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Get the part you want to replace it with (e.g a cobalt pick head) with the original tool FULLY REPAIRED and put it as you would a modifier.
Does anyone else have problems with AE auto-crafting? I find it often gets stuck and doesn't do anything. It'll start but then just stop with the items still listed in the monitor. The more complicated the item and/or the more in quantity I request then the more often it gets stuck. So far I've found the only way around it is to cancel the request and then ask it to do it again. It will eventually finish it but it's a bit frustrating.
Really nice setup, but these numbers mean that you are running at 900 rpm. Wouldn't a 1.800 rpm turbine be quite a bit cheaper?

The same 84k RF could be achieved with 4 only turbines, 7x7x15 each. 9 rotors with 72 blades, 4 coils with 32 Enderium blocks. Uses 1760 mb steam, rotates at 1830 rpm and generates exactly 21k RF. The math behind is, that one Enderium block is able to get the rotors to 1.800 rpm using 54.13 mb steam and generates 11.8-11.9 RF/mb steam. (Saice's Google Doc).
That's a few less rotors and shafts, less than half of the Enderium blocks and roughly half of the expensive turbine housings to generate the same amount of energy. I'm using a 7x4x7 Reactor with one of these turbines, 3x3 rods in the center and cooled by Cryotheum. The reactor runs at 1/3 capacity and uses one Yellorium ingot every 21 minutes. Means I can add two more turbines for another 40k RF before the system is maxed out.

Probably, maybe.. Just testing things out in my creative world before I make changes in my play world. That was a first draft, will be doing several other versions. Thanks for the numbers though. I will definitely try those out when I get a chance and see what comes of it.
i am trying to finish the minefactory reloaded bragging rights quest. I need to make white stained glass. The ceramic clay and ceramic dye has same recipe and it gives u the clay. It won't make the glass. Is there another way of making this?
Does anyone else have problems with AE auto-crafting? I find it often gets stuck and doesn't do anything. It'll start but then just stop with the items still listed in the monitor. The more complicated the item and/or the more in quantity I request then the more often it gets stuck. So far I've found the only way around it is to cancel the request and then ask it to do it again. It will eventually finish it but it's a bit frustrating.

I've had that problem, I've found the solution to be log out and back in again.
lol red laser foci in laser drills adds up fast. or boatloads of dust sieving(which you should be doing as a tier 1 staple for the glowstone dust, certus dust, and redstone anyway. the certus is why it beats witch farming) sadly the laser drills are kind of bad at getting certus comparatively. anywho assuming this first attempt at imgur works
Wow. Is it even remotely feasible to get that much redstone in an even remotely realistic amount of time?
and as a post picture comment through, eff more fuel efficiency on the big reactor. you saw my redstone. even after some time voiding sulfur, i'm still at about the same level of sulfur dust, have a 5 digit count of yellorium ingots, and quite a bit o' blutonium. not to mention the two 7x7x7 reactors sitting idle under the hsh island slightly off from here.

i am trying to finish the minefactory reloaded bragging rights quest. I need to make white stained glass. The ceramic clay and ceramic dye has same recipe and it gives u the clay. It won't make the glass. Is there another way of making this?
2.1.3(warning danger will robinson) 2.1.2 with the minetweaker fix from jaded in this or the bug thread, and ostensibly the forthcoming 2.1.4 all use porcelain clay in the glass dying recipes.
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Drawbridges are really handy.

What he said ^^^^^^^^^^^^

Flight potion, advanced drawbridge, angel block and warp book. You put the ender quarry and fences in the air where they are safe using the advanced drawbridge to deploy a line of 64 fences at a time. Mark the spot with the warp book for recovery when it is finished. Warp back home and reap the rewards. Now that simply jetpacks is in/will officially be in the pack and with all the other flight options in the pack, this is even easier to do with zero risk. Oh and throw in a magnum torch for even more safety. Having the fences well above the terrain will guarantee that exploding pockets of quartz will not destroy and burn the fences or the quarry and a magnum torch will make sure no mobs mess with it or hinder it's recovery. You can even do this without flight just by making a noob pillar into the air and setting up the quarry there. Only mobs to worry about are ghasts and fire bats, but again with a magnum torch, you don't have to worry about them either.
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after u start the quarry. you no longer need the fences. they only set the boundary not keep it.
also to the guy who noticed the me block container. guess what. if you take that storage cell and right click with it in the world, it should place the block of the type stored. it was meant as a building aid to enable placing and carrying one block type en masse. it has modes too. otherwise using it just as storage in system you are just wasting resources vs a 1k drive itself(which you can format to only take one itemtype) or the adjustable storage(which can be configured to store more or less item types).
While I didn't know that about placing blocks, it certainly isn't comparable to a simple 1k disk formatted. A block storage holds as much as a 64k disk, meaning I can store stuff that would overwhelm a simple 1k disk (like 22k dust...) for the cost of a 1k disk and a wooden chest. As far as I'm concerned, it's the equivalent of barrels/storage buses without the input/output lag. :)
after u start the quarry. you no longer need the fences. they only set the boundary not keep it.
could also see by glitching above the nether roof, if the enderquarry will still mine the stuff below the roof from above it. this worked a while ago.
While I didn't know that about placing blocks, it certainly isn't comparable to a simple 1k disk formatted. A block storage holds as much as a 64k disk, meaning I can store stuff that would overwhelm a simple 1k disk (like 22k dust...) for the cost of a 1k disk and a wooden chest. As far as I'm concerned, it's the equivalent of barrels/storage buses without the input/output lag. :)
eh fair enough, interesting thing is leonelf was intent on it and the me backup battery getting removed. the latter because of the introduction of the ae power cells, and the former because his in his talks with algorithm he was purportedly told it didn't fit with algortihms vision for the mod, so both were left in for compatability. this probably explains why they are either A)crashy B) poorly tuned/balanced C) very very poorly documented or D)any combination of A , B and C.

