Do you not have alembics on top of the construct?Yes, I am: Thamatorium, essencentia tubes to the side, jar right below (right next to the crucible block part of the Thaumatorium.
You pipe out of the alembics
Do you not have alembics on top of the construct?Yes, I am: Thamatorium, essencentia tubes to the side, jar right below (right next to the crucible block part of the Thaumatorium.
Minetweaker, and CustomMobProperties. But you would need to do each one individuallyIs there any way to clear all default (vanilla and modded) mob drop and chest loot lists?
Is there any way to clear all default (vanilla and modded) mob drop and chest loot lists?
Would I be able to do it easier with Loot++?Minetweaker, and CustomMobProperties. But you would need to do each one individually
Most probably?Would I be able to do it easier with Loot++? probably?
I haven't heard of it before though![]()
Well, what's the method of doing this in Minetweaker? I can't seem to find the documentation, but it seems like I could just remove it all with one fell swoop, although this might overwrite any loot added by Loot++...?
Yup, that's dungeon and chest loot, but what about mobs? Guess I'll have to go with Loot++ for that.
Or mobproperties:Yup, that's dungeon and chest loot, but what about mobs? Guess I'll have to go with Loot++ for that.
Do you not have alembics on top of the construct?
You pipe out of the alembics
Hmm, then I dunno :/I put an alembic above the construct. It did not visibly connect, but I connected an essentia tube and tried anyway. No luck.
Well, thanks for the effort, anyways. The attention I was given on a thread such as this is mode than I can ask for. since I'm a nablet I'll prolly return here sooner or later.Hmm, then I dunno :/
I always put the alembic on before it is filled... that may be the issue. Other than that, I'm out of ideas :/
can anyone answer this question? Also...Is there a mod (loosly excluding computercraft and openperipherals... If someone's already written a program to do exactly this, that'll be okay. I just don't want to have to do any coding myself, save for very slight tweaks) that adds some sort of way to compare genomes of 2 bees and just tells me what the differences are, not the whole genome? It's kind of inconvenient to have to keep switching bees in and out of my beealyzer when there's a much simpler solution that simply requires someone doing a little bit of coding to make a GUI that compares NBT data of two similar items.
Honestly, I would even settle for getting the raw NBT data of each chromosome in dot notation.
you may wish to add automagy to your pack. It adds magic-based automation mechanics, which can potentially make automation of your magic stuff all the more fun.Ok, I will certainly check out some of the magic mods. I have an infusion altar setup from Thaumcraft and a Blood Altar but haven't done much with either mod. I've seen threads such as Rhn's incredible thread (kudos to you rhn because you amaze me) and Scottulus's awesome Infinity thread and I wonder how some people can understand so many aspects of the game and turn them into giant projects. I know I can't do something on that scale (because of my PC and personal skill) but I intend to make a strong effort at finishing projects that I can be proud of. Are there any interesting power generation methods that I could maybe have a go at? Something that is more unique than lava and big reactors? Thanks for the input sgbros. sure if this qualifies as a 'simple' question!
I have just found my frame quarry is not working, I haven't used it much but it has been working fine. After looking for faces it may be caught on I noticed that all my frame covers and hollow frame covers are now ender thermic pump covers and hollow covers. I looked into making them again (all 750+ of them) but once I try to go past the frame block panel the pump texture occurs.
Has anyone else found this and is it only the texture - is it not why my quarry is not working?
Also wouldn't you think I would have noticed those green covers quicker!
View attachment 19349
So that would have been between 280 and 450ish before stabilising, I am going to stop feeding mine soon .. I have 4 above 1000 (ones around 1300) when the other 2 are over 1024 I am done.This big:
Is MFR up to date?
I can't say I have ever encountered this issue before though :/
What pack, what version? Direwolf20 had this problem a while back in his Let's Play, he said it got fixed in a pack update. I think he said that it was just a visual bug, are they still working?