Creating New FTB Team: Positions Open

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Mod: Witchery

Quest Line: Brew Master
Quest Title:
Looking the Part
Now that you've got your kettle set up, you'll want to make sure you dressed properly. A nice hat and some matching robes should do...
Craft a Witches Hat and Robes
Step 1:
Manually submit a Witches Hat
Step 2: Manually submit a Witches Robe
Enchanted Broom
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi, I tried to give a bit of context regarding my quest by describing how I would place it in a quest line since. I think the quest could best be appreciated in the context of such quest-line. If you want to be strict about not considering quest lines you can ignore the "context" part of this post.

I imagine this quest as part of a quest line "Lonely" that is less of a progression questline for a specific mod but more of a story quest line. In the quest line I imagine a socially estranged wizzard who does know social relations from descriptions and catch-phrases but has little first hand experience with other people and thus tends to misunderstand certain concepts and catch-phrases... . I wouldn't focus such a quest line on just one mod. But I guess this particular quest itself could be said to be thaumcraft-based.
In this quest I focus on creating a Golem, but one could easily imagine similar quests aimed towards trying to get the man's best friend (dog), trying to bribe a zombie into friendship by achieving "diamonds to you" (diamonds are forever, right?) or getting a familiar in witchery. Since I know little to nothing about how the pack will be balanced / structured I did not try to balance the quest requirements or award, but instead tried to make them fit the quest's story.

I imagine this quest to take place after being rejected by Pigmen despite trying to help them mine their gold in the nether.

Quest Title: Making Friends
Description: Who needs those pigmen? I can't understand them anyway! Maybe I should stop looking for friends and start making friends!
Instructions: (This is a detection task. Once crafted the quest will be completed.)
Step: First I will need to make a body. It will probably need an iron constitution to withstand my raw magic power!
Requirement for step: detect 1 Iron Golem
Step: Now for the personality. They say the chemistry needs to be just right...
Requirement for step: detect 1 Golem Animation Core (Alchemy)
- Always: All Golem Upgrades (Air, Earth, Entropy, Fire, Order, Water)
- Choose One: Tiny Bowtie, Tiny Fez, Tiny Hat, Tiny Spectables
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sorry that my quest is about very basic Thaumcraft. I know a lot about it Witchery and Ars Magica 2 though and botania looks fun to learn. Even sorrier about mistakes in my writing here. I'm on my phone.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Quest Title: Lighter Than Air...
Mod: Blood Magic
Context: (I'd say it's an early-mid tier quest)
Description: Upon your travels, you've noticed how inconvenient it is to get around, especially to elevated heights. After some thinking, you believe imbuing a slate with a concentrated tear from one of those blasted ghasts that reside in the Nether, as well as some feathers freshly plucked from some of the hens in your chicken shed. A simple thought should create a simple, but strong gust of wind from behind you, generated by a minuscule amount of your own life-essence pool. Be weary though, and time your gusts carefully, you'll still get hurt from a high fall!
Instructions: Create an Air Sigil
1. Detect one (1) reinforced slate
2. Detect six feathers
3. Detect one ghast tear
4. Craft one air sigil
Requirement for step: (I'd imagine a quest involving getting a tier-two blood altar and orb would be before this one, as well as one involving making blood runes in the first place)
Further Steps: (TBA)
Reward: Cloud Sandals (Leather boots with Feather Falling II or III, y'all's choice here.)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is my shot a this XD anyway this mod is Witchery and it teaches you how to make a Hunger Protection Poppet

Quest Title: Hunger Be Gone!

Description: After being told about the secrets of witchcraft, you have decided to follow the mystic ways of becoming a witch. You have discovered these objects called poppets, with these you suspect you might be able to refill your hunger, but you fear due to the amount of power used, that in this process your creation might be destroyed.

Instructions: Create A Hunger Protection Poppet
Step: 1: Poppet? - Craft one poppet
2: Blood? - Detect one Taglock
3: Flesh? and Melons?! - Detect two rotten flesh
Detect two Glistering Melons
4: Bye Bye Hunger! - Craft one Hunger Protection Poppet

Requirement for step: Some Low level Witchery things eg. Witches Oven, making Mutandis etc

Further Steps: Circle Magic - Using an Altar and some rites eg. Rite of binding

Reward: Always - Witchery: Circle Magic, 6 Altar blocks, golden chalk, ritual chalk

Choice between - Arthana or Candelabra


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Quest Title: Rituals of Blood: The Ritual Stones
Description: With the Magician's Blood Orb; you find that you have a variety of new bloody machinations and venues to explore! Your current understanding of the soul network in addition to your connection to it leads you to believe that you can go further than the imperfect, weak rituals you've beheld from what seems to be so long ago. Now, you think you can create immense and powerful feats of magic capable of transforming the world itself! However, such Herculean efforts are obviously very demanding; too demanding for the previous ritual setup...