though i do like to keep the extracells cheap black hole bag item features a secret lest certain evil cat persons do something nasty to them.
Is there any way to get more monastic bees? I got a breeding pair from a quest reward, but they seem to be a starting breed. I'll need to check my hives to see if I have any there.

I've noticed that when using Alverys, that I sometimes get a second princess, is this common/uncommon or breed dependent? I got a Jaded bee at some point from a quest reward, and I've now got something like 3 or 4.

Further (can you tell yet that I've never really done much with bees), I'm trying to get into the trees side of things, so I've put Alvery Sieves on two hives that are near the 4 basic tree types (I identified the trees using the analyser first), I also put the Jaded bee in a hive nearby (it lists the pollination as gui.maximum which I hope is the highest), but I'm getting stuff all pollen, and virtually no hybrids from the trees (so far I got one, which was a Jungle/Apple hybrid, not a new type). I've got one piece of Beech Pollen, but I'm kinda hoping to get more before I start working with the Mutatron.
Is there any way to get more monastic bees? I got a breeding pair from a quest reward, but they seem to be a starting breed. I'll need to check my hives to see if I have any there.

I've noticed that when using Alverys, that I sometimes get a second princess, is this common/uncommon or breed dependent? I got a Jaded bee at some point from a quest reward, and I've now got something like 3 or 4.

Further (can you tell yet that I've never really done much with bees), I'm trying to get into the trees side of things, so I've put Alvery Sieves on two hives that are near the 4 basic tree types (I identified the trees using the analyser first), I also put the Jaded bee in a hive nearby (it lists the pollination as gui.maximum which I hope is the highest), but I'm getting stuff all pollen, and virtually no hybrids from the trees (so far I got one, which was a Jungle/Apple hybrid, not a new type). I've got one piece of Beech Pollen, but I'm kinda hoping to get more before I start working with the Mutatron.

if memory serves monastic is acquirable through villager trading with apiarist villagers. dunno on trees aside from having quite a few pollinators in range of grass consistently hit by a sprinkler and near your silverwoods makes one hell of a mess when you go back to check on it later.(sprinkler grows random stuff on grass. random stuff includes pams tree saplings, which grow.. then what in the name of hork tree leave mess down the road). also worth noting that bee combinations are in nei, and for those with no source combination listings like valiant, monastic, and a few others most of the old wiki info on them still holds true. for the rest usually breeding up from scented hive acquirable varieties is trivial if time consuming.
Is there any way to get more monastic bees? I got a breeding pair from a quest reward, but they seem to be a starting breed. I'll need to check my hives to see if I have any there.

I've noticed that when using Alverys, that I sometimes get a second princess, is this common/uncommon or breed dependent? I got a Jaded bee at some point from a quest reward, and I've now got something like 3 or 4.

Further (can you tell yet that I've never really done much with bees), I'm trying to get into the trees side of things, so I've put Alvery Sieves on two hives that are near the 4 basic tree types (I identified the trees using the analyser first), I also put the Jaded bee in a hive nearby (it lists the pollination as gui.maximum which I hope is the highest), but I'm getting stuff all pollen, and virtually no hybrids from the trees (so far I got one, which was a Jungle/Apple hybrid, not a new type). I've got one piece of Beech Pollen, but I'm kinda hoping to get more before I start working with the Mutatron.

Monastic bees are sold by apiarist villagers.

It is intended that you sometimes get additional princesses.

Natural tree breeding is horribly slow, but you can just put pollen and saplings in the advanced mutatron for a 100% chance for success. Worked quite well for me, was done with the trees in less than an hour.