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Thats the same problem I have, in my post on the previous page. You need a chunk loader in your base.

Too bad the MFR one is so expensive.
Thats the same problem I have, in my post on the previous page. You need a chunk loader in your base.

Too bad the MFR one is so expensive.
A chunk loader doesn't necessarily solve the problem. My base is chunk loaded (via Dimensional Anchors), but had the same issue. That said, chunk loaders are useful/necessary for avoiding some itemduct and machinery issues.
A chunk loader doesn't necessarily solve the problem. My base is chunk loaded (via Dimensional Anchors), but had the same issue. That said, chunk loaders are useful/necessary for avoiding some itemduct and machinery issues.
Really? They did some extensive testing and the chunkloaders seem to have solved it for them. Oh @DoomSquirter ~ might have to change your siggy.
I also had issues with Dimensional Anchors. Haven't died away from my base after switching to ChickenChunks, so I can't compare.
Thanks for the replies. Unfortunately I can't quite afford an MFR chunkloader right now :( I guess I'll just have to take more care when going to the city.
This here is a small guide on how I handle the first few days on this map, getting up to the point where you become fully self-efficient and can crank out quests and explore at ones leisure. Some things can be done sooner/later depending on drops, multitasking, and rather or not you’re also doing other quests along the way. But this is how I tackle the first days.

Day 1: Prepping for the night.

  1. Do the /command and get the quests going
  2. Grab the wrench, pick up the two transposer's for the first quest to get the water camel and fill it with three bottles. Place at least one transposer back.
  3. Go outside and start a 2 deep trench from the edge of the ship by the water out 8-10 blocks then come around to the other edge. I advise not making this area big, not only would it waste valuable time but you don't have anything at the moment to use out there. You can always expand this as you need it. Plus you don't want it too big where mobs may start spawning inside, we don't have a means to light this up just yet.
  4. Go around the sides and front of the ship and dig away all the dust so the walls of the ship become a 2 high wall. Also Jump on top the ship and clear the dust from there. This exposes one of the road lights to lite up the top of your ship (prevents mob spawns on top and attracts mobs from that side of the ship)
  5. Flatten the mound that's to the right from the ships back end (right if you’re looking out from the back of the ship) to gather more dust and prevent mobs from peeking over your soon to be made wall.
  6. Use the dust to make a 3 high wall inside your trench area. If you still have daylight left. Go out and collect more dust.
  7. By now it should nearly be dusk. Break the glass inside the ship (they drop as blocks) to open the area up, use 6 to block off the back entrance to the ship, this in closes you in and gives you a nice view of your walled off area. Only spiders will make it over the wall right now.
  8. If you cleared away all the dust said even with the 3 high walls you should have nearly 3 full stacks of dust. Grab the sifter and the mini crafting table and set them down. Start sifting, you're after bone meal.
  9. With bone meal, a water bottle and dust you get your first dirt.
  10. From the quest book pick your path easy or hard. I tend to go easy, what you pick is up to you.
  11. Use the rest of the first night to sift the dust you have.
I advise staying away from the right side of the ship even inside during night time until the spill is contained. Creeper explosions from being lit a fire by the spill can make them go boom and that boom if there near the side of the ship can reach inside and damage you. I also ignore the spill the first day as again, pressed for time. We want the trench, wall and enough dust to hold us over. Plus it's handy to wait for a bucket with water as you tend to get set on fire. Lost a lot of first nights trying to tend to that spill. But you can tend to it whenever you wish.

