Unsupported Direwolf 20: 1.6.4 {PUBLIC BETA}

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Mod Pack: Direwolf20
Mod & Version: Ars Magica 2 v1.1.2b
Pastebin link to crash log: I copy pasted the part that was spamming. It would only spam this when I turned on the pie chart with Shift+F3. Here is the log.
Whats the bug? Not really a bug (yet?), but after a few days of my server running, after I place a Nexus, I start getting frame rate lag on the Client side. After I break the Nexus, the lag completely vanishes. The lag doesn't appear right when I make the nexus but a few days after. Like when it becomes fully charged (100%) it causes my console to spam "Something's taking too long! 'root.tick.textures' took aprox 105.755169 ms". Of course the 'ms' changes randomly. But, as stated above, it completely stops lagging when I break the nexus.
Can it be repeated? Yes, after a few days of the nexus running.
Known Fix: Only to break the nexus.
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.18
Mod & Version: Forestry
Pastebin link to crash log: No crash, it's a broken recipe
Whats the bug?
Thermionic fabricator
When trying to craft tin electron tubes it wont work when you use liquid glass, this is what all the wiki pages i have found says i need. And this will not work. NEI tells me i need biomass as the liquid, but tell me i need to smelt down glass/sand/glass panes.
Can it be repeated? Yes
Known Fix:

I have tryed pumping biomass into the fabricator will not accept the liquid.

You don't pump liquid into it. Just take glass blocks and put them in the upper left slot. Provided you have power the fabricator will melt the glass and make the item. Each glass block is good for 8 electron tubes.[DOUBLEPOST=1394551716][/DOUBLEPOST]
Mod Pack: Direwolf20
Mod & Version: 1.0.18
Pastebin link to crash log:http://pastebin.com/Tcxxxvz2
Whats the bug? I cant start a singleplayer game after i create a world crash the client and the log says:
[Information] [ForgeModLoader] The state engine was in incorrect state SERVER_ABOUT_TO_START and forced into state SERVER_STOPPED. Errors may have been discarded.
Can it be repeated? Yes.
Known fix: None

Could you please post the crash report instead of the console log? It should be located here:

C:\Minecraft FTB\Direwolf20_1_6_4\minecraft\crash-reports\crash-2014-03-11_01.58.03-server.txt
You don't pump liquid into it. Just take glass blocks and put them in the upper left slot. Provided you have power the fabricator will melt the glass and make the item. Each glass block is good for 8 electron tubes.[DOUBLEPOST=1394551716][/DOUBLEPOST]

Could you please post the crash report instead of the console log? It should be located here:

C:\Minecraft FTB\Direwolf20_1_6_4\minecraft\crash-reports\crash-2014-03-11_01.58.03-server.txt

Mod Pack: Direwolf20 (1.0.18) - Multiplayer Server
Mods: Modular Powersuits, Thaumcraft
Whats the bug: Severe ticking entities in chunks that have never been loaded causing console to fill up with errors. This happens every few seconds in the console, with three different items: Arrows, Lux capacitors, and Golem Darts.
[SEVERE] [Minecraft-Server] Wrong location! EntityLuxCapacitor['entity.powersuits.entityLuxCapacitor.name'/5047, l='DW20World', x=-39861.63, y=-53708.89, z=141355.29
Partial Server Log: http://pastebin.com/SYnwAgqV (Partial as I do not want to release IP Addresses on a public forum.)
The Issue is: This seems to be causing a very high CPU and Memory Usage for my server, causing it to lag due to excessive lines in the console constantly. Although I could be wrong, I don't really understand coding.
Server Details: 4gb of memory on a dedicated computer running linux, and multicraft.

I'm not certain of this. Did this start happening after you updated to 1.018? The log indicates the following line:
  1. java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/bouncycastle/jce/provider/BouncyCastleProvider
This is part of the libraries folder. I would suggest using the the force update button located on the options tab of the launcher to force FTB to reload the pack. BouncyCastle is part of java not part of the FTB.
Think I have replicated the issue on 1.0.18.

Fine in 1.0.15, 1.0.16, just not in .18.

Fresh worlds, fresh setup every-time, no mods added.

