Creating New FTB Team: Positions Open

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yea i can understand that because it has to get annoying/stressful doing all of those quests. so that i can understand. if you just give me a mod and HQM i can make about 3-4 sets out of that one mod. (just saying what i can do with any mod not bragging.) hope to be on the team or at least selected to be on the team. on the future packs will that mean like closed alpha's for packs like say Direwolf20 1.7.10? just wondering.
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[Intended as the first quest of a Blood Magic series]

Quest Title: Thicker than Water

Description: Energy flows through all living things, this much is certain. You believe that you have found a way to tap into this well of awesome power, using a mystical altar that is capable of storing the essence of life: blood. Mages before you attempted to harness the power of blood, but each met with a gruesome end. You’ll be more careful than they were, though, right…?

Instructions: Craft a Blood Altar and a Sacrificial Knife.

Reward: 3 Bread, 1 Stone. [the stone will be used for the next quest, involving the creation of the divination sigil]
Definitely trying out for this. By the way, this is literally my first post on this forum, but I think of myself as a good writer, and know magic mods very well. I can learn AE2, if need be. LOTS of free time, also. Thanks for reading.
Quest Title:Ooh, shiny!
Description:Now that you've gathered enough resources and have a basic home base, it's time to find some of the ores you will need for your adventures in Thaumaturgy. So grab your iron pickaxe and go get yourself some infused stone. Or two. How about six. Six sounds good.
Instructions:This is a Detection Task. Once crafted the quest(s) will be completed.
Step:Find 1 of each infused stone: Air, Fire, Water, Earth, Order, and of course, Entropy.
Requirement for step:N/A
Further Steps:N/A
Reward:Two Gold Ingots
(Note:Meant to be made into a Thaumometer)

Again, thanks for reading, and I hoped you liked it.
Bennyboo19 your're going to have a lot of fun with the channels function of AE2 and working around the limit. (lots of fun) also did you ever play the original AE? (liked the original better than AE2)
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Quest Title: Amulets Abound!

Description: As you progress in your magical career it becomes apparent that some objects retain mystical energies for much longer than others, releasing contained power in a more controlled way. With enough experimentation you feel you could create items that, when worn or carried, could provide various elemental benefits.

After a few minor accidents while attempting to infuse various items with raw elemental power you realize that a more nuanced method of crafting is required. And studier items! Using small amounts of magic on the materials during the crafting process should yield an item that acts as a much better repository of various elemental forces.

Step 1: The Means to Craft

Instructions: Your research has shown that a Rune or other focus is often used to channel energies through, transferring the power necessary to raw materials while allowing the Rune itself to absorb the more dangerous backlashes. Stone and Obsidian should form a suitable base for the rune required. However some material that can be a channel for energy is also needed. A block of Glowstone might suit your purposes quite well. Once you have the materials, you should be able to simply combine them into the rune you seek.

Crafting Task: Rune of Crafting

Step 2
: Some Assembly Required

Instructions: Rune in hand, it is now time to create a blank mold which you will use to create the basic form of your item of power. Stone and Obsidian seemed to respond well enough to the energies required, so utilizing them again seems appropriate. First, place your Rune on the ground. So far, so good! Now, surround the Rune with Stone, placing blocks to the North, South, East, and West. Fill the corners with Obsidian, then activate the Rune. If all went well (and all of your limbs are still in place) your blank template should be formed. Compared to earlier attempts, that was almost completely painless! This might actually work!

Manual Submit: Blank Slate

Reward: Blank Slate, Basic Reward Bag.
Choose: 2 Light Pressure Plates, 6 Wool, or 2 String

This is a really exciting opportunity. Regardless of whether I make it or not, I’m really looking forward to all the quests in the new packs. HQM rocks.
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Well, as you are only covering magic mods + AE2 I may not be so much help to you for those, but I am an excellent writer and think I would be good for lore writing. As long as you give me a task first.

Quest Title: The Road to Hell is Paved With Good Intentions
As you delve into the dark and fruitful world of magic you discover a new form of power. A power based on the fuel of the lives of mortals. Blood. Blood is what holds our world together. Without blood there would be no conscience. Without blood there would be no thought. Without blood we would live in a world of meaningless beings that have not yet tapped this amazing power. Of course to harness the great power of blood you will need a source and a place to harness the power.
Instructions: The principal tools of Blood Magic are the Altar and Sacrificial knife. Without these you cannot harness a "temporary" source of blood, yourself.
Step: Detect
Requirement for step: Altar, Sacrificial Knife (Or Orb, Whatever is On)
Further Steps: N/A
Reward: 9 Basic Runes
Mod: Blood Magic
Quest Title: Power with a cost.
Description: You have discovered a way to obtain magical abilities, but with the price of blood. This is something to give another look...
Instructions: (Use the book to manually submit xyz) (This is a detection task. Once crafted the quest(s) will be completed)
Step:1. Craft a blood altar.
Requirement for step: Craft a sacrificial knife.
Further Steps: N/A
Reward: weak blood orb and a chose of 8 blood runes or a reward bag.