Day 2:
Wood & Water

  1. By morning the mobs should be dead save for babies, creepers and spiders. If you have spiders climbing along your roof go to the front of the ship and break out one of the glass above. (This is why the dust is cleared away) You can easily punch the spiders to death. Even the little ones don't pose much of a threat here. Once there dead replace the glass.
  2. Climb to your roof (use two of the glass to make steps) Use the gun to tend to creepers, armored mobs and baby’s and run out to collect your grubs.
  3. Grab your tree sapling and dirt and place them down in the center of your walled area. Bone meal the tree, use the first log to make sticks and two crooks to bash leaves for more saplings. Place a few saplings in a chest for emergency reserve. (there is a reason)
  4. Use the first tree (or two if you get a small tree) to make the Tink Construct tables. With it I recommend getting the patters and make a Mattock out of the bones you collected, as it serves as a spade, axe and hoe. This will speed up your tree harvesting as well as dust collecting.
  5. Use the next bits of wood to make at least 4 barrels.
  6. From all the sifting in the night you also should have gotten enough stones to turn into 6 cobble to make your slab furnace. If not use this time to grab a bunch of extra dust, the huge mound near the front of the ship is perfect. Alternatively you can make a bone pickaxe on the Tink Construct tables and go for a jog out to the road out on the same side the spill is on. Collect the dark cobble to make your furnace. (I've never had to do this myself getting more than enough stone from dust)
  7. Get your slab furnace and use two bits of wood (not log. 1 wood cooks 1 item, this isn't really a waste as you'll have more than enough wood) to smelt two bits of iron. If you don't have two iron, sift more dust.
  8. Make shears, from here on out you will be shearing leaves. Unless you need silk worms say bye bye crooks. Shearing leaves gives you the leaf blocks as well as plenty of sapling drops. (At times I swear you get more saplings from shearing leaves then you do from crooks). Birch trees will always have a minimum of 50 leaf blocks on them and max of 60. 8 make 1 dirt. This is far better than wasting wood on crooks and waiting on 8 saplings. 5-6 Barrels can be filled from one tree.
  9. If you went easy you get an oak sapling. Recommend only using it until you get one apple. Then join the apple with a sapling to make an apple tree. From then on in either path use birch trees. I recommend this as TALL oak trees can be a pain to cut down and become a big time waster. Plus they can provide shade over your trench if they extend out over your wall making chopping down also dangerous from skeletons. Tall pine trees can also be a pain to chop down as you have to nerd pole up to the higher logs. Tall Birch trees are max 7 tall and can be fully chopped by leaving the bottom log and hoping on top of it.
  10. Use the leaf blocks in the barrels to make dirt. You want to always have dirt being made even as you are growing and shearing new trees. Also if not being used for food use zombie flesh for dirt as well. Extra tree saplings can also be used and this is why we have the emergency reserve safe in a chest, if you OOPS and use all your saplings, you have a few to spare. Also remember you can mix items in the barrels, so if you have 7 leaf blocks, you can throw in one of another item to top it off.
  11. Use dirt with water bottles to get dirty water (don't forget the quest). With how many leaf blocks you get you should have more dirt then you do bottles, cook the bottles and you are good on your water supply.
  12. By now it should be nightfall. This day was focusing on getting iron for shears, getting a good stock of leaves and plenty of wood and some tools. Our water issue should be sorted for the next day or two. Zombie jerky along with the food in the lock box's would have held you over for the time.
  13. Use the night to start charging through the "Desperate Times" quests to gain a nice food stock. You should have all, if not nearly all the mats you need for all the cooking items. Including all the stone you need from sifting dust. You should never have to sift dirt for the stone you need. You'll need 6 total smooth stone (24 small stones) to finish it.

