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I don't know which mod it is that add the red squares in your inventory when shift clicking items. I'm on ftb revalation and its going crazy with ae2. Just want which mod adds it.
i am playing on the modpack ftb ultimate reloaded and wanted to know how to make a blast furnace in here it seems the parts are made from different mods any help is appreciated
lots of immersive engineering stuff is disabled that pack because it wasn't around back then in the original ftb ultimate nor was a semblance of it. A core design goal for that pack was to be an updated look alike to that old very popular pack they did back then.
how to share a modpack?

Depends on which launcher you’re using I think. If you’re just wanting to share with friends so you can play together, you can just go to the mod folder, make a compressed zipped copy and then share it via storage cloud or flash drive. If you’re talking about a public modpack though, I would recommend posting your modpack on a forum with all the details. I’m not exactly sure if there’s an easier way, probably is.

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stoneblock 2 and FTB academy both removed oreexcavation… did they add something to replace it?? anyone know?

Does the void miner work? I haven’t tried it yet myself, but my friend did have a builder from RFTools clear out an area. If you combine that with the mining dimension, and ender chest connected to the builder, and that’s connected to whatever storage system you have, you should have a pretty okay substitute for the ore excavation. Plus I think you can tell it certain blocks to mine.
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I am trying to spin up a docker container with FTB, but the requirements for the container are a .ZIP file and the server versions of FTB
I am running Fedora so when i go to the FTB site i choose unix and get a .sh file and i am an unsure if this is the server version.|

I compressed it to a .ZIP myself to see if that would do it, but it was a no go as the container thinks it is not the server version.

Any ideas where i can get the server version?
I am trying to spin up a docker container with FTB, but the requirements for the container are a .ZIP file and the server versions of FTB
I am running Fedora so when i go to the FTB site i choose unix and get a .sh file and i am an unsure if this is the server version.|

I compressed it to a .ZIP myself to see if that would do it, but it was a no go as the container thinks it is not the server version.

Any ideas where i can get the server version?
I also have a FTB (infinity evolved) server running in a docker container, my server is running ubuntu server 18.04 lts and I used the itzg minecraft server from the docker hub. I just opened on my computer (not the server) the (old) feed the beast launcher (my pc runs windows 10) and clicked the download server button, then I copied the download link to my server and used on my server the wget command and I got a .zip server file that works on windows and linux. I also tried this with the new FTB launcher but this doesn't seem to work.
Hope this helps you!
Does the void miner work? I haven’t tried it yet myself, but my friend did have a builder from RFTools clear out an area. If you combine that with the mining dimension, and ender chest connected to the builder, and that’s connected to whatever storage system you have, you should have a pretty okay substitute for the ore excavation. Plus I think you can tell it certain blocks to mine.
thank you, after some playing with it I was able to figure it out
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Is there a way to make the robot arm from GregTech:CE insert items only into the first slot of the GT alloy smelter? for me it always inserts into both
Wie installiere ich texture packs in der neuen FTB App?

Also die Texture packs sind Instanzen abhängig du musst es einfach in den ressource packs order der gewählten instanz legen.

Ich musste die intanz erst einmal starten bis der Ordner erschien aber du kanns ihn auch selbst erstellen.

AM einfachsten kommst du zum dem Verzeichnis in dem die instanz liegt über den "Open folder" / "Ordner öffnen" button in der FTB App oder direkt in den ressourcepack ordner über die einstellungen im spiel
Ftb Revelation (latest), Gendustry : Is it still okay to assume that Hell Emulation will work as Nether Biome and if I breed bees that mutate only in Nether, I'll get these mutations with the Hell Emulation ?
I don't know which mod it is that add the red squares in your inventory when shift clicking items. I'm on ftb revalation and its going crazy with ae2. Just want which mod adds it.

That should be Quark, remember it has its own config button -> the square with a q in it when you press esc
Ftb Revelation (latest), Gendustry : Is it still okay to assume that Hell Emulation will work as Nether Biome and if I breed bees that mutate only in Nether, I'll get these mutations with the Hell Emulation ?

Not sure about mutation, but Hell Emulators definitely work for getting special products out of your nether bees.
You don't really need to use the old-school Forestry mechanics for mutating bees either, use the Gendustry mutatron and you can force it without spending generations trying to purify each species :)
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I updated to v1.9.2 of FTB Interactions via the new FTB Launcher, and the main title screen was really goofy - it was blinking like an epileptic seizure, and the graphics were the "image not found" graphics with the pink and black squares. Very strange indeed.

Also, in the launcher itself, my version of FTB Interactions is still shown as v1.9.1 when I specifically updated it to v1.9.2 thru the launcher.

I went back to Twitch and used the v1.9.1 modpack that is still available there, I copied it into my MultiMC. While I'd love to be rid of Twitch for good, I'm still forced to use it for now, and that means I'm still stuck in v1.9.1 with the Gregtech Axes not working properly (that's reported to be fixed in v1.9.2 but I'll believe it when I actually see it, and not until).

Edit: My bad day just keeps getting worse... after a good 6-hour session yesterday, I re-open the modpack to find... there's no world listed in SSP mode. My world is in the save folder, and I did make backups as I played, which are located in the backups folder... but I have no world to click on and play. sigh Why would my entire world be gone, even tho it's still in the file directory?

Edit#2: So I was able to load one of my v1.9.1 backups into the v1.9.2 modpack, and my first order of business is to check out whether the functionality of the Gregtech Axe has returned... so I planted an oak sapling, and immediately realize that I can't "twerk" anymore, there's no particles from the sapling at all. Was "twerking" removed in modpack v1.9.2? I didn't see it in the version notes, if so.

Edit#3: Gregtech Axe NOT working, its doing the same exact thing it did in v1.9.1, very discouraging since we were told it would be fixed in v1.9.2
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When I examine the install location for the FTB Launcher, I navigate to the "instances" folder, and I see these two folders:


By examining the files in those two folders, I can see the first one is FTB Omnia, and the second is FTB Interactions

Why are you using such ridiculous filenames for the instances?
Can we rename the instances folders to something better, such as the modpack name and version number? MultiMC allows me to name the folders whatever I wish to call them, why can't FTB Launcher do something similar?
What is the best 1.12 way of dealing with duplicate ores? Any special new mods/tools, or just disable duplicates in various configs?

Also, is there an easy way to add various new ores/metals to Tinkers Smeltery recipes? Or stuck doing CraftTweaker for them all?
Does anyone know a way to make 5-15k rf/t in the newest version of FTB Continuum . I am in the midgame and need more energie for my Void Ore Miner and production lines. I already tried the Garde Cloche/Bio Reactor construction from Softwerker but it doesent work and I dont know why. I checked it severel times but nothing worked.