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If you like the hands off method, I suppose you could make a catcus farm. SFM has a set-up or old fashion farm with conveyor belts in place of water works as well too. Still need to craft the cactus to bottle though - unless Steve can do that? No idea and would like to know from some genius that plays with that thing.[DOUBLEPOST=1409850739][/DOUBLEPOST]
Think it was self sufficient in the video.
Thanks, but I'd prefer simple answer such as "block named Item Valve does it" that I can read in ten seconds to watching 15-minutes video.
Thanks, but I'd prefer simple answer such as "block named Item Valve does it" that I can read in ten seconds to watching 15-minutes video.
Me too. I didn't want to go look at the video again for you and was hoping you'd go look for the answer yourself:p
I looked at another video - and they used Item Transfer Node from XU. Turns out, it works as block breaker too.
I'm somewhere between first and second page of quests. How can I get water/cooling more effectively than shearing-fermenting-dirt water-furnace?

If you sift dust all night the first night you should be able to get 24 stones which will alow you to make a slab furnace and enoufe iron to make shears, shear leaves and compost to dirt, dirt+empty bottle=dirty water+furnace=water also the cold water is useful if you get heat stroke but if you are desperate then drink from the bottle or cold water+furnace=water and if you are really desperate drink dirty water it will make you sick, but won't directly kill you unless you have no food. These are some early game tips to use till you can get better resorce and better secured in your base.

After this there are several ways to auto produce water some suggestions

Pipeing dirty water into a furnace and clean out.
One furnace, 2 chest and a set of item ducts (1 lead and 2 tin) this is good because you can use rotten flesh or any other compostable itemfor water and it only requires 8 items+fuel

Fluid Transposer with a tank on top powered by 2 survivalist generators.
2 survivalist generators (2 furnaces 10 cobble 4 redstone 2 iron),tank (1 copper 4 glass) requires a fuel sorce, 10 items to transpose not as efficient as the dirty water but easyer to automate and has small chance of giving sapling when using leaves

Melt leaves in a crusiblepipe leaves from a chest into the top of the crusible and pipe water out from the side into a tank.
Crusible (7 clay 7 bonemeal), chest, tank (1 copper 4 glass), item ducts (1 lead and 2 tin) fluid ducts )1 lead 2 copper) requires 10 leaves and a heat sorce the least efficient but requires no fule or maintenance just drop leaves in the chest and walk away.

also note that you can use hoppers (5 aluminium and a chest) in place of the item ducts

These are the 3 most commen early-mid game systems after this there are all kinds of ways to improve theses systems but thats a whole nother subject
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also note that you can use hoppers (5 aluminium and a chest) in place of the item ducts
Wow, thanks for that tip...... great use for the extra aluminum that I always tend to have laying about. I had no idea an aluminum recipe had been added.
That random flux infused pick I found in the city weirdly can also still mine obsidian despite being dry in juice. I don't know if its a bug with Thermal Expansion but better tinker tools + swords with the price of less durability
do you think this is detailed enough or should i add pics for each setup
I think it's just fine, quit clear from my perspective, that said some of the comments i've seen in other forums suggest different..... but I'm really not sure how dumbed down you really want to make it...... as far as I'm concerned players need to learn to educate themselves a bit and if they don't understand everything you speak of...... a bit of google foo should quickly educate them on basic theories of modded minecraft.[DOUBLEPOST=1409862206][/DOUBLEPOST]
Thank you both!
Oh, there's also the squid to ghast transformation......
I think it's just fine, quit clear from my perspective, that said some of the comments i've seen in other forums suggest different..... but I'm really not sure how dumbed down you really want to make it...... as far as I'm concerned players need to learn to educate themselves a bit and if they don't understand everything you speak of...... a bit of google foo should quickly educate them on basic theories of modded minecraft.[DOUBLEPOST=1409862206][/DOUBLEPOST]
Oh, there's also the squid to ghast transformation......

Are these witchwater transformations from "vanilla" Ex Nihilo and I've just never heard of them before, or is this a Crash Landing thing?
anyone happen to know the range on ex nihilo's water barrel based cobble to mossy cobble conversion?
The range is indeed two blocks.
Thanks, re-organized my early game base and realized the new position for the cobble generator will likely get broken by a water barrel.... oh well, omitting one barrel from my design will be a non issue. Particularly as I generally have far more than I need rather quickly.