Ampz + Ultimate = AWESOMENESS

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The way I see it, the OP is asking for Ultimate + Ampz... that makes it nether ultimate OR ampz.. so Enigmius your assertion that this discussion must relate solely to Ultimate is baseless. Kirindave HAS MADE a very successful pack with the mods from both Ultimate and Ampz (more up to date ones at that) so in any sane persons mind, he is far more qualified to talk about the issues that may arise than you.. who plays ultimate/made his own pack. You're shouting from a pedestal of sand and expecting it to hold your weight... as anyone who has read this thread can see, you're sinking fast. Your opinion in this is holding very little water.

Except that I can still point to the Ultimate pack which is loaded with issues. Whatever RR was based on, it's not based on the Ultimate pack if it's beyond 1.4.7. This isn't about, "Is it possible to make a bloated mod pack without the issues currently associated with Ultimate." It's, "Would it be a good idea to merge Ultimate with Ampz." See, because when you restrict the discussion to the topic, and you do so objectively (ie. not arguing to defend your pals) it becomes a lot easier to keep things simple. For as much as you cats want to paint a negative picture of me, you're the ones shitting up the thread with your RR fanboism. If you can't be objective, argue with someone else.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have this image in my head of a laughing Dave running around a circle getting chased by a raging Enigmus1. All chibi-fied and cute. :p

Just because it occurred to me, how long estimated for a public release of RR, Dave? I'm interested. :)

And to punt back to OP issue...yes, Ultimate and Ampz merged does make for a fascinating combo. I did it personally in the 1.4 line with Ars Magica and made the corrections in configs I needed. I can also attest my PC started kvetching immediately because I need to upgrade. :eek: It is all possible though. Pending a check, said boost will allow me to do the crazy-arse contraptions outright in my head. :D Currently tweaking 152wgt builds with a couple additions like BetterDungeons (debating Mo' Creatures still). Funky stuff during updates aside, it is going nicely.

Then of course, it is also fairly moot once Mojang can finally release a finished ModAPI and many clashes hopefully vanish in entirety. I dread the wait for modders to catch up though. :confused:
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Except that I can still point to the Ultimate pack which is loaded with issues. Whatever RR was based on, it's not based on the Ultimate pack if it's beyond 1.4.7. This isn't about, "Is it possible to make a bloated mod pack without the issues currently associated with Ultimate." It's, "Would it be a good idea to merge Ultimate with Ampz." See, because when you restrict the discussion to the topic, and you do so objectively (ie. not arguing to defend your pals) it becomes a lot easier to keep things simple. For as much as you cats want to paint a negative picture of me, you're the ones shitting up the thread with your RR fanboism. If you can't be objective, argue with someone else.

So an Ultimate + Ampz pack has to include the versions of mods that are in those packs? It's not possible for us to talk about those mods most recent versions? If you're going to make your own pack you don't do it with outdated material. Yeah ultimate is a laggy PoS, you know what helps with that? Updating the mods to their most recent versions. I'm no fanboy of RR, I've never posted in their Google+ group... The way I play with RR is I spend upwards of 2 hours going through adfly links to get the damn thing sorted myself, and then gratefully nab Dave's config files... If that makes me a fanboy, then you're pretty delusional. Let's go back to the original post:

Ultimate modpack is really awesome , and the Ampz is a lot of fun, but some aspects of the Ampz modpack (Galacticraft, Calcavia's MFFS, Atomic science, Minechemistry, ICBM e.t.c) are missing from the Ultimate modpack. Do you guys think that some of the mods from Ampz should be added in the Ultimate pack?
P.S Also... traincraft and maybe a zeppelin mod would also be great additions to both packs :p

What do you think?

What Dave has done is exactly that, but instead of using the versions that are in those packs, he updated to the newest ones.. How can you not see that? Or are you just subjectively hating on RR because you weren't invited to the party?[DOUBLEPOST=1372872456][/DOUBLEPOST]
Just because it occurred to me, how long estimated for a public release of RR, Dave? I'm interested. :)

According to his youtube channel, over a week, under 2 months.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's, "Would it be a good idea to merge Ultimate with Ampz." See, because when you restrict the discussion to the topic, and you do so objectively (ie. not arguing to defend your pals) it becomes a lot easier to keep things simple.

It works fine, inasmuch as it does not suddenly blow up or demand 4x memory. Ultimate 1.4.7 has a stability standard and adding those mods would not significantly alter that threshold. To actually clear the worst bugs from 1.4.7 you'd need to drop Railcraft and RedPower2. No one is going to do that.

