Agrarian Skys help, venting, and discussion thread

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Derpy derpy derp, not enough waste, DANG this takes a long time, good thing i can make a tonne of that yellowy stuff >.<
Well, I finally decided to connect my laser drill back to the rest of my energy conduits. They're all leadstone, so the energy output is fairly limited, but it's still progress towards having a functional laser drill.
Ohh, is that a thing now?

When i tried that the turbine would only output like 15% of the liquid used to make the steam.

Is it a closed loop now?

You can make it a closed or open system using the settings in the turbine control panel. Reactors can output a lot of steam. I was able to take a standard 7x7x7 with 5 rod X format that used to output 11.5k rf/t and convert it over to steam. It produces a max of 7700 mb of steam. So I fed that into 8 steam turbines of size 7x7x12 with 40 blades and 5 rows of enderium blocks inputing 950 mb of steam per turbine. That changed the system from 11,500 rf/t to generating 84,000 rf/t or a 730% increase in power from the same yellorium fuel usage. I've been testing a lot so I can tear down my current reactor to downscale it and increase the power output. The turbines take up more room to generate that power but are way more efficient with fuel usage.

Here's a pic of my test world. The reactor supplying all of the steam for the 8 turbines is the one on the right. The other one was me testing what solid block materials you can use as a passive coolant. So far Iron, Gold, Enderium, Emerald and Diamond blocks work. Enderium is almost as efficient of a coolant and resonant ender and Diamond is almost as efficient as Gelid Cryotheum. Of course either of those are more expensive resource wise than just collecting the materials for the buckets. The enderium has the advantage that once you upgrade to steam turbines, you can use it for your coils :P
Oh good, appearantly I need to use a smeltery to make scorched bricks for the high oven. Or, rather, 9 of them, 1 for each metal. Both my smelteries are currently automated to give me ingots... guess I'll have to do some tweaking or downright tear the smelteries down... :(
Wondering, will the ender stuff i put in there (4 buckets in top corners) be used up? Because its putting a nice amount of power out...

For anyone who's interested, here's the requirements for the ME 16M Storage Cell

Requirements for 1 ME 16M Storage

=== Raw Material Requirements ===
Certus Quartz Crystal - 136 stacks and 44 extra (8748)
Certus Quartz Dust - 46
Diamond - 6 stacks and 23 extra (407)
Glowstone Dust - 20 stacks and 16 extra (1296)
Gold - 45 stacks and 36 extra (2916)
Nether Quartz - 41
Quartz - 51 stacks and 16 extra (3280)
Raw Rubber - 41
Redstone Dust - 285 stacks and 25 extra (18265)
Sand - 16 stacks and 33 extra (1057)

=== Left Overs ===
Fluix Dust - 1
Quartz Glass - 2

=== Intermediate Steps ===
Fluix Dust - 2 stacks and 36 extra (164)
Giga Storage Cluster - 3
Glass - 16 stacks and 33 extra (1057)
Kilo Storage Cluster - 27
ME Advanced Processor - 5 stacks and 44 extra (364)
ME Basic Processor - 45 stacks and 36 extra (2916)
Mega Storage Cluster - 9
Nether Quartz Dust - 41
Quartz Dust - 51 stacks and 16 extra (3280)
Quartz Glass - 4
Raw Plastic - 41
Redstone Diamond Chipset - 5 stacks and 44 extra (364)
Redstone Gold Chipset - 45 stacks and 36 extra (2916)
Silicon - 51 stacks and 16 extra (3280)
Storage Block - 3 stacks and 51 extra (243)
Storage Cell - 34 stacks and 11 extra (2187)
Storage Cluster - 1 stack and 17 extra (81)
Storage Segment - 11 stacks and 25 extra (729)
Tera Storage Cluster - 1

I used the Fluix Dust Recipe that makes 4 if you use Plastic as well. The killer is the 18,265 Redstone.
Wow. Is it even remotely feasible to get that much redstone in an even remotely realistic amount of time?
Well I will say that the fastest* option (nether redstone) would require 762 blocks for that much redstone. Good thing I've been auto sifting as long as I could and have I've 15 redstone at the moment.

Maybe not fastest but most redstone per block.
Wow. Is it even remotely feasible to get that much redstone in an even remotely realistic amount of time?

