A moral dilemma - was I right or wrong

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
One thing I did not consider until I mentioned this situation to one of my sons, he wondered if they are a couple of the pro griefers going around stirring up dissent they fan to get a couple of ppl banned before they hit the big one & leave/banned, I didnt even know this was a real thing, but google tells a whole new story, ether way its a sad state of events perpetrated by sad individuals with "hey look at me" syndrome.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
New server rule: If someone starts mining your quarry after it has started running, feel free to take some warded stone, place a nuke in it, and set it off. Let them die from radiation poisoning.
Your nasty I like it, he lives by the sword shall damn well die by it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
To state my view: I would say ownership of the ores should belong to whoever revealed (or found, in cases where caves are involved) them first. If you have a quarry (or other automated mining device) which is running and revealing ores, then those ores ought to be yours, since you did all the work (by finding the resources to make a quarry, or other device) in setting it up. If, however, you had a mine which previously, or unintentionally, passed underneath the quarry then you own the ores which it finds. If you mine underneath a running quarry, then I think I would say fair game, you did the work of finding the ores, but still a dick move. And possibly a case by case basis then. At the same time, if you explore a cave system under a quarry, then the ores are yours.

Of course, I've never had to run or moderate a server.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As kirindave said people that tend to find loopholes in the rules tend to make the game less enjoyable for others. I know I would be upset if I made a quarry and I didn't get nothing but cobble,dirt,gravel, and or sand. I think its rude and people should at least get a warning the first time. Their are so many grey areas and some people tend to exploit them. Just because it's not written doesn't mean it's right. I just think that people should evaluate how they want to be treated and treat others the same. Nothing wrong with a little politeness I'm sure people would share their resources and I know I would if I happened to have something someone needed. I think we can all agree that greifing is basically ruining the game for someone else and causing a crisis for someone who wouldn't even think of doing that.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Lol you server admins and your rules....I have 1 rule on my server...what I say goes. I supply the hardware and the bandwidth and sort out all the software.

In terms of the OP, let them have the ore, let them build up their shiny base with all this profit. then when they are about to hit the end game, TAKE EVERYTHING THEY OWN. They are obviously in it for the easy game and dont care about the community youre trying to build so they arent worth keeping, do this and they will leave instantly or fall inline, no need to ban if they dont want to play on your server anymore and you win either way. Some might say its harsh but it hasnt failed me yet.

My motto is let the twats get away with it, but let your valued players know youre doing something about it, play the long game, then BAM nail em. Makes the butthurt so much more....hurtful.

As an example I had someone who managed to amass about 20 ultimate solars and chests full of 64 of everything, I instantly knew he was using the RP2 bag dupe glitch. So I confronted him on how he achieved this, his answer was making scrap and UU and that its easy "if you know how". So I said fine....left him for a few days...he now thinks im off the trail. A few days later I ask him to show me how to put my scrap/UU production into overdrive like his as Id worked out I couldnt produce the amount of scrap needed to make as much UU to make as many resources as he had in the time we had been on the server. His response..."ah see youre making a n00b error and using scrap, shiny dust can be used instead and speeds it up"......"oh cool!" i said, "but how do you explain the fact that thats only in Gregtech and were on DW20 pack".....he pauses.....I ask him again, "where did you get all this stuff".

He then breaks down and tells me he doesnt really play survival and likes creative and theres no way I was going to give him creative access. I explained he didnt ask me if he could have creative access and that I cant make the server appeal to everyone if the users dont tell me what thy want. I then put it to a vote with the other members of the server and told him to leave and come back in 2 days and id tell him if he would be allowed to continue playing. He didnt wait for the response and left, so THEN i banned him as he couldnt even show me respect for the patience id shown him and let the process finish.

There was some shiny dust in an item frame on the server from then on to server as a reminder. If youre gonna lie MAKE SURE IT HOLDS UP!

And user (you know who you are) if youre reading this, ill be starting up a new server very soon on Unleashed, if you want in let me know ill give you a mystcraft age all of your own where you can go creative to your hearts content.

Ill shut up now....


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The post above seems like an ad. a bit at the end :p

While it's not actually "stealing" it's a very dick move to steal someone else's quarry ores, becouse his quarry is just wasting energy and time mining stone. As a server owner, I'll just tell them that I dont care it's not "on the rules" becouse (when I had a server) I literally had a place on the rules saying "The following rules are made to make clear what is allowed and what is not, this is required for any server. We expect you to read all the rules before playing. It may take a few minutes to read all the rules, but an average ban is a lot longer than that. It’s impossible to cover every single detail with rules, so we expect that you use your common sense and won’t do questionable things. If you are not sure if something is allowed or not, ask an admin to clarify." (Yes, copy-pasted) so I'll warn them and ask them to stop mining the ores from the quarry.

If I was the quarry owner, depends if It's just "another quarry" becouse I'm alredy really rich and swiming on diamonds, or if It's my only quarry. If I was alredy rich, I'll just move the quarry away and forget about them. If I wasn't that rich, I could probably place a bunch of traps at the botton, then move away annoyed.
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