Creating New FTB Team: Positions Open

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I've been telling Chris for a while that you guys needed more writers, so I guess I shouldn't blow my big chance...

Mod: Necromancy

Quest Title: A Brief Altar-cation

Unlock Requirements: Two or more quests having the player learn about/make Bone Needles, Scythes, Jars of Blood/Soul in a Jar and the Sewing Machine.

Description: The art of necromancy does not come easily--to create your legion of minions, you will need an altar to imbue them with life. Without it, your legion is of nothing but body parts.

Step 1:
Getting It Built
Instructions: Did you think you would make a necrotic altar out of nothing?
Requirements: 4x Cobblestone Slab, 2x Cobblestone Wall, 1x Wood Planks [variety of wood can be made more specific for a small, extra challenge], 1x Torch

Step 2: A Small Sacrifice
Instructions: A summoning altar won’t appear just because you willed it. You’ll need some essential materials to give it its power.
Requirements: 16x Jar of Blood, 16x Soul in a Jar, 16x Bone, 64x Skin

Step 3: Words of Power
Instructions: Sewing the parts together is a start, but it’s the word of magic that fills them with life. A Necronomicon will give you the knowledge you need to do so.
Requirements: 1x Necronomicon

Reward: 1x Good Reward Bag, 1x Summoning Altar
Mod: Necromancy

Quest Title: IT'S ALIVE


step 1. MWAHHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHA you have created life oh wait not yet you haven't

step 2. Did you think that weak leather is what is used to
put parts together? you have to use necromatic skin silly!

step 3. Finally you can create life lets start with a simple zombie

Instructions:1. crafting task: craft a sewing machine,
2. submit task: submit 8 Necromatic skin,
3.submit task: submit a zombie head, zombie legs , and a zombie torso

1. Craft a sewing machine

2. Submit 8 necromatic skin

3. submit a zombie head, zombie legs , and a zombie torso

Requirement for step:
1. make the unholy Necronomicon
and a scythe

step 2. craft sewing machine

step 3 manual submit/ QDS Necromatic skin

Further Steps: crafting a brain on a stick

Reward: zombie head, torso, legs and the choice of 2 buckets of blood or a enderman head
Context: Mid-High Level Botania Quest
Quest Title: They Need To Go Deeper
Description: You have become a master over the botanistic magicks: able to not only transmute coal and even sunlight into mana but use that mana for many things. But you feel... jaded in your limitations. Having referenced your Lexica many times for various floral concoctions, your eye has caught rare references to something called 'Alfheim'. Scrounging all your info together under a tab labeled Alfhomancy (in your Lexica), you believe you might have discovered a whole new world, one with direct implications for your magical career. With all the signs pointing to a portal of some type, you file this with your 20 or so other things that are dire to investigate.
Instructions: This is a two part manual submission task.
Step 1: Mana Management:
Manual Submit 2 Mana Pylons
Step 2: Pondering The Great Mysteries:
Requirement: Manual Submit 6 Essence Of Eternal Life
Rewards: Elven Gateway Core
2 Natura Pylons
1 (Filled Mana Tablet)

Obviously the rewards are quite liberally given, but the general idea is to fast forward the portalling process since its so expensive. Clearly open to nerfing/ tweaking.
And don't let my profile fool you, I've been with FTB since the dawn of 1.4.7, I just don't post... at all.
I'll be checking my PMs and stuff (My email, which I prefer to be contacted at, will be on my profile). It would be a privilege to be chosen, but I get it otherwise.
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Mod: Botania
Quest Title: Banished

Rumors of the ancient Elven race that dwell in Alfheim have been passed down through the generations. Everyone knows the story; the elves roamed our lands through the use of inter-dimensional gateways, and us, theirs. But unforeseen events unfolded that resulted in their banishment. But were these rumors just mere bedtime stories? Or do they perhaps hold some truth to them? After stumbling upon Lexcia Botania, and mastering the magic of nature, a potential gateway between the two realms has been revealed; a Portal to Alfheim. It will be no easy task, but it is up to you to bridge the connection between the two worlds and put the rumors to rest.
Step 1: Use the Quest Book to automatically detect the items in the player’s inventory. [Automatic Detection]
Step 2: Use the Quest Book to manually detect the item in the player’s inventory. [Manual Detection]