Sifting dust, witch farm, blood tree farm, laser drill, ender quarry, go to nether and mine nether redstone, villager trading. So many ways to get redstone in mass quantities.
Well, I've just made a passively cooled 7x7 reactor with 5 fuel rods, it outputs 4.30KiRF/t which is nice...any only uses 0.06mb/t of fuel!
I wish i transferred to this earlier

Correction, 11.7KiRF/t when full of yellorium
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Sifting dust, witch farm, blood tree farm, laser drill, ender quarry, go to nether and mine nether redstone, villager trading. So many ways to get redstone in mass quantities.
How do you get redstone from Blood Wood? I assume for the farm, that you would basically build it upside down as that is the way that the trees grow.
How do you get redstone from Blood Wood? I assume for the farm, that you would basically build it upside down as that is the way that the trees grow.

Harvesters will gain redstone as well as saplings from the leaves and wood from the trunk. You can also manually break the leaves to get the redstone or use a cobalt or manylium hatchet to manually harvest them at high speed. I'm not sure the drop rate, but it seems like about the same rate as saplings. They grow upside down on netherrack. The most efficient ways to get redstone as far as input power are large dust sieving operations or an ender quarry. The blood tree farm can be self sufficient if you use the wood as fuel.
Items from a sieve will bounce one block high before exploding everywhere. Perfect to use with a item collector from MFR, they have powered outputs too!

Edit: Almost perfect, 1/10000 seems to fall just out some how
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Question: How the hell do i get a blizz to spawn?
I want one to capture to get some cryothium for the quest and my new reactors.
So...I've replaced parts in tools before, but I've finally got some manyullyn, and I was trying to replace the blade and plate in my cleaver (the cleaver is currently 100% alumite) and I can't seem to do it. The tool is 100% repaired (it has moss on it and it's been a long time since I killed anything by hand), doesn't have any modifiers available (shouldn't be an issue, should it?) and I was able to upgrade my pick from alumite to cobalt just a second ago.

Anyone have any thoughts? (On 2.1.3, btw)

Pray tell, I can't figure out how to replace parts. How do you do that?
You can make it a closed or open system using the settings in the turbine control panel. Reactors can output a lot of steam. I was able to take a standard 7x7x7 with 5 rod X format that used to output 11.5k rf/t and convert it over to steam. It produces a max of 7700 mb of steam. So I fed that into 8 steam turbines of size 7x7x12 with 40 blades and 5 rows of enderium blocks inputing 950 mb of steam per turbine. That changed the system from 11,500 rf/t to generating 84,000 rf/t or a 730% increase in power from the same yellorium fuel usage. I've been testing a lot so I can tear down my current reactor to downscale it and increase the power output. The turbines take up more room to generate that power but are way more efficient with fuel usage.

Here's a pic of my test world. The reactor supplying all of the steam for the 8 turbines is the one on the right. The other one was me testing what solid block materials you can use as a passive coolant. So far Iron, Gold, Enderium, Emerald and Diamond blocks work. Enderium is almost as efficient of a coolant and resonant ender and Diamond is almost as efficient as Gelid Cryotheum. Of course either of those are more expensive resource wise than just collecting the materials for the buckets. The enderium has the advantage that once you upgrade to steam turbines, you can use it for your coils :p

Really nice setup, but these numbers mean that you are running at 900 rpm. Wouldn't a 1.800 rpm turbine be quite a bit cheaper?

The same 84k RF could be achieved with 4 only turbines, 7x7x15 each. 9 rotors with 72 blades, 4 coils with 32 Enderium blocks. Uses 1760 mb steam, rotates at 1830 rpm and generates exactly 21k RF. The math behind is, that one Enderium block is able to get the rotors to 1.800 rpm using 54.13 mb steam and generates 11.8-11.9 RF/mb steam. (Saice's Google Doc).
That's a few less rotors and shafts, less than half of the Enderium blocks and roughly half of the expensive turbine housings to generate the same amount of energy. I'm using a 7x4x7 Reactor with one of these turbines, 3x3 rods in the center and cooled by Cryotheum. The reactor runs at 1/3 capacity and uses one Yellorium ingot every 21 minutes. Means I can add two more turbines for another 40k RF before the system is maxed out.

Question: How the hell do i get a blizz to spawn?
I want one to capture to get some cryothium for the quest and my new reactors.

Find a Taiga biome, put down a layer of Snow Blocks and then either wait until night or simply build a little dark room around with the Snow Blocks as floor. (Make sure that no Magnum Torches affect the area. :))
Move away more than 25ish blocks, wait a bit and then check what mobs spawned.

It needs a bit patience, because it will mostly spawn skellies, zombies and creepers. But eventually a Blizz will also show up.
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