dream. I then started to "pretty" it up with a LOT of covers: Ruby, Obsidian, Spruce Wood and Stone. I was incredibly proud of myself lol.

Well I went to move it into position last night and it wouldn't budge! I was devastated. I took a few breaths and started to retrace my steps. I ended up pretty much removing every cover I added, destroying the drill head and removing the control room. It finally moved and I was completely baffled....until this morning. I totally forgot about the 1000 frame limit in the RP2 cfg!!!! I think I was under the impression that it meant "just" frames, but it would seem that things attached also count towards that total. I then changed it to 2000, re-added everything and am happy digging...again =).

Oooh and to top it off, I had my volume off while working on this thing last night. At one point I was on the ground in our "obsidian walled" fortress, when all of a sudden I started taking some serious damage! I look behind me and a bloody ogre had spawned inside our castle and worked his way out, taking a huge wall and floor above him along the way! Bastard! But that's Mo and part of the challenge haha.
the amount of times lava and i have had fail times.........
however one of my worst is geting everything for a i'blast then remembering i need 2 buckets of lava in the middle so i hop into the neather with all my stuff while using boots of the traveler walk into a walk thinking normal minecraft ill be stopped..... went right over losing not only the i'blast and casings but my repair silk touch pick and haste 3 repair boots of the traveler...
I'll start off by saying this all happened in the same day And it was really late at night or early in the morning depending on how you want to look at it.....I picked up a very bad habit from watching direwolfs videos I was carrying all my fancy tools in a canvas bag on me. SO I had a bunch of stuff in the bag like redstone cell, bunch of electric tools, wands, yada yada, and my advanced diamond drill on me, chainsaw, boots of the traveler, goggles of revealing, jetpack advanced lappack..

Just went for a really quick trip into the nether to just get a few nether bricks ( really dumb to bring all that into the nether) and while I was up on the wall mining the bricks a damn firebat knocked me off into the lava and everything gone..

After that I said screw the canvas bag and figured out to use a ender pouch, so made the ouch remade my diamond drill and everything else that was on me, went into my mystcraft world to get some silverwood saplings spent like an hour to get 3 saplings and im running along and fell into a 1 block sized hole into lava... Lost all my stuff again...( Didnt loose the stuff in the ender ouch of course but wasnt much in there after loosing it all earlier so I just lost the stuff I had on my character which was the advanced drill, advanced lappack, goggles, boots of travler, chainsaw , 2 ender pouches, 3 silverwood saplings, pick of the core from a chest..)

Then I was chilling in my base after remaking my stuff again.. ( Never had any mob issues in the base before) and someone called me to come downstairs in my irl house so I just my character chilling in my base.. Came back about 10 minutes later to see I was dead with all my stuff laying on the ground.. I respawned and all the stuff was gone as it already despawned from my being dead so long. ( Lost the same amount of stuff as the previous death)

SO I lost all my expensive stuff 3 times in the same day..

I was furious.. So I don't play anymore when I'm that tired I just go to bed..
Using an inverted MV transformer to power my mass fab with it switch off when not needed using some gates (a bit backwards way, don't know if recent updates fixed the condition in mass fabs)... But.. upgraded power system to an autoswitching double MFSU so I decided to swap out that MV for an HV...

BIG BOOM as soon as the first piece of scrap hit the system switching the transformer :)
Then I was chilling in my base after remaking my stuff again.. ( Never had any mob issues in the base before) and someone called me to come downstairs in my irl house so I just my character chilling in my base.. Came back about 10 minutes later to see I was dead with all my stuff laying on the ground..
What killed you? I've occasionally had Endermen turn up in my very well-lit underground base. I do have an open doorway that's a couple of blocks above the floor, but I thought that they could only teleport to places that they could path to.
Now this is not what happened to me but someone else on a server that I was on. Also it's only meh funny.
These two people where outside their base when an angry zombie decided to come in. The visitor managed to kill them and take their armor. Also, the tooken armor had thorns on it so that apparently (glitch maybe) caused the zombie to become invisible. They died a total of about 10 times before the zombie decided to go horny with a cactus. Right on top of it. And that's how you can lose some good amour.
What killed you? I've occasionally had Endermen turn up in my very well-lit underground base. I do have an open doorway that's a couple of blocks above the floor, but I thought that they could only teleport to places that they could path to.

Im not sure really I don't remember since I never looked at the chat to see. As soon as I respawned and noticed my stuff had despawned I logged off and went to bed I was so ticked off.
Sooo, I forgot my golden minecraft rules. In the nether, hit a pigman on accident, and to escape them in my crowded tunnel as they were on both sides closing in on me.... I dug straight down. If I trapped myself in a hole, the pigman would rape me. There was only one block on the floor of the tunnel, and a fall towards lava. FML
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