Step 1: A Gap Between Worlds
In order to succeed in this experiment, you’re going to need a plethora of powerful magic-infused materials. Luckily for you, you’re quite the expert in the creation of Terrasteel. A Portal Core made of Terrasteel should be a good starting foundation. But establishing an inter-dimensional people mover won’t come cheap. I’d imagine a substantial amount of Mana would be required. And no experiment is ever successful the first time; Perhaps it widdles away if forgotten and not maintained. Better half fill 2 Mana Pools just in case.

Requirement for Step 1:
Craft and use the following items to construct and open a portal to Alfheim.
- 8 Living Wood
- 3 Glimmering Living Wood
- 1 Elven Gateway Core
- 2 Natura Pylons
- 2 Mana Pools

Reward: 1 Terrasteel Ingot
[Sorry I couldn't help myself, I just had to write another.]

Quest Title: Weak Connections

The portal lives! But the jittery nature of the magical substance within gives off a vibe of... uncertainty. It mustn’t be strong enough for living-beings to pass through. You’ve come this far, and it is time to finish the job. Perhaps the portal is strong enough for the teleportation of smaller, more educational possessions.
Step 1: Use the Quest Book to manually detect the item in the player’s inventory. [Manual Detection]
Step 2: Use the Quest Book to automatically detect the item in the player’s inventory. [Automatic Detection]

Step 1: The Elven Garde
Throwing Your Lexica Botania through the Portal and letting the Elves take look at it may prove to be beneficial.

Requirement for Step 1:
- Receive your Lexica Botania back from Alfheim, after unlocking the Elven Knowledge.

Step 2: Otherworldly Resources
The Elves have finally made contact and from their readings of your Lexica Botania, they become more intrigued of the resources available in your realm. They wish for a trade agreement; resources that are exclusive to each realm are to be traded. However, they refuse to trade for common items; something they already have access to. Any common items thrown through the portal will be seen as a gift, with no returns. Your Lexcia Botania will inform you of which resources the elves desire.

Requirements for Step 2:
Recieve the following items from Alfheim via trading through the Portal.
- 1x Dreamwood
- 1x Elementium Ingot
- 1x Pixie Dust
- 1x Dragonstone

Choose One:
x1 Terrasteel
x1 Greater Reward Bag
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sad thing about writing a Mockup quest is that i dont know near anything about magic mods but i know alot about almost every other type of mod :U
If I may butt in on that remark, the way I see it, now's the time to get into there.

Of course, reaching in a single day endgame level on several large and smaller mods alike in survival is ridiculous, and I believe the team knows that. I doubt they expect anybody to know every mods before anything. A more valuable, and actually attainable skill, however, is I feel the ability to learn about mods fast enough. Things like fiddling in creative mode, and knowing how to get a quick start to get in a timely fashion a survival feel about it, making these kind of researches by oneself while also communicating with others that might help guide your searches around, seem like they'd be the most effective to get a feel of the mod's functions, and thus, how it'd affect the story parts.

The trickiest part of it all I feel is probably the point where there's "enough" knowledge. After all, a simple glance or two could suggest on a story perspective that treating Blood Magic with a Magical Girl story would probably be at odds with its core atmosphere (though completely hilarious). But gauging which parts of Thaumcraft is practical, tool-driven magic, and which parts are eldricht influence? And how Thaumic Tinkerer for instance shifts that balance? That's... Pretty important information too, and much less evident.