If you want to get down to the sharpest edge, the argument is totally moot. No one will release a 1.4.7 pack. Very few people in this forum care much about 1.4.7 and are playing 1.5.2 packs. Even here in the FTB heartland you hear a ton of people rolling their own or passing time with tekkit new or other packs. But the question, "Should the Ampz mods be in Ultimate for the next release?" Which is the only interesting question to actually be added here? That's very relevant and 1.5.2 experiences people had probably should inform it. Especially given the crazy pace at which the Ampz/UE family of mods has been moving.

For as much as you cats want to paint a negative picture of me, you're the ones shitting up the thread with your RR fanboism.

We can't all elevate the thread with eloquence the way you consistently do, Enigmius1. Please forgive us our lack of mastery of the english language.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This isn't about, "Is it possible to make a bloated mod pack without the issues currently associated with Ultimate." It's, "Would it be a good idea to merge Ultimate with Ampz." See, because when you restrict the discussion to the topic, and you do so objectively (ie. not arguing to defend your pals) it becomes a lot easier to keep things simple.
What you're forgetting is that this isn't your thread so you don't dictate parameters. The OP wanted to know about merging Ampz with Ultimate. That premise creates a situation that does not exist in the mod packs so it also removes the need to restrict the conversation to the current mod pack offering.

And if someone has a similar modpack to the OP, why is the fact that it's using 1.5.x versions even matter? Your arbitrary parameters are null and void. If the post is talking about essentially a non-FTB pack, then all non-FTB pack comparisons are valid.

Your case holds no water. You present no solid data. You resort to name calling and derision. I also see people with no interest in you or RR further extolling how illogical your statements have been. Just let it go.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So an Ultimate + Ampz pack has to include the versions of mods that are in those packs? It's not possible for us to talk about those mods most recent versions? If you're going to make your own pack you don't do it with outdated material. Yeah ultimate is a laggy PoS, you know what helps with that? Updating the mods to their most recent versions. I'm no fanboy of RR, I've never posted in their Google+ group... The way I play with RR is I spend upwards of 2 hours going through adfly links to get the damn thing sorted myself, and then gratefully nab Dave's config files... If that makes me a fanboy, then you're pretty delusional. Let's go back to the original post:

You're rationalizing. That's not objectivity. The question, specifically, was about adding mods to Ultimate. I responded to the question specifically. It's not complicated. Trying to make it complicated doesn't suddenly undermine my position. The Ultimate pack...of which we only have a 1.4.7 version to discuss...can not support the addition of any other mods because it's not doing a very good job of managing the mods it has. Will that change with 1.6? Maybe, but I'm not discussing hypothetically. So when someone comes along with a face full of hypothetical backed by a mountain of irrelevant facts, how does that undermine MY position? It doesn't...unless you're arguing at a grade school level. Before we see any more creative additions to existing packs, I'd much rather see a review for stability. There were mods in the Ultimate pack that were apparently capable of causing issues just by being loaded. Why are they even in the pack? What mods are unavailable for a 1.5.2 pack "based on" Ultimate that are in the 1.4.7 Ultimate now and might be in the 1.6 Ultimate? I can think of two. So speaking in terms of objective reality, there are at least two mods in the Ultimate pack that are capable of causing serious performance issues if misused or overused, but I'm supposed to give weight to arguments ignoring those mods because they aren't in the "almost" Ultimate pack not associated or affiliated with FTB? How does that work? (Hint: it doesn't.)

I shouldn't need to point these things out. It's just common sense. You shouldn't need to have it pointed out to you that apples are being compared to oranges. My position is very, very simple: resolve the current issues with Ultimate before adding more mods. If you want to twist my words and point to nonsense as irrefutable, relevant facts, go nuts. Do what makes you happy. Just keep in mind while you're invoking the fanboi majority that the silent majority can see through the nonsense.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Before we see any more creative additions to existing packs, I'd much rather see a review for stability.

The 1.4.7 packs are all final, there will be no reviews and there will be no additions (officially) because no modder is working on a 1.4.7 mod anymore. They're working on 1.5 or even 1.6 mods now. You're limiting yourself to talking about something that is no longer relevant and resorting to namecalling and derision when someone calls you out about it. The only nonesense in this thread is coming from you. Yeah, 1.4.7 is unstable as heck, it gives horrible framerates even on the best of machines... but every single mod in Ultimate (bar some extreme examples) is old, is worn out, and has newer versions. Maybe you should try updating those mods to the newer versions and THEN come back and tell us how unstable it is.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It works fine, inasmuch as it does not suddenly blow up or demand 4x memory. Ultimate 1.4.7 has a stability standard and adding those mods would not significantly alter that threshold. To actually clear the worst bugs from 1.4.7 you'd need to drop Railcraft and RedPower2. No one is going to do that.

