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How much power does a basic AE2 setup need?
All I've got is a disk drive with a terminal, I've got it power by 1 magmatic dynamo but it's not enough.
How much RF should I be looking to generate?
if u can craft a network tool(right click on any part of the main network to use it this way,the controller counts for this) u can see the amount of energy the controller wants to run at any given pt ( u might need to toggle the unit its showing by in the gui after u open it)
What am I supposed to do now?

This POS spawned right after I went to sleep and went afk to take a drink. I returned and saw that I'm dead. My gravestone is near that thing and it kills me before I can collect my items.
What am I supposed to do now?

This POS spawned right after I went to sleep and went afk to take a drink. I returned and saw that I'm dead. My gravestone is near that thing and it kills me before I can collect my items.

What are we looking at? (I'm guessing it's a Taint thing, since there's some purple tendrilly stuff in the grass) Is it possible to retreat to a safe place and craft replacement gear? A bow to pelt it from range, maybe?
What am I supposed to do now?

This POS spawned right after I went to sleep and went afk to take a drink. I returned and saw that I'm dead. My gravestone is near that thing and it kills me before I can collect my items.
shoot it with something a bow/focus/rifle/cad it really cant fight back vs being hit from a distance most of its attacks are limited to directly around it
shoot it with something a bow/focus/rifle/cad it really cant fight back vs being hit from a distance most of its attacks are limited to directly around it
Yeah, I figured that I needed a ranged weapon, and I collected flint and feathers to craft arrows, then shot it, but arrow amount wasn't enough. So I just cheated and finished it off, because I'm not the type to enjoy such hardcore situations.
To be honest, from what I've been reading about Thaumcraft 6, adding that mod is a trip to purple oblivion.
all the purple recedes when u kill the big purple central tentacle(they are the core/source) .the poster of the topic question got caught out by it because they afked to near a rift they had little idea about it
Alright, I'm stuck. I hope it's a simple question.

Custom pack, 1.12

I don't know if I hit a button or what, but some of my interface mods used to work but stopped. HWYLA and the buttons from crafting tweaks. I don't see any key binds to toggle those displays.

I know it's hard to diagnose being a custom pack, I'm just hoping it's something common enough someone might have experienced it. I have most of the cliches.
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Love seeing a brand new FTB modpack!!!! Thank you guys!!!!!!

Q: I don't like the text font used for items and game menus... how can I change the font back to either default or something I like a bit better? Is that easily done via a config file perhaps? Which one?

Edit: The font isn't as unlikeable as it first seemed and I'll probably keep it - just so I don't mess up the text spacing for things like the questbook. But I'd still like to know if its possible to change the default modpack text? It would be good to know which config file it's in.
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I have a question if you don't mind.

In Roots 2 is there a way to stop Fairies from spawning at a certain place? They are beginning to irritate me with their spinning around in circles!
Regarding FTB Sky Adventures and today's update to it. (1.2.0)

Specific attention to lines:
-Removed lootbagrecycler/opener due to massive EMC gains early game.
-Removed EMC from lootbag recycler/opener so they are removed from tablets.

Also I wanted to call attention to a line in the desription of the pack because I am confused and need clarification.
"For the first time in a FTB pack we focus on fun, fast progression if the player chooses to."

As I haven't come across this problem myself, my question is this:
From what I've seen in the loot from lootbags (all tiers), there is a good deal of loot that doesn't even have an EMC value to begin with. Broken picks come to mind easily because I have gotten about 12 out of 40 (or so) bag openings throughout all well as some other things I for one found utterly useless and had to void into a trash can just to get rid of them all.

Now I know I have just barely scratched the surface of the pack as I just started playing it the other night, but from the bit of testing I did do, the only way (I) can see as an explosion of EMC in the 'early game', is to cheat in stacks of items and feeding the table with them. I put 'early game' in quotes because my knowledge isn't good enough yet to just speed through to late game in less than a month...more or less.

What is being measured as "Early Game" and what are the "massive EMC gains early game" that required the items to be removed? -and-
How can it be ", fast progression if the player chooses to." when, (imho), fast EMC gains is a major part of that statement?

Myself personally, I created 3 simple automated cobble gens and fed them all into a diamond chest, then just manually dump the whole lot into the transmutation table after the chest is full.
(Yes I do have the patience for that, lol)
Does that mean the pack needs to disable the ability to make a cobble gen (in world) with water and lava blocks?

Yes I can kind of see the angle this may be looked at as a reason to remove the items...yet if someone has problems with being 'bored' by having so much EMC that makes playing trivial...isn't it their choice on whether or not to play that way...and their responsibility to not do that?

