I'm looking to take a shortcut with chicken breeding in the FTB Sky Adventures modpack. When you cross-breed two chickens with 10-10-10 perfect stats, you eventually get a new chicken species however the eggs are all 1-1-1's, they don't inherit the parent's stats.
I wish to change this. First I looked into editing a config file, however (a) I don't know which file, and (b) I don't even know which mod... there's "Chickens", there's "Hatchery" and there's "Roost", and there's probably even more than that ("CodeChickenLib")...
After much searching, it appears the mod developer has intentionally NOT put any option into the config files to make new eggs arrive with 10-10-10 stats.
So... someone else suggested taking each egg in-game, and doing a command "/entitydata <entity> <dataTag>" on them.
Q1: What is the <entity> for eggs?
Q2: What is the <dataTag> for changing the egg data?
Is this going to be easy, or hard? Do I have to hold the egg in my hand while I type the command or what? Is there another way to do this?
That's not quite true. I've included ProjectE in my modpack, but it's locked behind a research type system and you basically need to progress through about 80% of the pack before it's available.
Well that's obviously a special case, but... okay, you're right.