Bout a week real time into this now, a few notes...
1. The author of special mobs is a sadistic sod to be sure

2. This modpack is hard
3. Making jelly for PB&J nets you free glass bottles.
3. Everytime you die you get a Tinkers Materials and You
4. Everytime you craft seared bricks you get a Might Smelting
5. Wood slab overhangs on ur wall are the only way to survive early on
6. When starting ignore the quests and get a crucible to melt leaves by dawn the second day.
7. Mine under your ship for dust, no collapsing, no mobs and no heat
8. The author of special mobs needs battery acid injected into their eye.
9. This modpack is hard
Oh and one question, any way to turn infinite water back on? I wanna build a moat around my walls and without it I'll be carrying water for years