If you want to get down to the sharpest edge, the argument is totally moot. No one will release a 1.4.7 pack. Very few people in this forum care much about 1.4.7 and are playing 1.5.2 packs. Even here in the FTB heartland you hear a ton of people rolling their own or passing time with tekkit new or other packs. But the question, "Should the Ampz mods be in Ultimate for the next release?" Which is the only interesting question to actually be added here? That's very relevant and 1.5.2 experiences people had probably should inform it. Especially given the crazy pace at which the Ampz/UE family of mods has been moving.

You're still not grasping it. I'm not talking about what MIGHT be. I'm talking about what IS. And the simple message you keep arguing against is to sort out the Ultimate pack before adding anything else. I'm at a loss to understand how you're failing repeatedly to get a handle on that. You keep talking about Ultimate but I know you mean RR. Ultimate is not your RR surrogate to form opinion. And if you keep trying to take the moral high ground with the passive aggressive shots, I'm going to point out how classless it is to use your sig to take shots at the mod pack team that hosts these forums. But you're not pushing your agenda at every opportunity...nope...not you. We're done here.[DOUBLEPOST=1372873990][/DOUBLEPOST]
The 1.4.7 packs are all final, there will be no reviews and there will be no additions (officially) because no modder is working on a 1.4.7 mod anymore. They're working on 1.5 or even 1.6 mods now. You're limiting yourself to talking about something that is no longer relevant and resorting to namecalling and derision when someone calls you out about it. The only nonesense in this thread is coming from you. Yeah, 1.4.7 is unstable as heck, it gives horrible framerates even on the best of machines... but every single mod in Ultimate (bar some extreme examples) is old, is worn out, and has newer versions. Maybe you should try updating those mods to the newer versions and THEN come back and tell us how unstable it is.

No, not every single mod in Ultimate has new versions. I'm done with you, too.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No, not every single mod in Ultimate has new versions. I'm done with you, too.
(bar some extreme examples)

Oh you're done with me? If every time someone disagrees with you and presents a point of view that differs from your own, you throw a hissy fit and are "done with them" then you're going to find these forums, and indeed the world, a very very lonely place. Methinks it's YOU who needs to hurry up and have his balls drop. You consistently tell people to grow up before they can argue with the big boys, well I think you need to do the same, as despite your admittedly impressive use of English, you're certainly not one of the big boys


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You're still not grasping it. I'm not talking about what MIGHT be. I'm talking about what IS.

So am I. I did exactly what the OP suggested. With 1.4.7 mods and also Xeno's Reliquary. It was a private pack I used as a precursor to an Ultimate Variant we played. So it absolutely works, it worked in January when I did it, and it worked fine. It was not any more or less stable. RP2 still click-crashed me. I still had to dodge RC stability issues. ICBM stuff was buggy in that it rarely worked just right, but what little of Mekanism existed at the time worked fine.

This directly addresses your points. This is a concrete response. I did it, and it worked. I did it with the mods as released in 1.4.7. I would not necessarily recommend you do it, but I did and I had fun.

And the simple message you keep arguing against is to sort out the Ultimate pack before adding anything else. I'm at a loss to understand how you're failing repeatedly to get a handle on that.

If we're not talking about "what MIGHT be" and instead "what IS", there is no "sorting out" 1.4.7. It is finito. No devs are working on it. It is what it is. There is no legal way to improve most of the mods and almost no motivation to do so. Even discussing it seems weird, and I feel like this is some sort of massive rear-guard conversational rathole I've followed you into obligingly. Please stop saying I'm refusing to address these points when I have done so 3 times. You said something, I disagreed and provided my experience. That is not "dodging" or "failing to get it." That's "a debate."

I'm going to point out how classless it is to use your sig to take shots at the mod pack team that hosts these forums.

My signature is not taking shots at FTB. Their FTB G+ community is smaller. They should grow it. We have a bunch of non-RR, pro-ftb discussion there because it's much more active and full of people from this forum.


Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
Jeez guys, cool it. You are just all winding each other up. To summarize all the excessive posts above.

Under 1.4.7 it's not recommended to add more to ultimate, as it struggles with what it has.
From experience of independent and unofficial 1.5.2 packs, more could be added to ultimate, if mods are updated to latest versions, and certain mods avoided. I can support this, as I'm working on a 1.5.2 pack, have more loaded mods then the DW20 pack, and am seeing improved performance just on loading and general testing.

There we go, didn't need 3 pages of bitching, moaning, arguments and counter arguments.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I agree with Golrith. This is based on personal experience too (anecdotal I'm afraid but I play minecraft as a player not a statistician).

