I had another potential tip that occurred to me today!
If you're getting close to needing IC2 reinforced stone (needs IC2 scaffolding, made with metal fences and iron plates, and construction foam, made with CF powder and water in a
machine - can't remember which Fluid/solid canning machine - cheers
@KingTriaxx!), something that might make your life quicker and easier is the Actually Additions drill. You've already made one, for the vertical digger, and I reckon you're resource-rich enough now to consider investing in a new one. I'd recommend getting the 3x3 and 5x5 upgrades for it, and if you can afford it all 3 speed upgrades (you need the lower levels for the top tier to work) too.
Why? Because the reinforced stone can take bloody AGES to break, and if you stack it in a 5x5 and aim for the middle block horizontally and 2nd block up vertically of the 5x5, all 25 should break at once. That's if its needed for recipes; if you are going to put it around your reactor, you could just create it in place, that would work