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It also requires a tool forge, I think? Which requires a trip to the city. I tend to delay this as long as possible with every excuse I can think of. Current excuse is - I need a brewing station.:p

Or I guess you could melt pebbles in a crucible - though I think it was mentioned this would be removed? Not sure on this one.

city with jetpack = easy peasy
Tip: Move the cockpit chairs to your work area so you can sit while you craft and sift. You don't get hungry.
City Exploration Part 5: Advanced Strategies and Tactics

In this section we will be going over tactics and strategies to abuse improve your city exploration experience. We will also be covering a few items that will make your life a lot easier, that are either more difficult to craft or more dangerous to use, and thus not listed in the basic gear list.

-Trenches and Pits are not just for your base! I like to make a 5 long, 2 wide, 3-4 deep pit near a building that has hard to handle mobs in it. (Read: Pigmen) Lining the top lip of the pit with signs will ensure that mobs don't think twice about walking right in instead of trying to go around. All you need to do at this point is sit back, mock the enemy mobs and let them hit the max mob cap. Then just walk over, break the spawners and loot the building! This strategy is not as effective against archers so stay on your toes. Just make sure you dont fall in to your own pit.

-Explosions are cool. The problem is TNT tends to blow large holes in ceilings and walls that are less than convenient. There is a solution however. Tiny TNT! This little guy is awesome, costing only 2 gunpowder and 2 certus quartz dust, it has a very small blast radius and overall lower output then TNT. I have never seen it damage blocks not directly adjacent to it. So what is so great about this stuff? It will blow up mob spawners! If you make a hole in the roof above a spawner you can place a tiny TNT right above it, light it and let gravity do the work for you! Two applications may be needed if the spawner is covered. This stuff will blow up chests as well, so be careful you don't accidentally destroy the loot you are trying to get in the first place.

-Projectile Explosion are cool too! MFR has a rocket launcher. Let that sink in. You can snipe spawners from a distance. This is great if for some reason you just can't get near a building. It is also useful for blowing the roof off a building if needed to clear out annoying towers or concrete. Two notes to the launcher. It will make a large crater and fires, so cleanup may be needed and it could destroy loot pretty easily. Also, the tracking rocket seems to have a smaller explosion, so a direct hit is required to knock out a spawner.

-Everyone seems to have forgotten Angel Blocks. These are great for temporary walls and for construction. 2 feathers, 1 gold and 1 obsidian makes one angel block, but it is infinitely reusable and I've never needed more then 10 or so at any one time. They can be placed in mid-air, and when broken will warp themselves back to your inventory, so no need to worry about losing them. They work especially well with jetpacks. Just jet up to where you want to be and place an angel block under you. Now you can stay up there as long as you want without wasting energy.

-Your needlegun does not shoot straight. It shoots at and angle from a position to the right of center screen. This can be abused by shooting around blocks that mobs can't get to you through. The opposite effect is also true however, and you may notice that what looks like a good shot won't hit becuase it's being blocked by something that isn't obvious. In short, you can shoot around things from the right, but not the left.

-With practice it is possible to hit targets behind walls with a bow by arcing the shot high. A lot of practice.

-Fishing rods can be used to pull mobs. Into pits, out of windows...the possibilities are endless.

-OpenBlocks has a beartrap that will capture and hold mobs. It takes a while to prime it, so it is better set up ahead of time as a trap, rather than used during an escape. Once captured a mob can be shot from a safe distance, or ignored. Will only work on one mob at a time so might not alway capture the most dangerous thing trying to eat you.

-Standing behind a fan or two will push mobs away from you, letting you pick them off at a distance. A water source block will also push mobs, and you. This does create a zone that you can kite around while peppering whatever is trying to get at you. Finally, conveyor belts can be layed down as you retreat and are absolutely awesome at keeping mobs away from you and letting you snipe them.

-Florbs are a thing and water hurts blazes. You can make water grenades to chuck at them and let them kill themselves. Just remember to have a bucket handy to clean up the water. (This one is mostly just for fun)

-A TiC drawbridge can be used to make bridges between buildings. Just load it up with cobble and let it place them for you, then break it instead of cutting off the signal. The cobble will stay placed and you can reuse the drawbridge. Very useful for keeping archers in buildings from shooting you off the bridge you are building. As with bridges you build yourself, remember to light them up. Also, depending on the distance between buildings a more advanced drawbridge might be needed.

-The PC Pneumatic Helmet is maybe the greatest thing in the game for city exploring. With the right upgrades it will mark all the mob spawners around you, and find all the hidden chests for you. It can also mark and track spawned mobs so even if you loose sight of them you can easily find them again. These can be found in PC Building loot chests, but they are always uncharged. Also remember to take it off when you dont need it to conserve pressure.