Perhaps you need something even greater; grand structures that can use life essence to compel the world to dance and distort to your will.

...But what will they be made of?

Instructions: (Use the book to manually detect the crafted items.)
Step 1: The Ritual Stones: The Foundation
Requirement for step:
Create 4 ritual stones.

Step 2: The Master Ritual Stone: The Core
Requirement for step:
Create a master ritual stone.

Step 3: The Inscriptions: The Foci
Requirement for step:
Craft the elemental inscriptions of Air, Water, Earth, Fire, and Dusk.

-32 Ritual Stones
Last edited:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Quest Title:A means to a never-ending end
Description:After the understanding of brewing and tirelessly creating you discover a way to ease your woes and if done correctly stop many of them.
Instructions: Create a Witches hat, robes and a necromantic stone.
Step:1. submit the witches hat, robes and necromantic stone.
Requirement for step:Circle magic, distillery, Witches oven and a spinning wheel.

Further Steps:An altar is required for the circle magic(1000 altar power).
Reward:always- 16 disturbed cotton, 2 whiffs of magic and 1 diamond vapor
option between- Baba Yaga's hat or 2 necromantic stones


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Quest Title: It's called fashion, look it up!
Description: You are not fabulous enough to progress further, the other witches are talking about you.
Instructions: This is a detection task. Once crafted the quest(s) will be completed.
Step: Craft a bark belt
Requirement for step: Complete all other basic quests before this one and you can't move on without doing it.
Further Steps: n/a
Reward: Witch's hat
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Active Member
Jul 7, 2013
not to be rude but everyone's quest are very unrealistic for a beginning quest cause they ask for like so much for only the beginning. but thats just me when I skim through everyone's submissions


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
not to be rude but everyone's quest are very unrealistic for a beginning quest cause they ask for like so much for only the beginning. but thats just me when I skim through everyone's submissions
Its not for a beginning quest. The first post does not say "Beginning quest" it's asking for a "Basic quest."
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No one wants to do crazy witchery
have it your way (BURGER KING!)
Mod: Witchery
Quest Title:Facing Madness
Description:You hear the voices yelling and screaming at you while you dream.It torments you to the core of your being.If only you can destroy the torment at its heart.....
Oh wait all you got to do is kill the lord of torment using all the magical power you can muster. Get ready to face madness.

Instructions:The lord of torment can't be spawned regularly so you need different items to do this plus you need to find a stone circle (this is a detection task once in inventory the task/s will be completed)
Step 1: Create a demonic contract and summon a Flame Imp
Step 2:make a taglock and right click where you sleep to bind it to you
Step 3:bind the contract to yourself and give to the demon
Step 4:Feed Imp diamonds or emeralds to have a higher chance to get the Torment scroll
Step 5:Hold down right click while holding torment scroll in center of stone circle to spawn the lord of torment. Next Kill the lord of torment and take his soul.
Requirements for Quest:Must be fully infused in order to do this
Further steps: N/A
Rewards:1 Epic reward bag,1 Kobaldite pickaxe,1 Thaumium bossed silverwood wand


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Mod: Thaumcraft
Quest Title: I'll show you REAL sacrifice
Description: Anyone can sacrifice a little blood, you have gone deeper. You have given up your sanity for power.
Instructions: This is a manual submission quest
Step: Craft a Void Seed
Requirement for step: submit 1 void seed
Reward: 1 void seed, 1 eldritch eye, 3 bath salts

(FYI i know most magic mods and a lot of tech mods too..)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Quest Title: The Good (Note: Would be alongside 2 other quests: "The Bad" and "The Ugly", all three about Botania flowers)
Description: Some flowers are created out of good, some are created out of bad, and others are just plain ugly. These flowers are created out of the most brilliant good.
Instructions: Detection Task. Only required in inventory, not to be handed in.
Step 1: The Wondrerful Jaded
Requirement for step 1: Acquire a Jaded Amaranthus. The Jaded Amaranthus creates more flowers wherever she walked-- I mean, is planted. (With a little bit of mana of course)
Step 2: The Agricarnation Innovation
Requirement for step 2: Acquire an Agricarnation. The Agricarnation is a natural fertiliser which encourages plants to grow quicker with a little mana. Not instantly, but faster nonetheless!
Step 3: Jiyuulia-ette
Requirement for step 3: Acquire a Jiyuulia. The Jiyuulia keeps animals safe in a confined area. It also contains monsters to protect you from some harm, providing it's got a constant supply of mana.
Step 4: Loonacy
Requirement for step 4: Acquire an Loonium. The Loonium materialises dungeon treasures from around the world for the cost of a little mana. Added with a Hopperhock, it can make for some crazy good automation. Although, for some reason, heads keep popping up. I wonder who's putting them there?
Step 5: Yourchid
Requirement for step 5: Acquire an Orechid. The Orechid changes nearby stone blocks to ores for the cost of a whole lot of mana. It also works on modded ores, such as Thaumcraft Amber.
Reward: 5x Pure Daisy, 1x Fully Charged Mana Tablet, 4x Floating White Flower, 1x Epic Reward Bag. Choice of 1x Hopperhook OR 1x Hungry Chest.


