ExtraUtils adds a redstone timer block that does nothing other than silently produce a redstone pulse every second.
Alternatively, you could use a Programmable Rednet Controller from Minefactory Reloaded or a vanilla redstone clock as a timer.
For filling buckets, you could use an Aqueous Accumulator and Liquid Transposer, both from Thermal Expansion, although the Transposer does require Buildcraft power to operate.
Some type of bag...
-Forestry backpack.
-Factorization Bag of Holding.
-ExtraUtils Golden Bag of Holding.
-Redpower Canvas Bag.
-EE2 Alchemy Bag.
-Tinker's Construct Knapsack.
None of those mods, save EE2, have any item that would do what you describe. EE2's tools, however, wouldn't consume pickaxes, so that's out as well.
I'm probably not the right person to be answering, as I've never seen this particular thing happen before. I'd suggest seeing if he who wrote TreeCapitator has any other mods, or, failing that, poking around the Bukkit forum/wiki/whatever.
Well thanks anyway. You were a big help