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Can't you stop energy from flowing when nothing is processed, using one of those pipe addons that check the inventory? Haven't really done any pipe automation ever so don't know the details, but isn't the like, you put a structure pipe, you put some kind of circuit in and it checks the inventory and outputs redstone signal? You could wire that to an energy cell right?
Can't you stop energy from flowing when nothing is processed, using one of those pipe addons that check the inventory? Haven't really done any pipe automation ever so don't know the details, but isn't the like, you put a structure pipe, you put some kind of circuit in and it checks the inventory and outputs redstone signal? You could wire that to an energy cell right?

Yes you can. And if machines stop drawing power if they are not doing anything, you can just put a gate close to a energy cell or conduit and turn the engine on if the "can store energy" condition is active. If however those machines always draw some power, this won't work. So now you have to put a gate on every single machine connected to the conduit, and if any one of them "have work" turn on the machines. Plus you need more power generation, because if you have 5 machines connected to the conduit and turn on that combustion engine, if every engine sucks 1 MJ/t for nothing, you still have no power to do any real work.

Oh well, maybe it won't be that bad or they will change their mind, I guess we will find out.
Plus you need more power generation, because if you have 5 machines connected to the conduit and turn on that combustion engine, if every engine sucks 1 MJ/t for nothing, you still have no power to do any real work.
At least with the current version of the relevant mods, most machines (possibly excluding the Quarry) will only absorb energy in units large enough to get at least some work done.
On the topic of Silverwood Trees and Nodes... To speed up the process, do a lot of transmuting on the node you want to convert over to pure, before merging the Pure node with it. The thing is, it's not the max size of the node that's taken into account with the merge, but the current size. So, in theory, you can make a 600vis Dark Node into a 6xx Pure Node by merging it with a 20vis Pure Node from a newly-grown Silverwood Tree, as long as the Dark Node was below 20vis when the merge occurred.

In practice, it's better to be safe than sorry, and get a larger max size Pure Node anyway. If nothing else, because of the fact that the Crystal Cluster requires a big amount of power, so when you use it to move a node, if it's a tiny node, it'll take forever...
Yes you can. And if machines stop drawing power if they are not doing anything, you can just put a gate close to a energy cell or conduit and turn the engine on if the "can store energy" condition is active. If however those machines always draw some power, this won't work. So now you have to put a gate on every single machine connected to the conduit, and if any one of them "have work" turn on the machines. Plus you need more power generation, because if you have 5 machines connected to the conduit and turn on that combustion engine, if every engine sucks 1 MJ/t for nothing, you still have no power to do any real work.

Oh well, maybe it won't be that bad or they will change their mind, I guess we will find out.
Oh, I see. Well, I think in relation to how the balance works in other aspects by the time you start properly making energy nets you can often have basically infinite energy for most things. Or well, the loss is neglible compared to the amount you produce. If one uses effective energy methods that is; it's a much larger hits on the methods that are already among the weaker ones, like biofuel engines used directly or factorization solar steam.
Quick question about MFR planters: do they work with forestry saplings? Because I just tried to get one to work with sequoia saplings, but nothings happening. The harvesters are working fine.

Also, is there a way to stop puddles from forming whenever it rains?
Quick question about MFR planters: do they work with forestry saplings? Because I just tried to get one to work with sequoia saplings, but nothings happening. The harvesters are working fine.

Also, is there a way to stop puddles from forming whenever it rains?

puddles: its in the BiomesOPlenty config file.
go to the modpack file location (if you have a desktop shortcut, right click, open file location, click on the modpack) open config folder, open the .cfg for BoP with notepad or similar.
change this line to false. this is near the bottom of the file under miscellanious settings.
B:"Enable Puddles During Rain"=true
B:"Enable Puddles During Rain"=false
I've searched the forums, but not had very good luck finding the answer...

How many stills does it take to keep up with the fuel needs of a 36HP boiler? According to the railcraft boiler fuel calculator, I need to produce 36 buckets an hour to keep up with a max HP boiler. I know the still needs multiple fermenters in order to run at full speed. I know many people over produce biomass and ethanol just to be on the safe side, but I'm working on a distillation tower, and will be migrating to that once I have it built, so I don't want a bunch of extra machines that will just go to waste once the tower is built.
I'm at work so I can not test this. But I was thinking most solars from mods (IC2/Mek) work through transparent blocks. Anyone know if any of them work underwater?
They do work through transparent blocks, at least glass. I have 7 (I think) layers of glass over my solars, they work fine. I am unsure if they work underwater, but considering the light level in water decreases greatly over distance, I am going to assume they are translucent and have a different effect on lighting level than transparent blocks, thus effecting solar mechanics.

This is just speculation though.
The reason I ask is it just dawned on me. (yeah ideas come at the werdiest times) that I could make a reflecting pound for looks 1block deep water and maybe put solars under it.
I haven't tested this, so I can't really say. I don't think they will work, as I haven't seen much discussion on "solar dimming and its effects on solar energy generation". I think the programming is "if see sky, give EU". Transparent blocks don't make this statement untrue, but have no clue as to water. I suspect it won't work though.
How many stills does it take to keep up with the fuel needs of a 36HP boiler?
A still can process a bucket of biomass every ~28 seconds, making a little under a third a bucket of biofuel in the process. Two stills should be able to do it and provide excess, once the boiler is completely warmed up. This won't be able to keep up with the fermenter, though.
I'm at work so I can not test this. But I was thinking most solars from mods (IC2/Mek) work through transparent blocks. Anyone know if any of them work underwater?
Both single source blocks and even partial flow blocks of water will stop both IC2 and MEK solars from seeing sunlight.
my inventory is all dark. Which button is it to press to make it bright again.

Most likley you double clicked on the NEI sreach at the bottom. If it has a yellow outline that is your issue just double click it again.
Great concept and answers here. I've just started this and really enjoy what I've seen so far. However I've found that clicking on an item in the inventory "gives" me either 1 or a stack of the item. Is there a way to turn this off?
Great concept and answers here. I've just started this and really enjoy what I've seen so far. However I've found that clicking on an item in the inventory "gives" me either 1 or a stack of the item. Is there a way to turn this off?

Yes click opttions on the left then Turn off Cheat mode switch it to Repice instead.
Okay, I'm terribly confused, I swiped myself a writing desk from a village, made my book binder, got some pages, ink, a notebook, and made some copies of the pages I want to use for my first world, but I can't craft a linking book or descriptive book, NEI doesn't even show a recipe for a linking book when I try to bring it up. Did something change about Mystcraft between Ultimate and Unleashed?