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Possible? Yes. But can be messy if you don't know what you're doing. Gotta make sure every mod you're trying to run works with that version first. Any mods that don't make it, the existing blocks in the world will end up being deleted, etc. But yes, it's possible. Depending on your host company, you pretty much just replace the main file
yeah, I am ready for it to be messy, and cool its easy server side. but what about on the client side? is there a separate place the Forge jar is located?

We are launching from the FTBLauncher (v1.5.0) and I cant seem to find the forge jar anywhere. I am probably entiryly missing it by not thinking of a place though. Ok, I found the jars, now just need to figure out how the launchers knows what jar to use for each pack
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FTB Interactions Bronze Age (at early Steam machines) ranged weapons options? 'Arrow Shafts' are gated behind extruders, and it seems i cannot cast "large" parts in Porcelain Melter (faucet does not work). Any advice?
I ran into a problem with a MOX fuel nuclear reactor. I turned the heat up to 85% and now its stable there, perfect, but my problem is that the reactor takes fire and it burns off all the surrounding blocks. my glass fibre cable is safe so it can deliver power, but my reinforced stone and glass burns up. and most importantly my lever burns up, thus it turns off it power automaticly. Any other way to power the reactor. I literaly use lever for everything so..
Started playing Ultimate Alchemy but having an issue where randomly my mouse "accelerates" so my character spins around. Playable, but damn annoying getting random spun around when turning slightly.
I'm wondering if it's something to do with the creative flight that you start with, any ideas how that's been enabled so I can test turning it off. Never had this issue before in any other packs.
Anyone know offhand if TekTopia miners recognize/harvest mod ores (particularly COFH suite)?
hey I am new in the modpack scene and downloaded ftb revelations. Due to this fact I dont know any keys the modpack is using. I wanted to look them up, but only the keys and not the use of them are shown to me because the are disappearing in the left corner. Does anybody know something about this problem and can help me?

Thank you in advance
Anyone know offhand if TekTopia miners recognize/harvest mod ores (particularly COFH suite)?
Should be easy to test in a creative world sir.

hey I am new in the modpack scene and downloaded ftb revelations. Due to this fact I dont know any keys the modpack is using. I wanted to look them up, but only the keys and not the use of them are shown to me because the are disappearing in the left corner. Does anybody know something about this problem and can help me?
Thank you in advance
I believe there's a graphics option to change your GUI scale. Your current one is probably too large (happened to me once, no idea how).
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Hats mod issue:

I don't know the controls very well and was messing with the buttons and found one that lets you rearrange them by removing them and adding them back. Unfortunately, this includes the rearrange button, and now it's gone along with 1/3 of the other buttons. I've looked and looked and have no idea how to get them back. How do I restore the buttons in the Hats GUI?
Hey quick question. Are you actually able to enchant Tinkerers Construct weapons at an enchantment table? I tried enchanting my Cleaver and it didn't work ._ .
No, this has (as far as I am aware) never been possible.

Depends on the modpack. For most modpacks, your answer is correct - Tinker's Construct tools are not enchantable in a vanilla enchantment table. However, I am currently playing Project Ozone 3 modpack, and (believe it or not), in that modpack, you can actually enchant Tinker's Construct tools. I have no idea how they did it, or what mod makes it happen. And I haven't used it at all myself, so I can't expand on it, but I mention it in case somebody wants to go have a look at the pack and see how they made it work.

P.S. They deleted my avatar image and my "join date" is from July 2019 (i've been posting here for at least 5 years if not far longer). Weird. (They show my first posting as Aug 27, 2013)
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Depends on the modpack. For most modpacks, your answer is correct - Tinker's Construct tools are not enchantable in a vanilla enchantment table. However, I am currently playing Project Ozone 3 modpack, and (believe it or not), in that modpack, you can actually enchant Tinker's Construct tools. I have no idea how they did it, or what mod makes it happen. And I haven't used it at all myself, so I can't expand on it, but I mention it in case somebody wants to go have a look at the pack and see how they made it work.

