Dagger is pre-metal. Mattock can be bone. Most of the tools can be made from bone. Sword can be obsidian - so can a lot of other things. Or netherack for someof them. For obsidian - make a STONE barrel, put in lava. Have water flow over it and obsidian. Click to pop it out. For netherrack, put in a redstone after the lava.
That said - an pickaxe at Legend level made with obsidian might be useful in the city. It was much quicker at breaking the chisel blocks of the ship - in two to three hits most of the time. Much less than with the same pick at flint level. I've yet to go visit the city with it so I can't tell you how it works on the spawners
I keep coming up with more excuses not to go.
How to level the pickaxe? MAKE AN OLD-FASHION SKYBLOCK COBBLE GEN. Put a hopper below the cobble that form. Connect a double chest to this. Put the autonomous activator you get and set it up so it breaks the cobble. Put in a few of your pickaxes - flint/bone is fine. If you put in a few hammers in there, you can get flint at the same time and use the SFM set-up to seive for your diamond armor.