I have never actually installed a feed the beast modpack. I started modded minecraft just by adding a couple of mods that piqued my interest (mainly railcraft). When I searched for documentation on those mods I first came across the tekkit wiki and started to manually install some of the mods that I found were part of the tekkit modpacks. Later on I started watching Direwolf20 vids and came across feed the beast. For 1.4.7 I ended up making a modpack that was somewhere inbetween Direwolf20 and ultimate with a couple of other mods thrown in (mainly powercrystal's mods and Timber! by tehkrush [I hate mining trees!]) When 1.5 came out I wanted to expand my modpack alot. I hadn't heard of resonance rise at this point but I ended up installing a similar array of mods minus the magic ones. I was really keen on integrating the UE mods with my modpack but my first attempt was unsuccessful. I ended up copying quite a few aspects of the resonant rise modpack into my instance to get UE to work and now I have all the UE mods that RR has minus assembly line and it works great so I do appreciate Kirindave's and the RR tester's work (a declaration of interest for Enigmius1).

My pack is now more like DW20 with some of Ampz and now that I have the right memory and permgen allocations it works pretty well. I only have four more mods (all magic) that I want to add that are in either ultimate or RR. They are Thaumcraft 3, Thaumic Tinkerer, Magic Bees and Reliquary.

Sorry for rambling but I would like to say that as someone that has simply used RR as a good template for getting my favourite mods from ultimate to play nice with universal electricity, I would say that introducing resonant rise to this discussion was valid and the OP should consider looking at resonant rise to copy its configuration or adapt it for there own use as I did.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In time?
You shittin' me bro?

What parts of RP haven't been replaced by now?
Frames? MFFS3 (Calclavia), Redstone in Motion (Jakj) and some others replace it.
Redstone Logic? MFR, Immibis' Redstone thing
Tubes? BC pipes have advanced SO far beyond their primitive natura in Tekkit, and MFR conveyors are really useful.
Basalt/Marble? Railcraft, MFR both have replacements.both of which have many more versatile forms that marble/basalt and neither has that ugly black spot in the middle of the marble texture.
Electricity? LOTS of alternate power sources and systems.

How about some simpler redstone stuff so we're not forced to wait until we can plug a bunch of mats into a rednet.

Theres something to be said for the simplicity of RP2 Logic over Rednet. There also the part where you don't always want one of those rednet circuits when a single gate could do it for you.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How about some simpler redstone stuff so we're not forced to wait until we can plug a bunch of mats into a rednet.

Theres something to be said for the simplicity of RP2 Logic over Rednet. There also the part where you don't always want one of those rednet circuits when a single gate could do it for you.

pretty sure Immibis has added something alone these lines?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How about some simpler redstone stuff so we're not forced to wait until we can plug a bunch of mats into a rednet.

Theres something to be said for the simplicity of RP2 Logic over Rednet. There also the part where you don't always want one of those rednet circuits when a single gate could do it for you.

computercraft + rednet? (yes, I know...programming isn't for everyone, but I bet it wouldn't take a whole lot of begging to get simple gate activity recreated in pastebins). The rednet cabling is very cheap, and computers are ridiculously cheap for how much you can do with 'em.


Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
computercraft + rednet? (yes, I know...programming isn't for everyone, but I bet it wouldn't take a whole lot of begging to get simple gate activity recreated in pastebins). The rednet cabling is very cheap, and computers are ridiculously cheap for how much you can do with 'em.

I've stayed away from Computer Craft Due to being able to only really edit scripts, i can't write those things from scratch, therefore i just kinda ignore them.

How will this help on servers? No offense man, but i'd like to be able to play with others VS nothing but solo play. x.x So tired of playing offline just because i don't like a certain mod, or i've had to add something in because i feel i'm missing tools.

I'll say it straight out, I miss Redpower, I know theres other options and all, but it's hard to break away from something like that. RP is/was the butter on my toast, Toast is ok without it i guess, but it's better with butter.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How will this help on servers? No offense man, but i'd like to be able to play with others VS nothing but solo play. x.x So tired of playing offline just because i don't like a certain mod, or i've had to add something in because i feel i'm missing tools.

You gotta wait for the FTB 1.6, or find a 1.5.2 server that supports it. It does work on servers, just not FTB 1.4.6 ultimate or FTB 152* betas.

Sorry mang. But take it from me: the bleeding edge is a sharp and bloody place to be.


Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
I've stayed away from Computer Craft Due to being able to only really edit scripts, i can't write those things from scratch, therefore i just kinda ignore them.

How will this help on servers? No offense man, but i'd like to be able to play with others VS nothing but solo play. x.x So tired of playing offline just because i don't like a certain mod, or i've had to add something in because i feel i'm missing tools.

I'll say it straight out, I miss Redpower, I know theres other options and all, but it's hard to break away from something like that. RP is/was the butter on my toast, Toast is ok without it i guess, but it's better with butter.

You wanted a mod that replicates redpower wires/circuits, there you go. If you are stuck on older versions of MC, that's not my problem.