Day 3: Sorting food & Light

  1. Come morning deal with mobs and grab gubs.
  2. If you don't have the mats to finish the Desperate Times quest chain head out and gather more dust. Two stacks nearly always works for me at this point, but more won’t hurt. This quest chain should be your main focus as food will be your killer at this point.
  3. Make sure you keep a tree planted at all times, so during work they can grow on their own. If a water bottle gets empty refill it and hold it in a chest, you should still have more dirt then bottles. If you're running low bonemeal a few trees to shear more leaves. Otherwise let it grow on its own for now.
  4. With some of the extra dirt lay out a small farm strip along the side of the flowing water. Pick up the clay while you’re at it as well. The mattock you made serves as a hoe, you're good. Remember farm can be watered up to 4 blocks away from water. You can make a good sized farm (9x9) from one centered water source, but we don't need to right now.
  5. Use the quest rewards and seeds to start a farm (likely rice for now). Bonemeal it to get a small starting supplies.
  6. Rise soup will be a main meal for a bit, mixed in with zombie jerky, spider eye soup and seed soup from extra seeds (get seeds by placing the food item in the crafting grid). Normal stock can also be eaten. (ew)
  7. Follow the quest (if you haven't already) to make a stone hammer and bone crook. Put the crook aside, again unless you need silk worm’s crooks are not needed.
  8. With what stones we have from sifting make them into cobble then hammer it for gravel. Break the gravel until you get flint to make a Stone Saw.
  9. Form 4 glowstone dust into a block and use the saw to cut it into nooks. Use the Nooks to light up the area, these lite up an area same as a full block, won’t produce heat and you get a stack from one block.
  10. Using the wood gathered prep for a killing trench can begin. Digging a three deep three wide (for now) trench along the inside of the wall, we remove parts of the wall to place down wood at ground level then replace the dust wall. Dig out the dust right below the wood block and place a slab on the bottom. This will form a gap you can whack through but is too small for mobs to fit.
  11. You can easily make a killing window at the front of the ship by breaking out glass right above ground level and putting slabs in their place. You need to be a little wearier of skelly arrows shooting from afar but you can still whack mobs and also snipe endermen from here. I personally only do this to the sides, but you can do it all the way around.
  12. With the start of a food stock and water no longer a worry the rest of the quests can be focused on at our leisure. Recommend using the rest of the day to gather as much dust as you can. Day should be reserved for dust collection. Night for sifting, quest knocking out and building/crafting.

Night 3 - Day 4:
Simple Automation & Expanding (Lot of these can be done during the 3rd night less you use the whole night sifting dust)

  1. By now I typically have a lot of aluminum from sifting. Use it on making two hoppers. Place one going into the furnace and one below going into a chest. Place a chest on top of the first hopper and you now have basic automation minus adding fuel by hand. This is great for water and ores so you can plop it all in the top chest and it'll cook up while you go off doing other things. Water and ores always on hand.
  2. With the wood we have, we can make a roof over the outside yard to make it a safe all night work area and keep spiders from hopping on the farm (Recommend using slabs, they go a lot further than normal blocks). The tree farm can be moved on top of the ship. Alternatively you can set up a 5×8 minimum room (Or make your roof 8 blocks high, or dig down) as 5×8 is the minimum needed for the biggest birch tree to grow. So you can have safe access to your trees during the night as well.
  3. Quests should be being done at our leisure now, but I myself am usually at making the Cubical and clay bucket. I start by making water by melting down leaves by having a torch placed below the cubical. 10 Leaves = 1 bucket, but I tend to get a few and store the water in dug holes so they can be later used for farms. Plus we need water for a cobble gen. 4 water is what I tend to gather.
  4. It's also time to start expanding. I expand downwards first by digging out a block to the side of the lockbox inside the ship and heading below the ship, following its shape to dig out a room and lite it with glowstone nooks. This becomes a storage area, and we got more dust from it. You can also mine into the attached fuel cell.. or was this a water cell? It's hallow inside and makes for a nice expansion. I use it for a kitchen/crafting area.
  5. While working on the above the water should be finished and it's time to turn the stones we've been gathering from sifting into cobble and melting them down. We just need one bucket of lava right now.
  6. For the cobble Generator I tend to wait until I have truly everything needed before making it, that means this can spill into day 5, or even done on day 2-3 depending on speed and luck of drops. You'll need a single transfer node that with all the redstone dust from sifting should be easy to make, though if you get an ender peril go ahead and use that as it'll make 4 instead of 1. Then make a stack of transfer Pipes (Item ducts won’t work). With everything in hand I go outside the base as to not soak up the heat of the lava, tend to do this on the side the spill was on and set it up out there. Let the first cobble form then place the transfer node on top of it. Pipe it into a chest inside your base.. you'll now have more cobble then you will ever need.