Of course, there will then be the problems of writing an interesting, yet unintrusive story for more technical, utilitarian mods like Thermal Expansion or Buildcraft I imagine. But then, many magic mods have a book-based assistance and guide already that makes the quests need to avoid too much redundancy. So I think every mod type has its own challenge. Makes it all the more necessary to be flexible!
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Quest Title: Lawbroken's Troll.
Description: You will only do it once.
Instructions: manually submit 1 dirt
Step: Get dirt then click manually submit
Requirement for step: N/a
Further Steps: N/a
Reward: Deleted world.


Quest Title: Lawbroken's Troll.
Description: You will only do it once.
Instructions: manually submit 1 dirt
Step: Get dirt then click manually submit
Requirement for step: N/a
Further Steps: N/a
Reward: Deleted world.


That sounds more like it belongs in BnB rather than mage quest.
Longtime FTB fan, but I jumped ship to go play with AE2 on Bevo's Tech Pack in ATLauncher. I've got a rather sizable installation, and would be willing to write quests for it for FTB. Unfortunately, I'm not likely to be very useful around magic mods - I'm more of a tech guy.

Quest Title: Let's go on a meteor hunt!
Description: You're interested in pursuing some higher technology... Technology that's literally out of this world.
Instructions: (Detection task series)
Step 1: Craft a Meteorite Compass. 4 iron around a Charged Certus Quartz needle.
Requirement for step: (Detect meteorite compass in inventory)
Step 2: Find and excavate a meteorite. Follow the compass to the nearest meteorite, and dig into its center to find its Skystone Chest, with the otherworldly loot.
Requirement for step: (Detect any of the "Inscriber .* Press" in inventory)
Reward: A full set of inscriber presses
('cause hunting down a bunch of those meteors is not fun, IMO, and now we can get on with the real business of automating things)
Well, I have to say i don't have the best knowledge of the mods, but I'd like to think I'm an alright writer. I'll use necromancy for this quest.

Quest title: Descension to Madness

Description: So much for "Good mage steve", you're now turning to necromancy. Good one there. To start summoning the dead, you'll need some basic items. A necronomicon for your altar, a sewing machine for your creations, and a vast array of body parts to create your minions from.

Step 1:
Book of Madness
Description: The necronomicon requires some leather, a feather, and various other items. To make a jar of blood, first craft a bone needle, then fill a glass bottle with blood from a living creature.
Requirement: Craft 1 necronomicon.

Step 2:
Strings of Iron
Description: Next you'll need a machine of iron, to create your beauties, and to find some sewing equipment. Craft a scythe too, so you look the part.
Requirement: Manual Detect 1 sewing machine, 10 string, 10 bone needles, 1 scythe

Step 3:
Raising the Dead
Description: Rise, minions, RISE! The final step is collecting materials for one creature, allowing you to begin making your fantasies.
Requirement: Manual Detect 5 leather, 1 brain, 1 heart, 1 lungs, 4 muscles, 2 spider eyes, 1 jar of blood.

Reward: 1 bone scythe, 12 bone needles, 1 reward bag (good)
Blood Magic
Quest Title: Bloody Hell!
Description: Infuse Your wimping tears With Magic And You'll Unlock Your Full Potential. Your No Longer A Wizard Steve...Beware Of That
Instructions: Craft These Items And You'll Be Bathing In Blood
Step:1 Craft A Blood Altar
Step:2 Craft A Sacrificial Knife/Orb (Whatever Ones enabled)
Step:3 Create 10 Blank Slates Out Of Stone
Requirement for step: Step:1 and 2 Crafting, Step 3 Is A Manual Submit Task
Further Steps: Teir 2 Blood Orb..... Going On To Armor And The Teir 5 Blood Orb
Reward: Pick One Of These: 3 potion on healths One Bucket Of Life Essence 4 Speed Runes 2 Runes Of Augmented Capacity
I know I shouldn't submit a whole questline but the writer in me hates disjointed plot narrative. >.< Here's my attempt

Mod : Jabba
Quest Title: More than a mere Chest

At this point ... I'm not sure what to write. It's been so long since I've built my base that it's harder to remember just what I was doing before all this had happened.

