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I'm having a problem with the fermenter it used one sapling and then it stopped producing it has been on that like for an hour.

the fermenter needs buildcraft power
Thanks! One more, transformation powder?
I think Transformation Powder turns sheep into rams and pigs into boars and suchlike.
Quite a lot of the "Twilight Forest" creatures have counterparts in the Overworld. The transformation works both ways, so you can use one powder to turn a pig into a deer, as well as turn a deer into a pig.
Complete list is here:

Here's one for the bee keepers: Is it to be expected that, when centrifuged, "Rocky Comb" does rarely ever get me anything, save for a beeswax out of three, maybe? I'm confused as every other comb gives beeswax and some other stuff - 'cept the Rocky Combs. Three out of five I get a wax, other two - nothing at all. This is intended behaviour?
Here's one for the bee keepers: Is it to be expected that, when centrifuged, "Rocky Comb" does rarely ever get me anything, save for a beeswax out of three, maybe? I'm confused as every other comb gives beeswax and some other stuff - 'cept the Rocky Combs. Three out of five I get a wax, other two - nothing at all. This is intended behaviour?

Evidently the stone bees are there so you can extract their delicious genes via breeding, not their delicious honey via centrifuge. DW20 seemed very enthusiastic about the nocturnal trait they all have in his recent SMP letsplays.
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Does anyone have a link to a bee breeding guide that is not:
  1. Done by a mouth-breathing 13 year old who has never heard of the concept of "re-take."
  2. Is not just a guide to the structure recipes.
  3. Is not 6 hours of unwatchable conversation on teamsepak.
  4. Actually contains examples of why you would ever breed bees?
My wife has started bee breeding but so far we only know that, vaguely, bees can do neat stuff. But we have no idea what and the process is not very "discoverable." Like, hooray I have some honey drops and beeswax. What now? Aparist's chest, gogogo?
So far all we've done is get marshy bees, stone bees, and an infinite number of marble bees. Crossing them seems to result in nothing. We made a beealyzer, but it's not a very well documented device...
I've heard many people recommend Florastar's videos. I have no experience with them myself though. I learned the basics from dw20's LP series, and if you know basic genetics (high school material where I live, I don't know about the education system in $subject_country_here), the breeding is pretty much common sense.

As for the "why", realistically, it is mostly convenience. Bees will not get you amazing shiny things, the products will mostly just augment other systems you already have in place: better food, more efficient fermenters, creating or stopping rain on demand. Additionally, if you have extra bees, then you can look forward to a slow, but steady trickle of materials such as copper, iron, glowstone, or even uranium. But it's a "journey is as important as the destination" kinda thing. I would recommend avoiding any and all spoilers, the process of experimentation and gradual discovery can be very entertaining if that is your thing.
The main draw is really expendable capsules. No longer will you have to worry about using liquid transposers everywhere, when you basically have an infinite supply of beeswax capsules. Doesn't even require breeding.

If you do get heavily into breeding, you will be able to produce special wax capsules that can even hold lava.

If you deal with the annoying poisonous jungle bees, you'll eventually get large amounts of whisps of silk, which you can use to fashion the upgraded forestry bagpacks (those are really awesome).

And carefully bred ice bees will let you produce a coolant liquid for combustion engines that is many times more efficient than water.
Q. How the hell do you make warded glass? NEI doesn't have any recipe and it's not on the FTB wiki or the TC3 wiki either.

Q2. I just made my first fermenter today and was eagerly looking forward to fermenting all my stacks of saps into biomass, but it doesn't appear to do anything with non-vanilla saps. Is this intended behaviour or am I doing something wrong?
Q. How the hell do you make warded glass? NEI doesn't have any recipe and it's not on the FTB wiki or the TC3 wiki either.

Warded glass is made through thaumcraft, you have to research the recipe in your thauminomicon.

Q. Why are the new Forestry multifarms so inefficient? Is it intended to be an expensive, huge, pain?
When you say "inefficient", do you mean "it costs a lot to build the farm blocks"? Because that's not what inefficiency means at all...

Other than that, you just need apatite, which spawns in huge veins absolutely everywhere above a certain y-level (look in the hills). One 15-minute mining trip should have you set for weeks.
I meant inefficient, as when making a wheat farm, the water is placed every other 2 blocks, instead of maximizing the space you can get for hydration of farmland.
I meant inefficient, as when making a wheat farm, the water is placed every other 2 blocks, instead of maximizing the space you can get for hydration of farmland.
I hear you can build a plot manually and let the machine take care of that?
I meant inefficient, as when making a wheat farm, the water is placed every other 2 blocks, instead of maximizing the space you can get for hydration of farmland.
That's an incentive to use a manual farm and use as efficient design as you can make.

Is anyone else having trouble with optifine and water behavior in SSP?
Check whether your version of Forge is compatible with your version of Optifine. If you're using the latest Optifine with the latest FTB, they are not. You will need to either upgrade your Forge or downgrade your Optifine.
Warded glass is made through thaumcraft, you have to research the recipe in your thauminomicon.

Also note that the recipe is shown in the same place as the warded stone and the door. Took me a while to find it when that version of Thaumcraft came out, only to find that i already knew it because i'd already researched the warded stone.
Q2. I just made my first fermenter today and was eagerly looking forward to fermenting all my stacks of saps into biomass, but it doesn't appear to do anything with non-vanilla saps. Is this intended behaviour or am I doing something wrong?
Update Forestry.
Thanks for your replies guys. MilCon, that just crashes the server every 30 seconds with DW20 so must be unstable or something. Had to reinstall the default DW20 config files for the server to run again so will wait for next DW20 release I think.

Another Q: I am about to get started with Thaumcraft but ~30 blocks from my base I have a burrow which, even though I have cleared out and lit up, still spawns wisps occasionally. In fact earlier tonight I was in my base and a purple message appeared on screen "A nearby Node spews forth something Foul." That does not sound good at all. Is this going to cause me problems with my TC stuff? What precautions should I be taking? I have a couple of silverwood saps stored in a chest which I understand help to keep wisps away so if I plant them will it stop them spawning in the burrow or do I need to fill it in or something?
baw179: A barrow always contains an evil node. Close the entrance to it, so the wisps cannot escape. Later on when you feel brave, you can go in and try to kill those wisps. For future security: Try to gather a big pure node and let it eat the evil one. Details for this can be found somewhere in the forum

shanebassist: Yes.
I think there's some info about managing aura nodes on the TC3 wiki, too.

But since you're just getting started with ThaumCraft, you may have to hold off on doing anything more than sealing up the barrow until you unlock the item that lets you see aura nodes.