I for one would like the option to put to use all of the junk that I've been getting from those bags, when RNG is in a mood to hate me by giving me iridium shards that I am nowhere NEAR the stage to be able to use...or the plain book and 2 saddles that I'll end up getting in a 'Legendary' bag...or the double-chest full of broken picks I finally voided to trash when I couldn't find a single recipie on how to either fix them or melt/break them down into...anything.

Sorry about the novel of a post in the 'Simple' question thread. It's just that what others see as (in this case), a reason to remove something from a modpack by the creators to where ALL players of that pack are in my mind common sense, that it's a player's choice thing, not a game bug/failure that ruins everyone's gaming experience. I'll keep playing the pack as it doesn't affect me now one way or 'nother. It would just be nice to have the option to choose doing things that way if I wanted.
Yeah Sky Adventures pack is a bit of a mess, but perhaps over time it will get a bit better. But it's always going to be a modpack with "zero balance" to it, there's no hope at all in preventing "exploits" since Project E is a featured, central mod in the pack.

This goes for ANY modpack that contains Project E - you can never hope to balance such a pack... so why even try?

But yesterday, a modpack update was issued, and what does the modpack team do? "Removed EMC value from metal nuggets due to exploits"

Huh? Due to exploits? Hey guys, in case you didn't realize it yet? THE ENTIRE MODPACK IS ONE GIGANTIC EXPLOIT!!!!! Because of Project E's inclusion!!!

So why are you even trying to stem the flow of "exploits"?

The problem is, when they removed the nuggets from Project E's Transmutation Table, they also removed every item that uses nuggets in its crafting recipe!! So items like EnderIO Item Conduit can no longer go into the Table to be stored.

In fact, none of the Actually Additions mod's items can go into the Table either... which makes the modpack a bit of a mess.

Here's my suggestions for the FTB Team making this Sky Adventures modpack... since you've already admitted that this is a modpack allowing for "fun, fast progression"... then why remove ANYTHING from the Transmutation Table for being a possible "exploit"? What is the point?
This goes for ANY modpack that contains Project E - you can never hope to balance such a pack... so why even try?
That's not quite true. I've included ProjectE in my modpack, but it's locked behind a research type system and you basically need to progress through about 80% of the pack before it's available.

Fun Fact, ProjectE even logs recipe exploits it detects, so if anyone is concerned about "balance" there is information available to work through.
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I'm looking to take a shortcut with chicken breeding in the FTB Sky Adventures modpack. When you cross-breed two chickens with 10-10-10 perfect stats, you eventually get a new chicken species however the eggs are all 1-1-1's, they don't inherit the parent's stats.

I wish to change this. First I looked into editing a config file, however (a) I don't know which file, and (b) I don't even know which mod... there's "Chickens", there's "Hatchery" and there's "Roost", and there's probably even more than that ("CodeChickenLib")...

After much searching, it appears the mod developer has intentionally NOT put any option into the config files to make new eggs arrive with 10-10-10 stats.

So... someone else suggested taking each egg in-game, and doing a command "/entitydata <entity> <dataTag>" on them.

Q1: What is the <entity> for eggs?
Q2: What is the <dataTag> for changing the egg data?

Is this going to be easy, or hard? Do I have to hold the egg in my hand while I type the command or what? Is there another way to do this?

That's not quite true. I've included ProjectE in my modpack, but it's locked behind a research type system and you basically need to progress through about 80% of the pack before it's available.

Well that's obviously a special case, but... okay, you're right. :)
Is this going to be easy, or hard? Do I have to hold the egg in my hand while I type the command or what? Is there another way to do this?
the only way i can see this working is by the honor system after a nbt editing each and every egg(could be just 1 cluster of tags each to tweak but thats still a lot of chickens. id just chain roost breeders at that pt
That's not quite true. I've included ProjectE in my modpack, but it's locked behind a research type system and you basically need to progress through about 80% of the pack before it's available.

Fun Fact, ProjectE even logs recipe exploits it detects, so if anyone is concerned about "balance" there is information available to work through.
0 idea why they did not just nerf the value of iron ingots down to the value of 9 iron nuggets.
mhm project e left alone Will run wild it's just in its very nature. it basically boils down to lots of tweaking or just sealing project e behind a stage req or a custom recipe(that requires u to have gotten through a large part(75%?) of the pack anyways)
0 idea why they did not just nerf the value of iron ingots down to the value of 9 iron nuggets.

Yes, I think they made that correction with the second beta modpack update issued today (v1.2.1 beta), which would mean nuggets are fixed and working in the Transmutation Table again. I haven't confirmed it yet tho, all I did was quickly read thru the Changelog. But that's what I get for jumping the gun with playing beta versions, right? :)
Any way to boost flying spped in survival? Like an enchantment or special pants or something? Custom 1.12 pack with all the cliches. IIRC, run speed enchants like on dark steel legs does not affect flying speed, right? What about draconic evolution?