The days just go on with me focusing more and more on just getting better, tempting demons and flirting with nature that I've almost never see my journal on a daily basis like earlier.


Actually it's a good idea in lieu of nothing to say here's my current problem is that I'm running out of space to keep everything I have. Space both physical and internal in those ridiculously expansive chest are limited. Especially since it takes time, time I don't have and don't want to waste on swinging a pick axe.

But the greatest problem is that I can feel I'm getting close to it. The Call of Zephyr modified for increase range and specialization. The power to call up the very ores that I'm now reduced to seek for on my lonesome.

Ultimately ... in the end I'm in need of more efficient ways to store the influx of ores that will come. I will not let my self be forced to personally dig for every single etch of space each and every freaking time the chest's fills up


At any rate there's a discrepancy with how chests work. Their ability to store so much greater than what their physical dimensions imply.

Taking the lessons from my arts of blood, specializing a chest will significantly upgrade their storage capacity by a hefty amount. Wish me luck Journal
Instructions: (Use the book to manually submit a Jabba Barrel)
Step: Make a Jabba Barrel
Reward: Jabba Barrels x 5
[DOUBLEPOST=1414073803][/DOUBLEPOST]Also @Jadedcat but what in particular are you looking for in a quest writer. Cause you have Good Quest progressions and Good Description writer (with an added complexity of what kind of description do you want, like lore building, log writing, etc) at the bare minimum
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Prepare for references :p
Mod: Villager's Nose
(As a quick note, I have a decent knowledge of Thaumcraft, Blood Magic, Botania and Witchery)

Quest title: Got your nose!
Description: Ever felt like villagers just aren't useful enough? Do you have a need, a desire that everything and everyone has a use? You don't need to wait anymore, as recent research done by the ForgeCraft Research Group has shown that the nose of a villager has the ability to smell emeralds. A team of scientists led by The Transmutational Ones have already started experimenting with transplantations, and are hoping for a breakthrough in the nearest future.
Step 1:
Hmm, smelling emeralds... That wouldn't be so bad, would it? I would actually like to test this! How would I get a nose though? I'll have to think about that one...
Crafting Task: 1 Shears

Step 2:
These shears should do it... Now I just have to find a villager and... snip snip... If I'm lucky it will work... I hope it will fit.
Detection Task: 1 Nose

Rewards: 1 Brown wool. Choice between iron pickaxe and a reward bag (good?)

EDIT: fixed a couple of derps :P
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I saw you need help with AE2. Its not in this pack but if you end up needing experience on it i'm more then happy to help.
Reposting since I've just found out that merged posts don't create new alerts.

Also @Jadedcat but what in particular are you looking for in a quest writer. Cause you have Good Quest progressions and Good Description writer (with an added complexity of what kind of description do you want, like lore building, log writing, first person narrative, third person narrative, perspective, Observer reliability or lack thereof, etc) at the bare minimum
Quest Title:
Which Witch?
Description: Hello there young one, as you dive into arcane arts, there are few things you need to have
Instructions: Gather resources!
Step and requirement: 1. Manual Detect: Belladonna, Mandrake, Water Artichoke seeds, clay jar.
2.Crafting task: Witches Oven
3. Detection Task: Wood ash, hint of rebirth.

Reward: Basic: 16 clay jars, 3 cactus, 8 mutandis. Pick one reward Rowan Sappling/Hawthorn Sappling/ Alder Sappling

I dont know all nifty mods and all shenenigans, but i am creative, and i can create a decent storyline :)
mod: botania
quest title: to Alfheim
description: you heard the elf's know the magic of nature like nobody else. you want to contact them but you can't reach them. you reach to the lexica botania and find the page for the portal to alfheim
instructions: build the alfheim portal, and throw the book.
steps and requirement: detect the lexica botania with elven magic
reward: choose one: 5 manasteel blocks, 2 manapearl 2 manadiamonds or 3 elementium block