I'm having a problem with the fermenter it used one sapling and then it stopped producing it has been on that like for an hour.
the fermenter needs buildcraft power
I'm having a problem with the fermenter it used one sapling and then it stopped producing it has been on that like for an hour.
Thanks! One more, transformation powder?
Quite a lot of the "Twilight Forest" creatures have counterparts in the Overworld. The transformation works both ways, so you can use one powder to turn a pig into a deer, as well as turn a deer into a pig.I think Transformation Powder turns sheep into rams and pigs into boars and suchlike.
Here's one for the bee keepers: Is it to be expected that, when centrifuged, "Rocky Comb" does rarely ever get me anything, save for a beeswax out of three, maybe? I'm confused as every other comb gives beeswax and some other stuff - 'cept the Rocky Combs. Three out of five I get a wax, other two - nothing at all. This is intended behaviour?
Q. How the hell do you make warded glass? NEI doesn't have any recipe and it's not on the FTB wiki or the TC3 wiki either.
I hear you can build a plot manually and let the machine take care of that?I meant inefficient, as when making a wheat farm, the water is placed every other 2 blocks, instead of maximizing the space you can get for hydration of farmland.
That's an incentive to use a manual farm and use as efficient design as you can make.I meant inefficient, as when making a wheat farm, the water is placed every other 2 blocks, instead of maximizing the space you can get for hydration of farmland.
Check whether your version of Forge is compatible with your version of Optifine. If you're using the latest Optifine with the latest FTB, they are not. You will need to either upgrade your Forge or downgrade your Optifine.Is anyone else having trouble with optifine and water behavior in SSP?
Warded glass is made through thaumcraft, you have to research the recipe in your thauminomicon.
Update Forestry.Q2. I just made my first fermenter today and was eagerly looking forward to fermenting all my stacks of saps into biomass, but it doesn't appear to do anything with non-vanilla saps. Is this intended behaviour or am I doing something wrong?