    Now we have water, food, and cobble sorted, plus the trench for mob drops we have everything we need to be self-efficient.
    Quests should still be being done, and if you have been should have much more already then just these basics listed.

Sealing the Leek: Can be done at any time.

  1. Grab at least 4 dust.
  2. Climb on top of the fuel tank.(Recommend going on top, as there's fewer fire spawns then on the ground)
  3. Start placing dust along the top center right above the leek is so it falls and stacks, this’ll block off the flow.
  4. Beware fire will randomly spawn all around the leek and there is a good chance you will be set ablaze.
Safety Method: Wait until you can acquire a bucket of water, go up to the leek and dump it right above it. It'll not only seal it off but form a lot of cobble. Collect the water after and move on. (Thus why I personally wait :P)

If you're in need of mob drops once you have a cubble gen going you can start making a typical mob spawner outside your base with a safety path leading to it. A simple dark 5x5x5 box 28 blocks away from your person will spawn mobs. A grinder will also work wonders for killing the spawns. Or for cheaper use Consecrated Soil made by mixing zombie flesh and bonemeal with dirt to make graveyard soil, then cooking it. This will harm undead that walk over it (but not creepers/spiders) You can also place the soil in your trench if you've finished your kill quests and have the drops you need from the mobs (Like potatoes/carrots from zombies that you have to smack them for such to drop) Recommend having an easy way to pick up the drops however as they will despawn after 5 minutes.

Recommend not bothering to use the autonomous activator to automate sifting as its slow, as well as no means to pick up items early on so you'll be stuck sitting on it. If you have no means to pick the items up without needing to be near, it's faster to just sift by hand.

The autonomous activator can be used to punch mobs if set to right click. Careful however, it can also punch you. I've set this up in the trench with water pushing mobs near it to make an early mob grinder.
I really wasn't patient enough to read through your entire spiel. I did note though at the end where you suggested not using the AA to automate the sieve. If you really have nothing better to do then stare at the sieve you should keep doing it manually, but you are incorrect when you say you have no way to collect the drops. In the early game a simple water conveyor will collect drops and feed them to the hopper.

Obviously the SFM system is the obvious step to take pretty quickly, but I for one prefer not to sieve manually beyond the first couple of days.

I'd also suggest that if you choose not to auto sieve you consider using the AA to hammer down cobble and such.
I've had bad times with water conveyor, mainly items stopping short or not going in the hopper properly. Or items not going into the water and popping elsewhere.
I've had bad times with water conveyor, mainly items stopping short or not going in the hopper properly. Or items not going into the water and popping elsewhere.
You're suppose to block it off so it won't pop off the water way. And you don't have to make it run the length of the natural water flow. You can cut it off even early to make sure it will go into the hopper.
I really wasn't patient enough to read through your entire spiel. I did note though at the end where you suggested not using the AA to automate the sieve. If you really have nothing better to do then stare at the sieve you should keep doing it manually, but you are incorrect when you say you have no way to collect the drops. In the early game a simple water conveyor will collect drops and feed them to the hopper.

Obviously the SFM system is the obvious step to take pretty quickly, but I for one prefer not to sieve manually beyond the first couple of days.

I'd also suggest that if you choose not to auto sieve you consider using the AA to hammer down cobble and such.