Active Member
Jul 7, 2013
Its not for a beginning quest. The first post does not say "Beginning quest" it's asking for a "Basic quest."
in the end its not really a basic quest if they ask you to do a BIG thing in whatever mod that person pick.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
in the end its not really a basic quest if they ask you to do a BIG thing in whatever mod that person pick.

Not to argue, but Computercraft is few blocks, but certainly not basic, unlike a huge, purely esthetic cobblestone structure.

Well, the important bit I feel is to remember that this is a display of your writing capabilities in the context of the task given to the future literary team, rather than you know, an actual quest design pooling that will be directly plucked from this thread and pasted into the game. As such, I feel the "basic" part, no matter if it implied something early-game or something that takes less than fifteen steps to complete, is more of a guideline. An important guideline, as communication skills and reading comprehension is important for it all.

One thing to remember in the final job -I humbly feel- is that, no matter how much heart and soul you're going to pour into your writing, ultimately, 99% of the players will come to test, try, learn and play with the mods. And that this story business is secondary at best. Now whether the people that already know the mods will be more interested in the story since they already know the technical part, or even less interested in it, because they just want to get this over with, grab the rewards, and be done with it, is debatable. Which of course also poses the discussion regarding what rewards to pick, how much can you facilitate advancement with them, will there be randomized bags and so on, but that's less our direct concern aside from the occasional flavorful addition (like the alumentum bag and discarded warning label seen earlier in this thread)

In this application process, just like in the ultimate task you'll be asked to do, always remember that you're writing for others, not primarily for yourself. I just feel you can achieve what's required with both early-game, and end-game contents. And I may perfectly be in the wrong :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Quest Title: Thaumic Advancements
Description:In order to procceed through the Thaumic magiks, you must first construct an Infusion Altar. This is a very powerful, and dangerous, structure. The main principle of the Infusion altar is to infuse many items into a single, central item through the use of the thaumic aspects, in the form of essentia. Be warned, this process is dangerous.
Instructions: Create an Infusion Altar. Once the structure is built, right click the Matrix with your wand in order to construct the altar itself.
Step:Craft 1 Runic Matrix, 4 Arcane Stone Bricks, 4 Arcane Stone Blocks, and 7 Arcane Pedestals.
Requirement for step:
Further Steps:
Reward: Either 16 Essentia Jars (empty), 5 Arcane Alembics, or 64 Essentia Tubes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Mod: Thaumcraft 4

Quest Title: Harnessing The Void

Description: You thought you knew everything that you could possibly learn about thaumaturgy, but something has been bothering you, something is affecting you're mind. You see things in the corner of you're eye, you go temporarily blind on occasion, whispers from an unknown entity clog you're brain. With further inspection, you have concluded that the warp you have accumulated over you're studies into thaumaturgy have permanently stained you. While the warp effects appear to be uncontrollable, it has shown you insight into the past, and you have started to learn things about ancient eldritch knowledge. You think you can begin to harness some of the power that the ancients once controlled.

Instructions: Manual Detection Quest.

Step 1: Concentrated Void.
Requirement for step 1: Craft A Void Seed.

Step 2: Strengthening Thaumium
Requirement for step 2: Craft a Voidmetal Ingot.

Reward: Greater Reward Bag, 4 Voidmetal Ingots.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Quest Title: Dabbling in the arts
Description: You feel the calling. Forces for good and those forces that could be used for good (maybe) are calling for you. Rather than resist you decide to delve into these differing arts to see where it will lead you, hoping to remain sane and not have to give up a piece of your soul in the process.
Instructions: Prove your desire to be a master of all the arts and create the basic items needed to start your journey to either power or madness.
Step 1: Detection - Blood Magic
Requirement for step: Create Sacrificial Dagger
Step 1: Submission - Botania
Requirement for step: 16 Mystical White flowers
Step 1: Detection - Necromancy
Requirement for step: 4 Bone Needles and 1 Necronomicon
Step 1: Detection - Thaumcraft
Requirement for step: Thauminomicon
Step 1: Detection - Witchery
Requirement for step: Witches oven and 16 Clay Jars
Reward: Blood Altar, Petal Apothecary, Scythe, Thaumometer, 6 Altar blocks
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Quest Title: Arcane Revelations
Description: Building on your knowledge of thaumatugy and using the basic principles of the thaumometer you deduce you could be more productive if only you could use both your hands.
Instructions: Use the book to manually submit Goggles of Revealing.
Steps: Craft the Googles of revealing in a Arcane workbench
Requirement for steps: Arcane Workbench, Iron Caped Wooded Wand with 5 of each aspect, 4xLeather, 2xGold Ingots, 2xThaumometer
Reward: 1xGoogles of Revealing