I believe you have to set input for the drum at the top or bottom
Apparently not, when I logged back in, it was all working. Weird.
Next question: Railcraft rolling machine. Won't connect to Ender Conduit. I thought RC was RF compatible now? How can I convert it into a format it will take?
Edit: Apparnetly the pack ships with 9.3.3 and RF is in 9.4. Is this a mod that is going to be updated in the pack?
Edit2: Manual updating causes a crash during load,
>There was a severe problem during mod loading that has caused the game to fail
cpw.mods.fml.common.LoaderException: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: mods.railcraft.common.items.ItemCircuit.getReceiverCircuit()Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack
I had a quick look, but everything else seems like it's in order. Buildcraft 6.2.6, Forge 1199+
Edit3: Google says to update Computronics. to do that, you also need to update Asielib and Waila. That then causes a BC Api crash against binnies mods, which I'm now looking into.
Take a copy of the buildcraft folder out of 9.3.3 Railcraft and put it into the Binnie Mods folder. (After updating Asie, computronics and Waila)
WARNING: I don't know how this will affect worlds that already have Binnie Machines in them. I also don't know if it's then possible to POWER said machines, as Railcraft, Buildcraft and Forestry will all be running on RF, not MJ. But I now have RF railcraft and laser rails, at the expense of not using genetic machines (Might investigate Gendustry).