This section may have items added to it if I stumble upon anything I haven't seen before!

Next Part: The Armory, or What Does the Well Dressed Commando Wear to the Party?
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Speaking of fighting with mobs, frying pan makes wonders, especially on creepers. On other hand, it can slow your killage a little, because mobs have to walk back to you after each your strike.
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Any tips to farm pneumatic craft seeds? Should I have a 9x9 farm for each seed?
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You could lock yourself in a 2 x 2 cage so you don't have to go chasing around the errant seeds - dirt below and above. Especially the floating ones. Bonemeal like crazy. Just be sure to read the label when planting. If it says netherrack, plant it on netherrack. Otherwise, the results :( let's just say I'm glad I had some water nearby.
Lol I tried to plant a seed that required nether rack didn't happen for me (it didn't plant either)

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In the city are you meant to find a reactor or underground subway because it's not in my city but in a you-tubers vid it is

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Lol I tried to plant a seed that required nether rack didn't happen for me (it didn't plant either)

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Maybe the closed quarters I was in? It's lands and plants fairly well in cramped quarters
I meant I tried to plant it on grass/ dirt XD

And my brother and I (on a LAN world) found 3 other city one with a subway but no reactors :(

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I meant I tried to plant it on grass/ dirt XD

And my brother and I (on a LAN world) found 3 other city one with a subway but no reactors :(

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I did too - at first in those cramped quarter. It landed, planted and poof - but not before poofing me.:D
I meant I tried to plant it on grass/ dirt XD

And my brother and I (on a LAN world) found 3 other city one with a subway but no reactors :(

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The reactor building is pretty rare and can take a few cities to find one. I think I'll update my guide to point that out.
Why do the six border stone under the cockpit seats have an ore dictionary name of magicinfusedwood? It doesn't seem to craft any of the items that use magical wood nor does it seem to enhance a vanilla enchanting table.
City Exploration Part 4: Alien Architecture

Crash Landing has several different types of buildings scattered throughout the cities. Each has a predefined layout, and chests and spawners will only ever show up in certain spots. There will not always be a chest or spawner at those spots however. In all cases the danger level of a building goes up if there are other buildings very close to each other or at night and can go down if there are no spawners that are active during the day. Spawners in buildings are often hidden under bookshelves and in walls in the middle of rooms. Chests can be hidden under walls and bookcases.

First we will cover the basic buildings.

-The Office Building: Moderate Danger/High Reward Potential. This is a rectangular three story tall building that is very common in cities. There are up to 2 spawners on each floor and I have seen up to 4-5 chests on the top two floors, although 1-3 chests per floor is common. The top floors are also fairly cluttered, which can make it dangerous to engage mobs. This building features OpenBlocks elevators for scavenging.

-The Large Office Building: Very High Danger/High Reward Potential. This is a more circular looking three story building with a domed roof. There are up to 2 spawners on each floor and like the office building I have seen up to 5 chests on the middle floor, but that is not common. The top floor is fairly small and easy to deal with, but the middle and bottom floor have area of low light that mobs can spawn in at any time. The middle level is also very cluttered and hard to navigate. It is strongly advised that this building only be attacked from the top down and extreme care should be taken.

-The Small Apartments: Very High Danger/Low-Moderate Reward Potential. This is a 2 story building attached to a 4 story building both of which are still fairly short. The bottom two floors can have up to 4 spawners and the top to floors can have up to 2 spawners. Each of the 12 rooms in the building can have a chest, although it is highly unlikely that there would be more then 1-2 chests per floor. The confined spaces and large potential number of spawners make this one of the least desirable buildings to go after, though it does contain a good amount of wool blocks and decorative items.

-Large Apartment Building: Moderate Danger/Moderate Reward Potential. This is a very tall set of two towers, one 4 stories tall, the other 6 stories tall. The towers are linked between them and have domed roofs. Each floor of each tower can have up to 2 spawners and 1-3 chests. This building is actually fairly easy to assault, with a fairly open floor plan and a good amount of space between spawners. Very easy to glide into after scouting a safe floor to enter from. Be aware that there is an elevator shaft open between the two towers at each floor. This can be used to your advantage by keeping mobs from the far section from getting to you.

-Fancy Office: Moderate Danger/Moderate Reward Potential. This is a more uncommon building. It is 3 stories tall with each story getting smaller as you go up. It also has dry rubber leaves out front, and a semi-hidden elevator system. The top floor can have up to two spawners and 1-2 chests. The middle floor seems to have spawners and chests in the outer rooms. I have found at most one of each in either room. The ground floor can have up to two spawners and a variable number of chests. The elevators make retreat much easier if needed and the open floor plan favors you and your gun. This building is not found in all cities.

