Ampz + Ultimate = AWESOMENESS

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've stayed away from Computer Craft Due to being able to only really edit scripts, i can't write those things from scratch, therefore i just kinda ignore them.
Yeah, that's what I was addressing with my pastebin comment.

It's shouldn't be difficult to make computercraft scripts that emulate the various redpower gates and toss them up on pastebin for people to download.

Something like this, except for every gate.

local tArgs = {...}
if #tArgs ~= 1 then
   print("Usage: andGate <sides>")
   print("  -- the left of the screen is A, the screen is B")
   print("  -- the right of the screen is C, the back is output")
   print("  -- if sides is 1, the system will check A and B")
   print("  -- if sides is 2, the system will check B and C")
   print("  -- if sides is 3, the system will check A and C")
   print("  -- if sides is 4, the system will check A, B, and C")
   print("  -- all inputs must be true(active) for the output to be true")
local sides = toNumber(tArgs[1])
if sides < 1 then
  sides = 1
elseif sides > 4 then
  sides = 4
while true do
if sides = 1 then
  if ((redstone.getInput("left") == true) and (redstone.getInput("front") == true)) then
  else redstone.setOutput("back",false)
if sides = 2 then
  if ((redstone.getInput("right") == true) and (redstone.getInput("front") == true)) then
  else redstone.setOutput("back",false)
if sides = 3 then
  if ((redstone.getInput("right") == true) and (redstone.getInput("left") == true)) then
  else redstone.setOutput("back",false)
if sides = 4 then
  if ((redstone.getInput("right") == true) and (redstone.getInput("left") == true) 
  and (redstone.getInput("front") == true )) then
  else redstone.setOutput("back",false)


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2013
Do not forget to have a sleep (or preferably os.pullEvent("redstone") ) in the while loop if you try a project like that, or the program may be forcibly terminated at a random interval.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Do not forget to have a sleep (or preferably os.pullEvent("redstone") ) in the while loop if you try a project like that, or the program may be forcibly terminated at a random interval.

Yeah. There's a sleep at the end of the loop, but you're right that os.pullEvent is probably a better idea.

(worked on the code a bit. works perfectly with normal redstone, but not rednet..not sure why yet)\thBxJ8vL is the andgate


(edit 2) obviously this is just for people who'd want a cheaper alternative than the PRC..the PRC does everything you want.

(edit 3) fixed my pastebin. works with bundled cable now. Maybe I'll make a few of these just in case anyone is interested.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm not talking about fun. I'm talking about stability, and how difficult it can become to diagnose where a problem exists when you've got multiple mods playing off one another. When you've got a mod pack with 90+ mods and someone says, "More!" you can turn around and point out that they're not using everything they got so they can live without more if more means poor quality re: stability. The ultimate pack is already plagued with countless issues that would not be improved by adding more mods to the mix. I could care less how quickly people get bored when they refuse to stretch themselves to experiment with the abundance they already have. If catering to those people means the mod pack crosses over from, "often tough to manage" to "utter shit", I say leave it alone.

My server is currently running the 1.5.2 Beta, which, is pretty much Ultimate, plus and minus a few mods.

I've added more mods (We're sitting at about 118 mods on the server,) and the server is not struggling at all. It's a 2gb server running about a dozen players. Crashes haven't happened in weeks. Originally the crashes were permGen issues, buffered the size to 128, and it's been smooth sailing since.

I think your issues with compatibility are more user error; Do you ever update the mods that they tell you to update at launch? Have you tried upping your permGen size? Honestly, there are only 5-ish really bugged mods every so often, the problem is that those 5 mods are the important ones.. And the bigger issue is that of those 5 mods, some of them are very, very picky and don't let their source code out, but also take their sweet ass time to update and everything.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My server is currently running the 1.5.2 Beta, which, is pretty much Ultimate, plus and minus a few mods.

I've added more mods (We're sitting at about 118 mods on the server,) and the server is not struggling at all. It's a 2gb server running about a dozen players. Crashes haven't happened in weeks. Originally the crashes were permGen issues, buffered the size to 128, and it's been smooth sailing since.

I think your issues with compatibility are more user error; Do you ever update the mods that they tell you to update at launch? Have you tried upping your permGen size? Honestly, there are only 5-ish really bugged mods every so often, the problem is that those 5 mods are the important ones.. And the bigger issue is that of those 5 mods, some of them are very, very picky and don't let their source code out, but also take their sweet ass time to update and everything.

It's not user error. It's a reflection on what happens when you build on a large scale, hence my previous comments about pushing mods to their limit. It doesn't matter how many people you have on what kind of server. What matters is what they're doing on that server. And my experience is that a) most players don't ever really push the limits and b) most players don't even know how. There are a number of mods in Ultimate, not just the ones some people keep listing over and over again, that are part of 1.5.2 packs and 1.4.7 packs and will be part of 1.6.0 packs that are prone to serious performance issues if pushed beyond a certain thresholds. There were also mods in the Ultimate pack that were capable of causing crashes and other performance issues just by virtue of the fact that they were loaded when the game launched. And of course there are the well known crash bugs and the not so well known crash bugs.

