*Not a technical question, more of an opinion based one*
So on my current DW20 world I spawned near two Natura redwoods. I have made one of them my home, and for a little bit I have started making it my base. However, I dislike the small amount of space and as I begin to move further up in the tree it gets even smaller. It will obviously not hold everything I will need it to hold in my world as I progress. It's not even big enough for a medium-sized smeltery. I really hate to have things just sitting around in my world; my smeltery sits randomly outside of my base and every time I pass it I feel more and more inclined to leave. I have done nothing with the second redwood and honestly right now I want to leave it and live in a real house, where each room has a designated purpose. I am still fairly early-game, My power generation consists of a single steam dynamo, and I just got my first quarry. so, I suppose I'm asking whether or not I should leave my redwood for a real house/mansion. Also, if yes, what are some good block combos for it?