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I'm assuming it is. I play on a server and they just upgraded.

DW20 pack 1.3. I would be fine if it was just a visual bug but they aren't working. I had 6 yellow focus in it and was getting 0 anything through the ender chest. That having been said...

we've also been getting random chunk rolebacks... so half an ender quarry setup or all of it will disappear but only in a single chunk... I don't know if that could be affecting the orientation of the blocks but I will say this isn't the first time I have run into this.

I had a single player world that I had 17 lasers running and I'd have to check on them every hour to make sure the prechargers were faced the right way.
Do you keep the laser drills permanently chunkloaded? Are the pre-chargers that are causing problems in different chunks than the rest of the drill perhaps?
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I put an alembic above the construct. It did not visibly connect, but I connected an essentia tube and tried anyway. No luck.
If your not getting a visual connection I wonder if you placed it 'on the construct' by clicking the alembic onto the construct rather than the wall behind. I don't remember if you need to click it with a wand to get it to connect.
Anyone know of a block in Blood Magic or one of its addons than can read the amount of LP in your soul network and output a redstone signal when it gets above (or below) some given value?

In my current modified Infinity testworld, I've got a Blood Altar fed by a Well of Suffering built inside a very large Cursed Earth mobfarm. Which I'd be perfectly OK running constantly... if it didn't constantly fill my chat window with "kurtmac fell out of the world... dan200 fell out of the world... TheCricket26 fell out of the world... ProfMobius fell out of the world..." because Headcrumbs. I know, I could just disable Headcrumbs, but turning the whole farm off when my network's full seems like a much more elegant solution.

I've already set up infrastructure to retract most of the cursed earth via Tinker's Mechworks drawbridges when it's not needed and turn on some lights (glowstone in a few more drawbridges) to disable the rest, but the problem is that those drawbridges are all linked to manual levers. I want it all to turn off automatically when I get to 20M LP (the max for a transcendent blood orb), which would be easy enough to do with a little redstone if I had some way to automatically detect when my soul network fills.

I don't mind installing addons or using ComputerCraft/OpenComputers/etc. for this, just as long as it gets done. Also note that I don't care about how much LP is in the altar feeding my blood orb- if that's the only way to detect when my network fills, fine, I'll use it; but I'd rather have something that reads my LP directly.

Edit: And it seems that WayOfTime is one step ahead of me. If you just place a vanilla comparator next to a Blood Altar with an orb bound to you in it, it'll output 0 if your soul network is empty, 15 if it's filled to the capacity of the orb in the altar, and 1-14 as appropriate for anything in between. It completely ignores any LP in the altar itself.

Problem solved.
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Do you keep the laser drills permanently chunkloaded? Are the pre-chargers that are causing problems in different chunks than the rest of the drill perhaps?

I'll check when I get home if they are all in the same chunk but I had a chunk loader set to 3... but I'll check the chunk boarders
As far as I know, the following are the only ways in the Direwolf20 pack to teleport a player:

(correct me if I am missing something or mistaken)

Mystcraft (book or portal)
A portal gun
Ender rail
IC2 Teleporter

and that's all I got... am I overlooking something?
As far as I know, the following are the only ways in the Direwolf20 pack to teleport a player:

(correct me if I am missing something or mistaken)

Mystcraft (book or portal)
A portal gun
Ender rail
IC2 Teleporter

and that's all I got... am I overlooking something?
Does the staff from EnderIO count? And what about Blood Magic teleposers - I believe they can move entities?
As far as I know, the following are the only ways in the Direwolf20 pack to teleport a player:

(correct me if I am missing something or mistaken)

Mystcraft (book or portal)
A portal gun
Ender rail
IC2 Teleporter

and that's all I got... am I overlooking something?
Does the staff from EnderIO count? And what about Blood Magic teleposers - I believe they can move entities?
Erm... nether/end portals? ;)

I don't know if Thaumic Tinkerer is in the pack, but there's the celestial portal thingys (I forget the name)
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As far as I know, the following are the only ways in the Direwolf20 pack to teleport a player:
Mystcraft (book or portal)
A portal gun
Ender rail
IC2 Teleporter
Does the staff from EnderIO count?
Also the Travel Anchor, but question to the OP - were you referring to methods to forcibly teleport the player, such as dropping them into a portal or have them walk or ride a cart over something that teleports them? If so, that disqualifies EnderIO (and also linking books that aren't in portals).
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Also the Travel Anchor, but question to the OP - were you referring to methods to forcibly teleport the player, such as dropping them into a portal or have them walk or ride a cart over something that teleports them? If so, that disqualifies EnderIO (and also linking books that aren't in portals).

No we weren't looking for trolling methods. Rather originally we had planning on doing a mystcraft hub. The server was reseting and that sounded like a grand idea. However, mystcraft is disabled. As is the ender rails. They just do not work for teleporting. That having been said. I was looking for alternatives. I don't know, after talking with someone that knows blood magic very well, how functional it would be or possible to use blood magic for that purpose.

Travel anchors definitely won't work. The space is too far. That's part of the reason that we had said no to IC2, too much power requirements.

