Landmarks set the quarry size. He owns it once the quarry is down and running. Its stealing and I would give 1 warning and ban the second time.
Landmarks set the quarry size. He owns it once the quarry is down and running. Its stealing and I would give 1 warning and ban the second time.
That's just infantile griefing and would deserve an immediate ban.So once the quarry is running, the player owns the land below it.
By that logic, what happens if I start a quarry in the middle of the sky, directly above your quarry, with the frame being one block thicker than your quarry frame.
Does your quarry belong to me now?
Of course, I don't know if this would actually work (i.e., whether a quarry can run above another operating quarry), but it is solely for the sake of argument.
That's just infantile griefing and would deserve an immediate ban.
I think this is the "technically the rules say" type of mindset that KirinDave was warning us about.Oh yeah, that's definitely griefing. I'm just talking about where the line is drawn between "block ownership", just because a quarry is running. I personally think that there is no right answer, only a preference by the server owner. It just has to be explicitly stated and decided beforehand. *shrugs*.
A way to make it not griefing would be to build a house right over the quarry. I now own the blocks and you lost your quarry in the process... That's not how it works. Unless you are playing on a server with friends or it is explicitly stated in the rules that quarry's = ownership of all the blocks under it. It's fare game in my eyes that what isn't protected either in the rules or by other means is up for the taking, Doc stated a few of the means that could have rendered this impossible for the other players to mine the ores.Oh yeah, that's definitely griefing. I'm just talking about where the line is drawn between "block ownership", just because a quarry is running. I personally think that there is no right answer, only a preference by the server owner. It just has to be explicitly stated and decided beforehand. *shrugs*.
A way to make it not griefing would be to build a house right over the quarry. I now own the blocks and you lost your quarry in the process... That's not how it works. Unless you are playing on a server with friends or it is explicitly stated in the rules that quarry's = ownership of all the blocks under it. It's fare game in my eyes that what isn't protected either in the rules or by other means is up for the taking, Doc stated a few of the means that could have rendered this impossible for the other players to mine the ores.
This whole mess stems from poorly defined server rules.
So before I get my ass handed to me let me try and state my view and then what in all fairness should keep this sort of stuff from being questionable in the first place.
My view is if and this is a big IF the quarry owner had set up a fully power functioning quarry and the two miners then went in and mined out of the ore to deny the quarry owner the ore or just because it was 'free and easy' ore. Then yeah I would think that was fairly dickish. If this is the first time the did it warn them and redefine your server rules better. But that is just my personal view on it.
But here is the rub. If your running a server with people you do not know well you really have to define your rules. What is and not ok. Just assume that everyone does not know better. Because in this case yes there are no rules on your server over what is counted as owned. And because of this you run into a huge gray area because sure while taking ore as it is uncovered is kind of dickish what if they had been branch mining under the quarry unaware it was there would that be stealing? What if I had a branch mine already and someone dropped a quarry on top who owns the ore? When it comes to player disputes like this is ends up being a lot of he said she said. So you need to have more clearly defined rules on what counts as ownership when it comes to land and a way to inform players who owns what. If you want to say a Quarry claims land then you need to put that in your rules and doing so you might want to also define any limits to this to stop as Doc pointed out someone building multiple max size quarry just to claim land.
The problem is simple rules that are poorly defined invite people to do stuff like this. So unless you trust your players to be sensible do not use overly simplified rules. When it doubt it is far better to have well defined and more rules then to have overly simplified ones. Having a rule list that is just Don't Steal Don't Grief leaves way to much open for debate.
This is the reason why I only have two rules on my server. The first one I mentioned before: "Be excellent to each other" and the second one is "No automated mining in the overworld"
It really avoids discussing technicalities on what is really stealing or not. If I think something is not a really nice thing to do, I will tell the persons involved about it. In this case I would tell the players to stop doing what they were doing in the quarry as I feel it is messing with someone else his quarry.
I rarely have to use my admin powers to deal out swift justice![]()
His server sounds like modded minecraft heaven.Your server sounds like a wonderful place to play.![]()
While I agree with this in theory, expecting a server owner to be able to come up with every single situation which can be abused is far from easy.
Take this thread as an example. Before reading it, the thought of this being done had never crossed my mind. I'm not a thief nor do I think like one. Unless/until I am actually exposed to situations like this I simply don't think about them.
If I were a server owner or admin, it would take situations like this for me to be able to make a rule to cover situations like this.
Expecting server owners to know every single way that these types of people will use to grief others is futile.