I have 4 aspects over 1200 and 2 about 850 last I looked - so I don't think soCan you feed a hungry node too much
I have 4 aspects over 1200 and 2 about 850 last I looked - so I don't think soCan you feed a hungry node too much
Mangetostatics function the same way they always have; they have just been nerfed in accessibility over the updates. They output the same power levels, it is just that they are much farther into the techtree than in 1.6. I would kindly suggest to shy away from thinking about these engines because you need liquid nitrogen to cool them off, which is a whole other process that is much easier with jet tech.
Otherwise, I think the easiest way to automate a grinder is to place a steam engine and throw a 4x1 torque gearbox in front of it and then you have a very slow grinder.
Well the idea was to make my ore process with rotarycraft and back in 1.6 I had the grinder with a redstone clock processing a stack in less then 10 seconds I think.
I will have to kill my greed then I think and just do a normal pulverizer to furnace process and move the quarry more often![]()
I can see some cases where you can't avoid using RF with RotaryCraft main power. For example, RFTools, in which case you're better off also having RF energy storage added as well. And so on--slippery slope and all that. Best way to avoid worrying about magnetostatics is to remove as much RF sources as possible.
Sent from my Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron using Tapatalk 2
I can see some cases where you can't avoid using RF with RotaryCraft main power. For example, RFTools, in which case you're better off also having RF energy storage added as well. And so on--slippery slope and all that. Best way to avoid worrying about magnetostatics is to remove as much RF sources as possible.
Sent from my Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron using Tapatalk 2
Simple question: Has Pahimar implemented automation for the transmutation tablet, or is he too lazy?
Which is not a problem here, even though it's ironically an RF source as well; it just takes in RoC shaft power as fuel.Or use RoC power for everything and just convert via rotational dynamos as needed
From memory you can use vanilla hoppers under the workbench, but EnderIO item ducts should also workSo with DW20's pack I'm wondering is there anything like the BC auto workbench for crafting things? Pretty much as far as what I can see from testing only BC pipes will connect to the auto workbench to pull items out, I'm hoping there's another machine that does the same thing that will work with the other pipes in the mod?
I have just finished, as far as I can, my completest quest for bees in DW20 pack.
If anyone can provide answers to how to get any of the following please let me know.
Bees showing in NEI but not giving a "recipe" - Vis, Big Bad, Pure, Vazbee
Genetics Apiarist Serums that are available but no bee showing - Attractive, Rejuvinating, Impregnable, Galvanized, Invincible, Minim (or Minium)
Other bees I have found mentioned - Stark, Aura, Praecantio, Flux (these seem to be Thaumic related but can't find info on) & Tinker
Pure, Aura, Stark, Attractive, Flux, Vis, Rejuvenating, and Praecantio bees are all Thaumic bees associated with Thaumcraft 3 and most likely not obtainable anymore but if they are it's through research. Your Google-fu is weak btw: http://ftb.gamepedia.com/Thaumic_Branch http://ftb.gamepedia.com/Galvanized_Bee http://ftb.gamepedia.com/Invincible_Bee
And probably many more on that wiki but I have to go so you'll have to search yourself. If they show up in the serums but no bees are showing they probably aren't obtainable anymore or require a mod you don't have installed.
This is a known problem - portal gun is still being worked onSimple Question: Playing FTB Infinity (on a Nitrado Server) but if i go offline and come back on the next day, all my Portal Gun made portals are missing/gone. Is there a special setting i have to made to become the option to keep the opened portals? I know that this works fine with FTB Mindcrack.
I think there may be a block for that (not sure about it being in infinity) but was thinking back to vanilla - 2 hoppers and a comparator ... a bit vague with the details. If you have ProjectRed - a timer of a hopper should make the hopper release 1 item at a time into an attached chest.I'm using infinity. I tried to use ender io conduit to have it put 1 item at a time in a chest. I used the restriction upgrade for the item conduit. It put two. I was using a button with red alloy wire to activate. Advice? Alternatives?