-Library/Subway Station: Moderate Danger/Low Reward Potential for the library, but EXTREME Danger/Moderate to High Reward Potential for the subway. This is two "buildings" in one that, like the fancy office, is not found in all cities. On the surface you have a two story library with a subway station located outside. I have only found 1 spawner and one chest in here so far. It is another building that is fairly easy to clear. The subway is another animal altogether. It is dark, full of spawners and laid out like a giant maze. This is also the only location I've found with Blizz spawners. There are many chests hidden in the maze, but the extreme level of mobs in a very confined space makes tackling this area very difficult. I would advise blocking off the entrance to the subway to keep the mobs in and forgetting it exists. For those brave enough to go for it, good luck!

Aside from the basic buildings there are a few special buildings that contain specific blocks and item loot that is hard to create, or not craftable.

-PneumaticCraft Building: Moderate Danger/High Reward Potential. This is an L-shaped building with a second story on one half and a single smokestack on the other. The top floor can have 1 spawner and a chest and the ground floor will have two spawners, one hidden in a broken down machine. In this building you will find various items from pneumaticcraft that can greatly speed up progression through that mod, though none of these items are uncraftable without raiding this location. It is also possible to find TE energy cells in these buildings. They are not charged, but are an excellent find and well worth collecting.

-Tinkers' Construct Building: Moderate Danger/High Reward Potential with items that can only be found in this building. This is another L-shaped building, this one with two smokestacks one of which is 2x2 blocks thick. Otherwise is identical to the PC building from the outside. This building is the only place to find the parts to build a TiC smeltery. In fact a complete smeltery can be built from the parts scavenged from one of these buildings. Also present are the parts to build a High Oven, and a chest or two that can contain seared and or scorched bricks to further build up your smeltery and/or high end tool parts. Finally, a pair of filing cabinets can be found on the second floor. Four spawners can be found in the building, one in the broken high oven, and one located upstairs. the other two are on the ends of the first floor.

-Big Reactors Building: Very High Danger/High reward potential in the form of hard to craft and uncraftable items. This large, circular building is impossible to miss, though it is fairly rare and does not spawn in all cities. Inside this building you will find leaking pyrotheum, blazes running free, and other random mobs, sometimes including creepers that like to dive into the pyrotheum. Its fun! You will definitely want to start at the top of this building, and a jetpack will be very helpful here. The trick is to locate the blaze spawners through the glass on top, then pick through the walls next to them and take them out from the outside. This is very easy with a jetpack, but can be done by building a staircase down to the level of the spawners and making a ring around the outside of the building to walk around and take them out. After they are gone head back up to the roof and break enough of the darkened glass so that mobs will stop spawning during the day. Then run away and let everything despawn. When you come back things will be much easier. On the second approach you can head in from the ground floor, being watchful for any lingering mobs. Once the pyrotheum is blocked off, or better still entirely gotten rid of, you can collect the valuable reactor parts. The reactor controller and turbine controller in particular are not craftable and must be scavenged. This building can be very hard to find, and it may take exploring several cities to find one.

If there any any buildings I've missed, or if anyone has found higher amounts of spawners or chests in certain buildings let me know and I will update as needed!

Next Part: Advanced Strategies and Tactics!

This is all the current buildings in 113 there will be 4 variations of these same buildings as well as a few lone buildings. Great job with all the info on the buildings now as the desiner id like to know what you think of the aesthetics of the buildings and to see if you or anyone else has an idea for new buildings or structures
Any tips to farm pneumatic craft seeds? Should I have a 9x9 farm for each seed?
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Dig a 1x hole 3 deep then place your planting block in the bottom throw seeds into the hole and go to town with bonemeal when you think you have enouf seeds jump into the hole to collect. This works well cause you dont need to worry with bouncing seeds.2014-08-22_01.38.06.png 2014-08-22_01.38.43.png
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A early semi auto setup:
You can use the Aluminum you get from sifting in place of iron for Hoppers early on. Make two and set them up along your slab furnace then into a chest for a early on semi auto set up. Place items to be smelted or cooked in the top hopper, then add in fuel to the furnace. Extra wood planks work good as every 1 plank cooks 1 item, better then wasting something that has a long cook time to cook one or two items.

You can expand this to make it further automated early on. This is a very handy set up especially when you need to stock up on water. Fill the top with dirty water bottles and let it go to town.
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