I think in the end we'll end up with either just minecarts and lots of booster rails or spatial io...
No we weren't looking for trolling methods. Rather originally we had planning on doing a mystcraft hub. The server was reseting and that sounded like a grand idea. However, mystcraft is disabled. As is the ender rails. They just do not work for teleporting. That having been said. I was looking for alternatives. I don't know, after talking with someone that knows blood magic very well, how functional it would be or possible to use blood magic for that purpose.

Travel anchors definitely won't work. The space is too far. That's part of the reason that we had said no to IC2, too much power requirements.

I think in the end we'll end up with either just minecarts and lots of booster rails or spatial io...
Celestial panels (I think they are called)... If thaumic tinkerer is in the pack, these are pretty easy to get, and easy to use (no costs either)
No we weren't looking for trolling methods. Rather originally we had planning on doing a mystcraft hub. The server was reseting and that sounded like a grand idea. However, mystcraft is disabled. As is the ender rails. They just do not work for teleporting. That having been said. I was looking for alternatives. I don't know, after talking with someone that knows blood magic very well, how functional it would be or possible to use blood magic for that purpose.

Travel anchors definitely won't work. The space is too far. That's part of the reason that we had said no to IC2, too much power requirements.

I think in the end we'll end up with either just minecarts and lots of booster rails or spatial io...
I do think that if you chose the BM route, you'd have to think very carefully about how you set it up and so on; though you wouldn't technically NEED it, a separate teleposer each for In and Out travel to a location would probably work better (though with wireless redstone... hmm)

You COULD just set up a high speed rail system - it would be a hell of an infrastructure but could look pretty cool :D elevated rail maybe? Is there Railcraft? If so the HS rails might help.
I do think that if you chose the BM route, you'd have to think very carefully about how you set it up and so on; though you wouldn't technically NEED it, a separate teleposer each for In and Out travel to a location would probably work better (though with wireless redstone... hmm)

You COULD just set up a high speed rail system - it would be a hell of an infrastructure but could look pretty cool :D elevated rail maybe? Is there Railcraft? If so the HS rails might help.

Yes railcraft is in the pack, I know this because to make basic minecraft track I had to setup to make creosole oil lol.

And thaumic tinker is in the pack, I'll have to look into celestial panels. If nothing else we were talking about rails in the nether. Though no one wants to break through the ceiling. lol :P I vote yes, why not.
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As far as I know, the following are the only ways in the Direwolf20 pack to teleport a player:

(correct me if I am missing something or mistaken)

Mystcraft (book or portal)
A portal gun
Ender rail
IC2 Teleporter

and that's all I got... am I overlooking something?
Blood magic teleposers work and you could use rail triggers but the teleposers can be buggy, it seems to me that it is essential to at least spot load the teleposer area and to not telepose too frequently. But I have used them to access bee hives in both overworld and nether.
Break all the things.

Regarding Blood Magic, I don't know if the teleposer will work if the person whose soul network is powering it is offline. And you'd need to make sure that the person who powers them has a robust supply of LP.
If the player is offline their stuff will still run, as long as there is LP in the network
If the player is offline their stuff will still run, as long as there is LP in the network
And on multiplayer it should not be too hard to get a self sufficient blood network running, I have one on single player that would do the job.

Cursed earth spawner feeding essence to a villager spawner feeding blood essence to the altar via a ritual with an orb in the altar
Cursed earth spawner feeding essence to a villager spawner feeding blood essence to the altar via a ritual with an orb in the altar
Then you need to figure out where to put it, as there might not always be a player near to your base. What works in SSP does not always work in SMP. I guess the travel hub would be a good place to put it, as long as you have space to hide it aesthetically.
It would work underground and be aesthetically invisible! and chunk loaders negate the need for a player to be near the curse earth don't they? Also I believe if you place a vanilla spawner on cursed earth (using a 2nd tier dolly) they will keep working without a player nearby
IC2 Nuclear Reactor questions... Infinity modpack, latest IC2 version.

1. From this IC2 forum thread, I got to this download page for the IC2exp Reactor Planner... but it appears to be just the java source code/files. Where is the actual application I can run on my desktop, offline? (Edit: Just found "ICReactorPlannerV3.jar" in my Minecraft documents. File has a date of May 2014 so it's a year old - is it still the current version?)
2. How much EU/t can I reasonably expect to get from a IC2 nuke? I've already got 28 Ultimate Hybrid Solars and every day I get 4 more from my MassFabs making Iridium... should I just stick to that route and forget about nukes? The forum posts I see talk about getting a little bit over 1000 EU/t, but my solars give me 2048 EU/t during the day and all I have to do is be diligent about sleeping thru the nighttime and it seems they are WAY beyond what a nuclear power plant could give me (for the amount of effort involved to set it all up).
3. Any tips about this topic are appreciated. I have 250K U238 and 100K U235 and I'm trying to decide what to do with em all... make enriched uranium? Make MOX fuel? I also have a ton of Yellorium and run a Big Reactor for my RF. I see I can make MOX from Yellorium and Blutonium too? It's a dilemma, I have all these raw materials and would like to use em instead of just see them sit in my AE2 drives... but if the return isn't gonna be worth all the effort involved, and all the risks that come with a meltdown... solars just don't seem to have any downside except that I can't make them very quickly.
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