Happen to know what that answer may be? And simple question is subjective. XDThat's not a simple question! Although, it may have a simple answer...
Happen to know what that answer may be? And simple question is subjective. XDThat's not a simple question! Although, it may have a simple answer...
Probably was a chunk loading error.If thats not the reason then i would blame general buggyness of something. Be it buildcraft or foresty.. But things can happen. Always make sure you got a serum as backup to replace it.
Chunk ERROR. As in, one of those huge trenches of non-existent landscape that you occasionally come across while flying around. Actually I'm not sure if those can happen in loaded areas. So maybe I'm talking nonsense.How so? Have chunk loaders been known to lose pipe/alveary contents? Bear in mind that when I say "the area is fully chunk loaded", I MEAN it. The chunks only load/unload at login/logout.
My first post -
I recently installed GregTech, and I'm having trouble finding Bauxite Ore. I've checked in the biome-specific areas indicated, such as plains and forest.
Will Bauxite not spawn in areas already rendered pre-install of GT?
Will I be able to find it if I wander into new areas that I assume I haven't loaded the chunks already?
Will Bauxite not spawn in areas already rendered pre-install of GT?
I believe if you shift right click with it in your hand, it dissasembles it into a shell and core, or something like that. So if you can't craft the two back together and erase the data that way (I'm not sure if it does) you can at least put in a new core saving reasoursesis it possible to erase an AE storage disk? It wont let me disassemble it with data on it and I want an easy way to insantly destroy 100,000+ cobble.
yea shift right click wont work when it isnt blankI believe if you shift right click with it in your hand, it dissasembles it into a shell and core, or something like that. So if you can't craft the two back together and erase the data that way (I'm not sure if it does) you can at least put in a new core saving reasourses
is it possible to erase an AE storage disk? It wont let me disassemble it with data on it and I want an easy way to insantly destroy 100,000+ cobble.
Happen to know what that answer may be? And simple question is subjective. XD
thanks that'll workYou could make a stand alone network with a controller + storage bus on incinerator block + IO port. Put disk in IO block and it will dump everything to the incinerator.
You could do the same thing on your main network, but add cobble to the storage bus filter. If you have cobble else-ware in your network though using the IO port will likely send it there until it is full, then on to the incinerator.
I couldn't leave well enough alone.http://i.imgur.com/lo1qDia.png I might still go for computercraft ^^
I am tryng to get a stackable system where I can do the following:
If cobble < X then turn on 1 until X > Y.
If cobble < Z < X then turn on 2 until Z > Y.
This system here does that, but because the latches ouputs a redstone signal
I need to use pulse formers, and seperate cables to avoid interference between the signals.
I just wanted to mention this, If I do not find a simpler solution I will post in a seperate thread.
--if cobble < X, left input is on
--if cobble < Z, back input is on
--if cobble > Y, top input is on
-- if left input true (cobble < X) then turn on red wire
-- if back input true (cobble < Z (automatically less than X)) turn on blue wire
-- if any condition is active, run until top input is true
while true do
if (redstone.getInput("left") == true) then
if (redstone.testBundledInput("right",colors.red) == false) and
(redstone.testBundledInput("right",colors.blue) == false) then
if (redstone.getInput("back") == true ) then
if (redstone.testBundledInput("right",colors.blue) == false) then
if (redstone.getInput("top") == true ) then