And the point is not that you can't add mods beyond a point without creating instability, the point is that it would be foolish to try. WTF is the point of adding more cutesy mods to suit a cutesy niche until we see if the 1.6 iterations of the packs are well and truly stable as they are?

I have a better PC than most, I have more knowledge than most, and I push the mods harder than most. I don't need validation of my position from the peanut gallery to know that smart design means when you've got serious problems, you sort them out before you start adding the potential for more problems. I don't care who has what spreadsheet or who is empowered by their pocket protector, someone who hasn't been playing Ultimate isn't in a position to be commenting on what is or isn't currently working with it. I'm not trying to be abrasive, but I am being direct. You need to grasp how to diagnose whether or not something is stable. "It hasn't crashed in weeks" means shit if all your players are doing is building shoeboxes with macerators.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Was it here someone posted that Clip of that movie with the guys arguing in the polic office?
Regular guys or something?

Of not, perhaps put it here again?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Let it go dude, no one cares

When I see new faces contributing to the discussion, I'll respond as I see fit. Given the number of RR people cycling through {redacted innappropriate comment} "no one cares" is hardly a credible statement.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Also my opinion on why you are arguing.

1.5 is better than 1.4
That simple.

Greg doesn't even listen to 1.4 bug reports any more, or instabile things.
Why? Because they'd old, outdated - of course something as old as 1.4.7 is buggy and unstable - because people don't fix it anymore.

Whether most computers could handle more than ultimate depends on version basically.
That and not playing MC on a toaster.

How about...
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
When I see new faces contributing to the discussion, I'll respond as I see fit. Given the number of RR people cycling through to nuzzle Dave's nuts, "no one cares" is hardly a credible statement.
You know what, I'll correct myself. The people who consider you credible or logical are silent. You make a point of ignoring any logical & factual statements that break your unsubstantiated view on the issue. You make broad generalities and have no supporting evidence. Finally your childish insults are uncalled for.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You know what, I'll correct myself. The people who consider you credible or logical are silent. You make a point of ignoring any logical & factual statements that break your unsubstantiated view on the issue. You make broad generalities and have no supporting evidence. Finally your childish insults are uncalled for.

Trouble is, you and others keep declaring certain statements as "logical and factual" arbitrarily. It may be a fact, but being a fact doesn't make it relevant. Because bacon, and we all know the significance of bacon to this topic. And "because I said so" is not sufficient to label something factual. Factually, RR is not the Ultimate pack.

Can you acknowledge that? Since you're so fond of calling me out for ignoring this and that, can you at at least address the topic instead of posting to attack? The Ultimate pack is not RR. I don't CARE if they are SIMILAR. They are NOT the same pack. 1.5.2 (neither version) is NOT the Ultimate pack. I don't CARE if they are SIMILAR. I don't CARE if the FTB team wants to take the Ultimate pack, and Ampz, and mash them together into a new pack, just don't replace the Ultimate pack with it.

Wow. So simple. Don't play the peanut gallery clique "I'm going to keep coming back and stick up for my friend with no contribution of my own to make" bullshit with me. If all you've got is personal attacks, bugger off. And if you want to argue the topic, you can start by telling me how you figure the Ultimate pack, RR, ,and 1.5.2 are all the same thing and can be discussed interchangeably. Because you'd need to successfully argue that before you can justify adding more to the Ultimate pack. Hint: You can't, but unless that's the topic you choose for your next reply, I won't be reading it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What you're forgetting is that this isn't your thread so you don't dictate parameters. The OP wanted to know about merging Ampz with Ultimate. That premise creates a situation that does not exist in the mod packs so it also removes the need to restrict the conversation to the current mod pack offering.

And if someone has a similar modpack to the OP, why is the fact that it's using 1.5.x versions even matter? Your arbitrary parameters are null and void. If the post is talking about essentially a non-FTB pack, then all non-FTB pack comparisons are valid.

Your case holds no water. You present no solid data. You resort to name calling and derision. I also see people with no interest in you or RR further extolling how illogical your statements have been. Just let it go.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It may be a fact, but being a fact doesn't make it relevant. Because bacon, and we all know the significance of bacon to this topic.

I'm not one to go around calling out logical pitfalls in other people's arguments but you seem to have made yourself quite a straw man there. And all you did was tag a couple of truisms onto the same stale point you have been making throughout this thread. Yes we know that Ultimate not being the same as Resonant rise is a fact. But that does not suddenly render everyone else's arguments against you null and void. I know that ultimate is still on 1.4.7 but it won't stay like that forever. In fact, I would hazard a guess that the OP may soon update to official 1.6 versions of FTB packs. As a result, I argue that it is legitimate to bring up examples of of successful instances where most Ultimate mods work nicely with Ampz mods even if they don't use the exact same versions of those packs as their basis.

On an another note, have you even been reading what you are writing?

Don't play the peanut gallery clique "I'm going to keep coming back and stick up for my friend with no contribution of my own to make" bullshit with me. If all you've got is personal attacks, bugger off.

So it is ok for you to mock people but not the other way around. Perhaps you do have more knowledge than most but you have no grace.
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