Do you keep the laser drills permanently chunkloaded? Are the pre-chargers that are causing problems in different chunks than the rest of the drill perhaps?I'm assuming it is. I play on a server and they just upgraded.
DW20 pack 1.3. I would be fine if it was just a visual bug but they aren't working. I had 6 yellow focus in it and was getting 0 anything through the ender chest. That having been said...
we've also been getting random chunk rolebacks... so half an ender quarry setup or all of it will disappear but only in a single chunk... I don't know if that could be affecting the orientation of the blocks but I will say this isn't the first time I have run into this.
I had a single player world that I had 17 lasers running and I'd have to check on them every hour to make sure the prechargers were faced the right way.