October 22, 2014, 6:42 am
I'm planning on making it but if the gods don't allow and Jaded says no some constructive criticism would be nice (wink). I'm hoping to be blood magic guy and a overall quest writer. I'm familiar with most mods in 1.7 and they're changes the only I'm can say i might need review upon would be AE2. I have been with FTB since Ultimate and I;m only stating this because this account isn't that old : P.But besides those points this is beginning to sound like a resume and I should probably should get to the quest :D.

Mod:Blood Magic
Quest Title:Just one more pint.....
Description: You've realized something..something that can halt your research into Alchemistry and your bloody craft. You've realized that you only have so much blood to give and the altar demands more. Luckily with a albeit fortunate accident it has dawned upon you that the inner fire from the Nether imbued and infused within glowstone takes blood and enhances it, makes it better, and more worthwhile to the demanding altar. Maybe with some patience, blood and a lot of luck you can infuse this with a Blood Rune.
Instructions: This would be a detection task. Once detected quest will auto-complete.
Step:Craft 4 Self-Sacrifice Runes.
Requirement for step:Blood Visions( 2 part quest 1st part involves Divination Sigil, Second part requires making a Tier 2 altar.)
Further Steps: 3 quests highlighting Tier 3 altars. Raising Hell: obtain a tier 3 altar, Bubble Bubble...: Basic Intro to the chemistry system, Demons in the dark: Obtained after the other two have been completed involves summoning and taming of demons and the summoning system.
Reward: 16 Glowstone Dust,A Good Reward Bag,and a choice between 2 Self-Sacrifice and Sacrifice Runes.

Thanks for reading and considering. Once again constructive criticism would be nice even if I don't make it. Hope You love it and have as much fun reading this as I had making it.

All in the Same :D
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Bwnnyboo19 your're going to have a lot of fun with the channels function of AE2 and working around the limit. (lots of fun) also did you ever play the original AE? (liked the original better than AE2)
No I haven't played the original. I've touched on AE2 in Material Energy Cubed, but I guess I have a lot to learn. We'll see.
Quest Title: Walking on sunhsine
Description: To get started with Botania, one of the first things that you can use to generate mana is the Daybloom flower. This will then generate mana continously when it is daytime. In order to get the Daybloom; you need to craft a Petal Apothecary. You then need to fill the Apothecary with a bucket of water then throw two Yellow Mystical Petals, one Light Blue Mystical Petal, one Orange Mystical Petal, these can be thrown in any order. You must then throw in a Vanilla seed in order to complete the process.
Instructions: You need to start generating mana, so craft a Petal apothecary, collect the petals and the seed and then finally place the Daybloom on some dirt.
Step: Crafting Task
Requirement for step: Craft a Petal Apothecary
Further Steps: Detect the correct petals, the seed, the bucket of water and then manually submit the Daybloom.
Reward: 20 Dayblooms or a Basic reward bag
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k really like material energy 3 oh i think you just contradicted yourself AE2 isn't in material energy 3 AE orginal is in material energy 3 (just stating not being mean) so you've actually been playing the original all along
k really like material energy 3 oh i think you just contradicted yourself AE2 isn't in material energy 3 AE orginal is in material energy 3 (just stating not being mean) so you've actually been playing the original all along
That's weird. I thought the original was older than that. I guess I know even less than I thought I did about AE2. Are You trying to get me denied? :P Just kidding.
haha nice just glad to let you know once you get the hang of AE2 it's really fun. also in Rv2 there's a config option to turn channels off if you want it to be like original but when you do this the ME controller is removed as well as smart and dense cable (smart cable allows 8 channels and dense cable allows 32 channels)
sad thing about writing a Mockup quest is that i dont know near anything about magic mods but i know alot about almost every other type of mod :U
Here's my bit:

mod's: Ex'utils, Bloodmagic, Thaumcraft, Thaumic Tinkerer.

Description: A true bloodmage will not stand back from using unfamiliar methods to get his supply of lifeforce, using your combined knowledge of thaumaurgy and the true properties of lifeforce you should be able create the following artifacts that may aid you in creating an amazing excess of sacrificial beings for your altar!

instructions: Through a sacred ritual known only to true wizards you may generate the cursed earth and with the aid of a wand of disloaction you can move both earth and spawners and to complete your amazing new sacrificial generator you can use the corporal attracter to put it where you want it!

tool of moveability: detect: wand of Dislocation
the earth of scourge: detect: cursed earth
making them move: detect: corporal attracter

Rewards: choose between: a skeleton spawner, 10 runes of sacrifice, 2 iron golem guardians, an epic bag

Description of how this may fit in: Quests like this would only fit in if there were to be created a certain questline that were about breaking the puritan wall and mixing the different magics in an attempt to use each of the different mods specialities to empower one another even more. most certainly a late midgame tier i'd think, as example the above that combines extra utilities cursed earth and and thaumcrafts wand that can move spawners arroundto make a permanently mobgenerating highly efficient farm that would eventually end up next to an altar using the attracter if the magicians puts just a little thought into it :)
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Mod; Thaumcraft 4, middle of the road quest

Title: "The Power is Yours"

Unlocked via obtaining a greatwood wand, which was created in a previous quest, this quest would be a separate branch from the wand quest line

Description; After crafting your first greatwood wand, the Thaumonomicon began to speak again, though you recognize a few words from the inane mumbling, while various wands were commonly mentioned, you hear something else, the last words are almost intelligible, except one.... sTaFf.