The configuration is all the same with all same versions.
Delete your nei folder in your saves folder issue was instantly resolved for me

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.18
Mod & Version: Buildcraft 4.2.2
Pastebin link to crash log: Not a crash, but very serious

Whats the bug? Items travelling through BC pipes are disappearing when a single-player world is loaded! D:

OK, obviously you need a little more to go on than that. My first clue that something strange was going on was when I started getting into bee breeding with Forestry in a new single-player world. Over the stretch of a few days I had set up and automated a couple dozen apiaries and found that the princess/queen had disappeared from one of them. I made darn sure to only use pristine stock princesses so I thought maybe an ignoble found its way in by accident, but then this happened again a few days later with a brand new bee that was definitely pristine stock. Thus I first thought maybe something was wrong with Forestry.

...but then, fast forward to a few hours ago when I had to quickly test something and had ended up saving and quitting while looking directly at some BC transport pipes with items flowing through them. A few minutes later I reloaded and the pipes were EMPTY.

I did some testing and explored the raw world data with NBTExplorer and it turns out that the items are definitely being saved along with the world data, yet when the world is loaded, those items are lost... MOSTLY.

I think what's going on is that the process which loads in the travelling entities in the pipes is getting interrupted shortly after being started by some other concurrent process, since if I only just booted up Minecraft, it takes longer to load a world for whatever reason, and a handful of items (the most recent to be inserted into pipes) will load in fine, but the majority will be gone. If I've already loaded a world and load another without exiting Minecraft, the world loads faster and ALL travelling entities in my pipes will disappear. Even travelling entities in unloaded chunks disappear upon world load.

Can it be repeated? Yes. Just make a quick and dirty BC pipe system in a single player world, have some items start travelling through, close the world, reload it, and most/all of the items in the pipes should be gone.

Known Fix: No idea...
If you are having an issue with Forge Multipart manually update to FMP 250 . That should fix the issue. (Hopefully)
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.18
Mod & Version: Buildcraft 4.2.2
Pastebin link to crash log: Not a crash, but very serious

Whats the bug? Items travelling through BC pipes are disappearing when a single-player world is loaded! D:

OK, obviously you need a little more to go on than that. My first clue that something strange was going on was when I started getting into bee breeding with Forestry in a new single-player world. Over the stretch of a few days I had set up and automated a couple dozen apiaries and found that the princess/queen had disappeared from one of them. I made darn sure to only use pristine stock princesses so I thought maybe an ignoble found its way in by accident, but then this happened again a few days later with a brand new bee that was definitely pristine stock. Thus I first thought maybe something was wrong with Forestry.

...but then, fast forward to a few hours ago when I had to quickly test something and had ended up saving and quitting while looking directly at some BC transport pipes with items flowing through them. A few minutes later I reloaded and the pipes were EMPTY.

I did some testing and explored the raw world data with NBTExplorer and it turns out that the items are definitely being saved along with the world data, yet when the world is loaded, those items are lost... MOSTLY.

I think what's going on is that the process which loads in the travelling entities in the pipes is getting interrupted shortly after being started by some other concurrent process, since if I only just booted up Minecraft, it takes longer to load a world for whatever reason, and a handful of items (the most recent to be inserted into pipes) will load in fine, but the majority will be gone. If I've already loaded a world and load another without exiting Minecraft, the world loads faster and ALL travelling entities in my pipes will disappear. Even travelling entities in unloaded chunks disappear upon world load.

Can it be repeated? Yes. Just make a quick and dirty BC pipe system in a single player world, have some items start travelling through, close the world, reload it, and most/all of the items in the pipes should be gone.

Known Fix: No idea...

I can confirm that something similar is also occuring on our multiplayer server. Standard Direwolf20 1.0.16.

Once player actually saw the pipes spit all the bees out on to the ground.

Other players have used BC pipes and logic pipes with no issues - it seems to be either apiarist pipe or bee related. Either way it's very random and we have only have 4 examples in the last week or so that people have noticed.


I can confirm that something similar is also occuring on our multiplayer server. Standard Direwolf20 1.0.16.

Once player actually saw the pipes spit all the bees out on to the ground.

Other players have used BC pipes and logic pipes with no issues - it seems to be either apiarist pipe or bee related. Either way it's very random and we have only have 4 examples in the last week or so that people have noticed.


In testing with a brand new creative-mode world, I was able to reproduce the issue I ran into with nothing more than chests, stone transport pipes, autarchic gates, and stacks of smooth stone to send through the pipes. Nothing more.

