Is there any servers up to play this mod pack? Because it would be great to play with others
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A early semi auto setup:
You can use the Aluminum you get from sifting in place of iron for Hoppers early on. Make two and set them up along your slab furnace then into a chest for a early on semi auto set up. Place items to be smelted or cooked in the top hopper, then add in fuel to the furnace. Extra wood planks work good as every 1 plank cooks 1 item, better then wasting something that has a long cook time to cook one or two items.
You can expand this to make it further automated early on. This is a very handy set up especially when you need to stock up on water. Fill the top with dirty water bottles and let it go to town.
This is all the current buildings in 113 there will be 4 variations of these same buildings as well as a few lone buildings. Great job with all the info on the buildings now as the desiner id like to know what you think of the aesthetics of the buildings and to see if you or anyone else has an idea for new buildings or structures
Thank you very much! I plan to keep this updated as new buildings come out in future versions, and plan to keep the guide as up to date as I can in general.
As far as the aesthetics go I have to say I'm impressed with what has been done so far. It really feels like a post-apocalyptic city that has been beaten down for years. The randomized layout of the buildings really adds to the feeling that these were once places that people lived and had been built up over time. I have read the plan to have more specialized cities and am fully behind that plan. That is how things end up being laid out in real life and will make exploring a more mentally rewarding experience. Variations on the existing buildings and a few new ones will flesh things out quite a bit. One thing that would be a nice addition to the building options might be non-buildings. Things like statues and other decorative fixtures, or telephone/power poles along the highways. Not sure how possible that would be, but it would definitely add to the feeling of "This place used to be something other then a deathtrap." As for specific buildings goes, maybe some smaller buildings? Maybe one story 1-3 room buildings that could work as storefronts.
I also like the idea of burying the buildings somewhat, from a design point of view. Again, it will make things look more wasteland apocalypse. From a play balance standpoint though, I don't know if it will be a good idea. If you have read my city guides you will note that half the strategy involves blocking off the bottom floors, or doing everything from the roof down. Maybe have only part of the buildings buried? Like the wind blows in from the north so there is dust piled up against the north side of each building? This would also have the effect of creating some red spawning zones that could actually up the difficulty a bit.
First off the store idea is something iv been tring to figure out from the beginning the prob im running into is decoration, cause block rotation in the mods is mest up best examples are the beds in the appts i cant use normal beds because when the building gets rotated the bed dont. So for stores id want some chest, biblocraft shelves and bookshelves but they are like beds in that they can be rotated so they wont work but im still tring, the statues idea will work ill just need to come up with some.
And as to burying the buildings yes this will let you take them from the top down easier but rember this will also make the bottom compleat dark thus more mobs to fight best example the factories some will have the entire bottom floor burried so there will be mobs galor in them, yes there will be ways to get around this but i dont think that there will be a way to make the buildings compleatly foolproof
Micro blocks have a unique ID that wont work with the mods. Now a restaurant that i think i can pull off keep watch and i will post pics as i get them. Tnks for the ideasDo microblocks have the same issues with rotation? Either way you can always use slabs as shelves on the walls. Another idea that might be easier would be a restaurant. I know tables and chairs work together since those are also used in the large apartment buildings.
As to the buried buildings, fair point. There are pros and cons to any design decision, just throwing my 2 cents out there![]()
could you add which TiCo weapons can be constructed out of the early game mats? for example the pan can be made out of bone but others need the smelter-snip-
Use bonemeal only twice on the planted seed. Then break it.How do you harvest squid plant seeds because I bone meal them and it squits out a squid but gives on 1 seed in return
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Actually sitting just removes your VIEW of the hunger bar. You still get hungry while sitting.Tip: Move the cockpit chairs to your work area so you can sit while you craft and sift. You don't get hungry.
Making wooden pickaxes is such a waste! to make a tinkers pick you need a bit under 4 logs and 2 bonemeal! that'll give you the 3 tables, the 2 patterns required, and some for binding and a stick for handle.Make a wood pickaxe (only has two uses!)
You will need a pick in the long run, why not make a bone one? (Using bonemeal duh)Need more room? Make a basement!
You can dig out the underside of your ship! Make a wood pickaxe (only has two uses!) and dig out the one block beside the lock box on the left side of the ship (left is facing the cockpit) make ladders to get down and then dig out following the pattern of the ship above. If you need light below and not yet gotten glowstone nooks, make a few more wooden pickaxes and move the road lights into the floor, that way they serve as light for above and below in your new basement.
Want wan auto kill zone for your undead? Make some consecrated Earth! Mix dirt with flesh and bonemeal then cook it. This soulsand like block will cause damage to any undead that walk on it. It don't effect other mobs but I find it handy to make a dark room with the stuff with a hopper to pick items up to farm flesh and bones for water and food growth, with some kill windows to take out the creepers and spiders by hand.
Is it good to use the ender peril for a vacuum hopper, or best save them for the transfer nodes? Enderman seem to be an insane rare spawn for me. To the point it took several days before I could get "Night fight" done, and the quest making a killing has everything but enderman. It's a TAD bit frustrating.