Quest steps;
(step1) Proof of concept; Prove yourself to the book that you can find the power.
(step needs)Have a greatwood staff core
(step2) Advanced research; Prove yourself to the book that you can harness the power.
(step needs)Have 2 gold caps or 2 charged silver caps
(step3) The Power is Yours; Take your new found knowledge and materials and craft a Greatwood Staff.
(step needs)Have a Greatwood Staff
(step4) By the Power of....; Add a Shock Foci to your staff and eliminate some Creepers. Note, only the most powerful of Creepers will prove your worth to the book.
(step needs)Kill 4 Charged Creepers

Reward; 2 Hearts, and 2 renamed spawn egg (1, a Blaze spawn egg, renamed to "chicken" 2, a thaumic slime renamed to "pig")

the idea behind this is that the Thaumonomicon is alive and slightly crazy, and striving to drive Steve crazy too. Thus the odd rewards, which would be a theme through the quest line.
This would probably be a more end-game quest in the Thaumcraft branches. Leads into the higher complexity Thaumcraft and TT items.

Mod : Thaumcraft 4

Quest Title: Forbidden Magic
Description: Throughout your career as a Thaumaturge, you have stumbled across many forms of the forbidden Eldritch magic. Regardless of the mind warping consequences, this magic continues to intrigue you. Maybe there is something that is stronger than thaumium? Your research of the forbidden arts have lead you to this, but at what costs? With the research you have found, you have uncovered a hidden Eldritch tab in your Thaumonomicon. Maybe these void seeds could grow into something interesting. Use a crucible to turn seeds into void seeds. Void seeds can then be turned into Voidmetal Ingots. You must have researched enough forbidden items in order to unlock this.
Instructions: Use the book to detect when void seeds and voidmetal ingots are in the inventory.
Step: Manually detect 5 void seeds.
Requirement for step: Have Eldritch research unlocked in Thaumonomicon.
Further Steps: Manually detect 5 voidmetal ingots
Reward: 5 void seeds, Void Hoe
Choose Between : Void Boots, 3 Primal Charms

This quest would lead to the Void Thaumaturgist Robes
MOD: blood magic

Quest name: getting hands dirty

Description: You are trying to enter the world of dark magic
But first it seems that you must make some kind of alter to
Preform these horrible deeds. And the tool to sacrifice your own life blood.

Instructions: create blood alter this will require a furnace, smooth stone, gold
And a diamond. Then place this on the ground. You will also need a way to sacrifice you blood.

Step, requirement for steps: first step: make a blood alter. Second step: make sacrificial knife
Third step: right click with knife next to alter.

Further steps: make 8 blood runes and glow stone

Reward: 10 item ducts and a good reward bag and 4 Basic slates
Choose between 8 ritual stones, 2 master ritual stones, or a weak activation crystal.
Mod: Thaumcraft 4
Quest Title: Energetic Magic
Description: After your initial studies into the arcane, you discover that several common compounds exhibit properties that could be better used in a furnace, rather than just sitting in some random chest. If you could only find a way to harness their reactive personalities...
  1. Gathering the Ingredients: Did you really think the compounds would find their way to you? No, you have to work in order to harness these arcane energies. To the mines!
    Detection Task: 3 Cobblestone, 2 Gunpowder, 1 Charcoal
  2. An "Explosive" Brew: Those items won't do you any good in their current state. You must now melt them down into their basic building blocks in an Arcane Crucible in order to properly harness their unstable properties. Before you can do this, however, you must fill the crucible with the freshest mountain water (or whatever sludge you can find) and bring it to a rolling boil.
    Detection Task: 1 Arcane Crucible, 1 Water Bucket, 1 Lava bucket
  3. Cataclysmic Alchemy: Now that the water is ready, toss in first the cobblestone, then the gunpowder, and the coal last. Be careful when doing this; The last guy to try this was a little careless, and now he's in the wind. Literally.
    Detection Task: 1 Alumentum
Reward: Choice of 1 Basic reward bag, or a Bagginess bag containing 3 Alumentum and a piece of paper renamed "Discarded warning label"
Quest Title: Creepy Dolls
Description: As if Witchery couldn't get any creepier as it was now there are Voo-Doo dolls that can help you to become immune to all kinds of deaths.
Instructions: Detect crafting of items
1. create a tag lock kit
2. create basic doll/poppet
Requirement for step
1. previous quest involving spanish moss
2. crafting detection of tag lock kit
Further Steps: delving into the poppets used to harm others (voodoo etc.,
Reward: 1 unbound death protection poppet or 1 unbound voodoo protection poppet