P.S. They deleted my avatar image and my "join date" is from July 2019 (i've been posting here for at least 5 years if not far longer). Weird. (They show my first posting as Aug 27, 2013)
Ah that's good to know! Wow!

Also yeah - you're not the only one that's happened to. There was a thing a few months ago I think, where people had to let them know if they wanted personal data to be transferred across; for those who didn't get back to them, their accounts are showing up as New Members. Did you have a cactus avatar before?
Is there a mod that brings back the old Thermal stuff
Tesseracts and Autonomous activators.

This was always a planned further mod in the COFH family. Sadly it looks like you have to look elsewhere at the moment.

No, this has (as far as I am aware) never been possible.

Pnumaticraft Represurized can do it. There's a number of mods that just don't check to see if things should be enchanted and will put any enchantment on anything. In general, the lesson seems to be "don't do it" because of how things go bad when the checks don't happen.
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FTB Interractions:
The overworld is somehow set to Dimension 100. Any Idea why? (and not the default 0?)
but my main Question is: how can i change that? Because i want to run millenaire (adds villages that are way better then the vanilla ones (more dynamic, they use the supplies you sell them to build new buildings...), but it only run in Dimension 0.
I tried to change something in the config files and first it looked like it worked (millenaire was running in the overworld), but then i noticed that there was strongholds, can't find mana pools, the bioms looked pretty vanilla (and not like dryer biomes to the west like the questbook stated). So i changed every Dimension line (thankfully Windows can search In files) with "100" to "0" and vice versa. Now i have:
in a new generated World: the void island is not in the void, instead in a cobblestone box underground (can dig upwards to the surface), mana pools in the overworld but still no desert at the west (the biomes are like allways mixed)
in a previously generated world: every biome is plains with no manapools etc.
So any Idea how to solve this? (maybe how to change the Dimension Inside the millenaire mod? have little to nothing knowledge about java programming but inside the .jar is a WorldGenVillage.class and where i found this line "if (world.field_73011_w.getDimension() != 0)". can changing "!= 0" to "!= 100" do the thing?
1) Anyone know how to fix my aforementioned Hats Mod buttons missing issue?

2) The IC2 wiki says the reinforced stone single-walled reactor room is 5x5x3 (roofless) and the double-walled version is 7x7x4. Shouldn't the double version be 7x7x5 to maintain a proper block wall doubling?
So, I've been playing MC Eternal again... Trying to get further than I have before but I'm running into an issue of ores.

I seem to have an issue finding silver.... I've done caving/strip mining and have found very little! I've also gone to the Beneath, and can't find any Osmium either. No added mods, latest version, totally confused... (*well, the confused part is nothing new LOL)

Any suggestions?

**EDIT** Osmium can be found around Y 25 in the Beneath.. I happened to spawn underground and dug up to get to the surface thinking I would need to be there from half memories of Direwolf20 scrounging for it on the surface. Looked back and his surface was at Y25(ish) so after digging down, I found some!

Still hurting for silver tho'... ugg
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So, I've been playing MC Eternal again... Trying to get further than I have before but I'm running into an issue of ores.

I seem to have an issue finding silver.... I've done caving/strip mining and have found very little! I've also gone to the Beneath, and can't find any Osmium either. No added mods, latest version, totally confused... (*well, the confused part is nothing new LOL)

Any suggestions?

**EDIT** Osmium can be found around Y 25 in the Beneath.. I happened to spawn underground and dug up to get to the surface thinking I would need to be there from half memories of Direwolf20 scrounging for it on the surface. Looked back and his surface was at Y25(ish) so after digging down, I found some!

Still hurting for silver tho'... ugg
Also playing through the MC Eternal rn.
Didn't have an issue finding silver but I didn't do much mining at all. I always rush quarries in Kitchen Sinks so right now I have three small storage crates of resources and a medium storage crate of processed ingots.
Fun fact, the Digital Miner can be made with a Quartz Grindstone, a Smeltery, and a Metallurgic Infuser, and nothing else, so I would get that.