Not that vacuum hoppers are particularly difficult to acquire here. As the needlegun you get for free doesn't cause endermen to teleport when you shoot them, they're trivial to take out sometime after midnight, then head out to grab their pearl after the sun comes up. Obsidian can be made in a stone barrel without a pickaxe to break it; just put the lava in the barrel and put water on top of it, then right click to pull out the block of obsidian. If you build a sniper tower the second day, you can have a vacuum hopper and save quite a bit of space by the third.
Not that vacuum hoppers are particularly difficult to acquire here. As the needlegun you get for free doesn't cause endermen to teleport when you shoot them, they're trivial to take out sometime after midnight, then head out to grab their pearl after the sun comes up. Obsidian can be made in a stone barrel without a pickaxe to break it; just put the lava in the barrel and put water on top of it, then right click to pull out the block of obsidian. If you build a sniper tower the second day, you can have a vacuum hopper and save quite a bit of space by the third.
Never said they where, I'm not the one claiming I can't automate sieveing as drops cannot be collected. I do suspect most of us will be able to get water conveyors built before we get a vacuum hopper, and once installed there isn't really any need to "upgrade".
I personally build a pneumaticcraft hopper for collecting drops once I can automate the sieve. Face the open end at the hopper, then use glass panels to encase the block of air. Seems to work great.
I never said they couldn't be. Just that
1. The autonomous activator is slow on its own. and
2. I personally have had items even covered not fall into the water, and instead just sort of 'hang' on the side of a block. Or even clip through. Lost a good chunk of ore by it just popping out of the sifter where ever. Even stinking it in a 3 deep trench I still find items just sort of chilling.
Is it just me, or have ghasts stopped dropping tears? I've killed at least a dozen and i've yet to get a ghast tear.
Is it just me, or have ghasts stopped dropping tears? I've killed at least a dozen and i've yet to get a ghast tear.
They only seem to drop gunpowder so far for me - never really seen a tear on this map without sifting. Course, I don't have a grinder set-up so can't really claim that it's not so for all ghasts.[DOUBLEPOST=1411495800][/DOUBLEPOST]
I never said they couldn't be. Just that
1. The autonomous activator is slow on its own. and
2. I personally have had items even covered not fall into the water, and instead just sort of 'hang' on the side of a block. Or even clip through. Lost a good chunk of ore by it just popping out of the sifter where ever. Even stinking it in a 3 deep trench I still find items just sort of chilling.

1) It's ok that it's slow - it still leaves you free to do other things that you otherwise wouldn't be able to do if it weren't sifting for you.

2) How do you set it up so it doesn't fall into the water? Kind of curious because so far the only time it ever pops out for me is when my chest is full and I still keep it running for a long time after it's full.
They only seem to drop gunpowder so far for me - never really seen a tear on this map without sifting. Course, I don't have a grinder set-up so can't really claim that it's not so for all ghasts.[DOUBLEPOST=1411495800][/DOUBLEPOST]

1) It's ok that it's slow - it still leaves you free to do other things that you otherwise wouldn't be able to do if it weren't sifting for you.

2) How do you set it up so it doesn't fall into the water? Kind of curious because so far the only time it ever pops out for me is when my chest is full and I still keep it running for a long time after it's full.
The baby ghasts added by Special Mobs don't drop tears. If you want regular ghasts, create a pool of witch water below Y 64 which will spawn squids and immediately change them to ghasts.
Question. How many cities can you have on a map and more importantly - how do you find one after the initial one from the road next to your crash site? I get lost easily and with no visual clues on this flat, barren wasteland, I imagine I'll be lost in the desert with easy. Even with a waypoint set. <<<:oops: panic sets in quickly.
Question. How many cities can you have on a map and more importantly - how do you find one after the initial one from the road next to your crash site? I get lost easily and with no visual clues on this flat, barren wasteland, I imagine I'll be lost in the desert with easy. Even with a waypoint set. <<<:oops: panic sets in quickly.
There is no set number...... they generate randomly so the only theoretical limit to the number of cities is the size of your hard drive.......

I've never had a problem just wandering around a bit to find them, but in truth you could just head one direction....... regardless of the direction you will find a city, then you'll just have to go in the opposite direction to find your home.
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They only seem to drop gunpowder so far for me - never really seen a tear on this map without sifting. Course, I don't have a grinder set-up so can't really claim that it's not so for all ghasts.[DOUBLEPOST=1411495800][/DOUBLEPOST]

2) How do you set it up so it doesn't fall into the water? Kind of curious because so far the only time it ever pops out for me is when my chest is full and I still keep it running for a long time after it's full.

I watched Etho put a hopper on top of his sieve, it output to a chest and had blocks around the hopper to stop bits flying out, no water, no omnidirectional hopper, just vanilla, brilliantly simple.