So since we're talking about it, I thought I'd share my current water and ore setup. I do not claim it to be perfect, and half of it is still manual...and derpy. I'm also using this setup as a way to learn how to program SFM systems. I'll probably be taking it down and rebuilding when I can tear myself away from city raiding.
Pretty basic mob spawner power generation. The nice thing about this is how modular it is, I have three dynamos running now and am still getting a surplus of gunpowder and essence. Once I cap out I can just put up another trap. I will be converting this to a cursed earth spawner at some point. That being said, how does one spawn the wither here? I can't seem to figure out how to get wither skulls. (And yes that's a zombie head on a pole. I thought putting the heads of the fallen up around my base would scare the others off, but it didn't I just kind of like the look.)
That leads to my backup batteries and TE machines. No automation here yet. This is a section that will be revamped in a big way, especially since my next project is expanding my sifting system.
Following that we have my auto-sifter, and yes this is a straight copy of the setup from VSWE's video. It is awesome. This thing tears through stacks of material in no time and seems to be a LOT less laggy then an AA and water flow setup. I have added on to the system a bit and it also autopackages my ore output into block form, and the same factory manager controls my water production. You can see part of it in the back. When I need water I swap my camel pack for the one on the armor stand and that pack gets filled with water bottles that are kept filled by the FTs. The water drum is there as backup. This system is fed by...
My tree farm on the overhead platform. The AA is fed bonemeal from the sifter and saplings directly from the FT down below through the SFM system and the harvester shears the leaves and puts the wood and leaves in the barrels below. The SFM system then pulls leaves from the barrel and puts them in the FT. I get so many leaves I dont have to leave the system running all the time, and I get enough saplings from the transposers that I haven't needed to switch the harvester off of shear mode yet. When I need rubber I just swap in the rubber saplings and reset the harvester to not shear leaves. This will get expanded in the future with more lines of production, but for now its working like a champ. And who cares if it isn't as efficient at making water as composting dirt. I have a barrel full of leaves, I'm not short on materials.
Finally, there's this mess. I'm not proud of this...but it works and is functionally the least pressing matter that needs updating for me right now. The transfer node cobble gen feeds into a barrel and into a crucible, which is heated by pyrothium (thus the covers on the ground). The crucible feeds into a stone barrel obsidian gen, another stone barrel for manual netherrack and endstone generation and finally into the smeltery. The high oven also feeds into the smeltery, which feeds into a casting table. That part DOES need a lot of work since I need to be careful what metals I smelt at the same time to avoid unintentional alloys.
I plan to see how far I can push SFM and myself in getting this all as automated as possible. If I ever get an AE network up and running things will get really fun!