What you're describing Jim may or may not be something else entirely since I haven't run into pipes spewing items out unless they're configured wrong or trying to inject into blocks which can't accept items that way. So long as my world is running, nothing goes wrong and items in my pipes don't disappear. It's only when loading a world that virtually everything travelling in the pipes goes missing. :/

And yeah, I should've clarified I'm using the 1.0.18 DW20 pack as is with no extra mods or changes to the default configuration, short of re-enabling all of the biomes added by Biomes o' Plenty in the configs.
I know this bug has been reported, but its been a couple of months. I'm reporting it again because this is part of my MAIN storage system.

Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.18
Mod & Version: Applied Energistics (rv14.finale3) & Factorization (v0.8.29)
Pastebin link to crash log: N/A
Whats the bug? No items show in the ME Network from Barrels with Storage Buses on any side of them. Items can still be stored into barrels through the Storage Buses, but no items can be seen in the Access Terminal.
Can it be repeated? Yes.
Known Fix: N/A
not sure if this has been posted:
Mod Pack: Direwolf20
Mod & Version: ProjectRed 1.6.4-
Pastebin link to crash log:http://pastebin.com/PsTE8Pf8
Whats the bug: broke one of their pipes/tubes, crash
Can it be repeated? yes, but not consistently
Known Fix: dont break pipes
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I know this bug has been reported, but its been a couple of months. I'm reporting it again because this is part of my MAIN storage system.

Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.18
Mod & Version: Applied Energistics (rv14.finale3) & Factorization (v0.8.29)
Pastebin link to crash log: N/A
Whats the bug? No items show in the ME Network from Barrels with Storage Buses on any side of them. Items can still be stored into barrels through the Storage Buses, but no items can be seen in the Access Terminal.
Can it be repeated? Yes.
Known Fix: N/A

I don't think this is a bug. Factorization barrels were designed so that items go in the top and pulled from the bottom. Since a storage bus uses the same side for both it doesn't work well with these barrels.
I don't think this is a bug. Factorization barrels were designed so that items go in the top and pulled from the bottom. Since a storage bus uses the same side for both it doesn't work well with these barrels.
I would use deep storage units. they are a little more expensive to craft, but you get practically unlimited storage. And storage buses don't have a problem with sending/receiving items from them .

Edit: I quoted the wrong person, but you get the idea ;)
I don't think this is a bug. Factorization barrels were designed so that items go in the top and pulled from the bottom. Since a storage bus uses the same side for both it doesn't work well with these barrels.
items can go in the back of the barrel as well, did you try two storage buses? one on top configured to store the item and one on the back or side that has no config, should work.
Mod Pack: direwolf20 1.0.18
mod and version: unsure, something to do with multipart and TE3
Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/n6ibUsAt
bug? see screen shots
repeatable? yes
known fix: place a terrain smasher as if it was breaking the missing block

cover on a fluiduct, whole block is missing


block update didnt fix, i placed a cover in the space and my game crashed. EDIT: i tried breaking an adjacent fluiduct, same crash. FIX, PLACING A TERRAIN SMASHER AS IF IT WAS TO BREAK WHAT WAS IN THAT BLOCKSPACE FIXED THE ISSUE
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Mod Pack: direwolf20 1.0.18
Mod & Version: Ars Magica 2 v1.1.2b
Pastebin link to crash log: N.A.
Whats the bug: Huge numbers of hecate spawns to the point where no other types of mobs seem to spawn
Can it be repeated? Yes
Known Fix: See below

I believe I may have stumbled on the cause of the hecate spawn problem. The AM2.cfg file seems to flag the variables below as booleans, when they probably should be flagged as integer.

# mobs
# Spawn control for different AM mobs.
mobs {

I replaced the line

which seems to have helped on my world.

Update: no it didn't. Added 'B:HecateSpawn=false' now as well.
Update 2: sorry, doesn't seem to be helping much.

This does.
additional {
  # List any mob names you want disabled on the server
  S:disableMobNames <
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I made the mistake of trying to make steel in the Induction Smelter form Thermal Expansion and now I can't enter my world anymore. Now I tried making steel again on a test world to see if It was a regular thing but I didn't have any issues on the test world.

Mod Pack: Direwolf20
Mod & Version:1.0.18
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/330DVVLx
Whats the bug?: Game crashed while trying to make steel in the Induction Smelter. Now the game crashes trying to load the world.
Can it be repeated?: No
Known Fix:???
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