[1.7.10] Void World HQM Map [270+ Quests|ProjectE|CustomNPCmod|Second place of JampackedII]

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Hey, I discovered this pack last week and have been playing it for several days now. I love it. I wanted to play a pack with projecte and was actually balanced around it. Figuring out how to get resources with the way they are gated feels challenging and rewarding. I'm currently on world 4 due to a few accidents, mostly figuring out how to make a proper nether spawner.

I can think of only a few notable bugs so far. Two quests can't be completed, one has me make an enchanted book "to get more xp", but when I make an xp boost book it won't recognize it. The other is making a 1k storage cell, but it won't recognize it either. The last one was the aluminum blocks couldn't be chiseled back into aluminum. I'm not really sure if it's a bug, but the starter house doesn't protect me from the air strikes. It doesn't matter where I am, I still get the debuffs.

I read the last few posts and it seems that these are known bugs.

What emc farm are people using for this map? I wanted to do one involving a harvest band in the middle of sugar cane, but item descriptions heavily suggest that method has been disabled. For now I am sag milling blaze rods and it is working good enough. What is the end game solution to the air strikes? Does the quest book eventually solve it? For now I am drinking milk bottles to quickly remove the debuffs.

For rehab, I made my base on the side of the starter house. I just went outside and started putting down cobble like it was a skyblock. The quest book explicitly said there was a bunch of special stuff going on in the starter house so I didn't want to start making anything inside there that would give off random redstone signals.
What emc farm are people using for this map? I wanted to do one involving a harvest band in the middle of sugar cane, but item descriptions heavily suggest that method has been disabled. For now I am sag milling blaze rods and it is working good enough. What is the end game solution to the air strikes? Does the quest book eventually solve it? For now I am drinking milk bottles to quickly remove the debuffs.

Make a drop trap in the nether with hoppers at the bottom in a 1x3 or 3x3 pit; change the hopper to a Vacuum Hopper after you get the Obsidian and replace the hoppers on the bottom with Iron spikes. The Vacuum Hopper will collect the loot. Conveyors from Extra Utilities will push the mobs into the pit.

Early on, the collection pit should be a long passage with hoppers at where the pigman are stuck trying to get at you.

The Nether Gold Farm is not too efficient, but will see you through until you get better methods of generating EMC like the Alchemical Chest Flower EMC Plant, which are solar collectors with Glowstone surrounding it, they are attached to Dark Matter Relays which are attached to the Alchemical Chest. This passively generates EMC and was a massive Game breaker in Equivalent Exchange 2.

Another method is to grow crops, if you are lucky, a zombie may drop a potato or carrot, those give 64 EMC per Potato/Carrot, and you would get usually more than one per harvest per square. When you get the Watering Can, this makes it much easier.

Also change a Neutral Mob into a Mooshroom using the Philosopher's stone, you can milk them with bowls for Mushroom Stew which gives 70 EMC per stew and it's practically unlimited.

Milk bottles are the best bet for the most part to negate the debuffs.
So, I'm getting a problem with trying to submit into the QDS for the Colder than Ice. for some reason I can't seem to submit the liquid. Can someone explain to me how to do it correctly?
Thanks for the response. I actually didn't know the philosopher stone worked on animals like that. I'm pretty far past most of those methods unfortunately. I did some research and I am going to try to emulate something I found on youtube. Look up jon bams best emc farm 2015 if you are interested. I can't copy it exactly, but I have some ideas.
There was a bug where you had to hand in note #2 in a quest with the mayor and in the journal quest line(and you get note #3 from that). It is annoying to fix the quests from the npcs so I corrected that. So you indeed have to get 2 times note 3. The other one should be able to be found when you complete the NOTE quest at the mayor and read the book a bit. You might have to complete a quest before that to enable the quest to get the second note 3

I am on version 1.1.16 (latest). I can't seem to figure out how to complete the Note 3, Day 458 quest. Is it still bugged?
So, I'm getting a problem with trying to submit into the QDS for the Colder than Ice. for some reason I can't seem to submit the liquid. Can someone explain to me how to do it correctly?
I'm having exactly this problem with this quest, the blazing pyrotheum one, and the biofuel one.

I am on version 1.1.16 (latest). I can't seem to figure out how to complete the Note 3, Day 458 quest. Is it still bugged?
Talk to the yellorium guy?
Same here.lol The first time I played I dug into the walls to expand out. I was thinking I would replace all the walkways/platforms with grass way later in thie game, but I am just dumb struck at where to build an actual base.
There should be some free spots in the edge of the city where you can build your own base. Btw sorry guys that I am not updating as much frequently I have a busy schedule atm and exams and birthdays are more prioritized than making a new update. I will see if I can find some time this next 3 weeks since even though I have a holiday in the third week I have a planned activity (mostly work) every day so I have to see where I can find some time. Probably in the end of my school exam week

Want to start playing this... but I want to run it on a server.

Should I start playing the previous version that has a server version or wait for an updated server for 1.1.16?
Doesnt matter as much, I wil try to update the server tomorrow if I find the time, then it will be available for manual download at least. But if you want you should be able to play and just move your save file from your old to your new
Doesnt matter as much, I wil try to update the server tomorrow if I find the time, then it will be available for manual download at least. But if you want you should be able to play and just move your save file from your old to your new

Thank you, I will set up a 1.1.5 server and migrate when 1.1.6 server comes :)
Doesnt matter as much, I wil try to update the server tomorrow if I find the time, then it will be available for manual download at least. But if you want you should be able to play and just move your save file from your old to your new

Sorry, tried to set up the 1.1.5 server, but first threw an exception because it tried to load JourneyMap which is client only, and now is throwing another exception:
Description: Exception in server tick loop

cpw.mods.fml.common.LoaderException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiScreen
at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController

I understand 1.1.5 is not the most up to date version, so i dont expect support, but is there somewhere a guide on getting it to work as a server?

Sorry, tried to set up the 1.1.5 server, but first threw an exception because it tried to load JourneyMap which is client only, and now is throwing another exception:
Description: Exception in server tick loop

cpw.mods.fml.common.LoaderException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiScreen
at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController

I understand 1.1.5 is not the most up to date version, so i dont expect support, but is there somewhere a guide on getting it to work as a server?

Hmmm what happens if you start a clean install of the server? And sorry I am not able to update the pack today totally forgot that I have a driving lesson this evening
Hmmm what happens if you start a clean install of the server? And sorry I am not able to update the pack today totally forgot that I have a driving lesson this evening

It IS a clean install. I just uncompressed the server zip and ran the serverstart.bat.

Tried both the FTB launcher "download server" one, and also the "manual download" on the first page of this thread.

I run an agrarian skies 2 and infinity server on the same machine too, so I know the java and such are good.
It IS a clean install. I just uncompressed the server zip and ran the serverstart.bat.

Tried both the FTB launcher "download server" one, and also the "manual download" on the first page of this thread.

I run an agrarian skies 2 and infinity server on the same machine too, so I know the java and such are good.
Hmm then there is a mod in that file that should not be there. I will have a short look on it.
Edit, the problem is probably the mod Lockdown, since that is used to change the GUI and makes sure you load the correct world but isnt needed in the server.
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Hmm then there is a mod in that file that should not be there. I will have a short look on it.
Edit, the problem is probably the mod Lockdown, since that is used to change the GUI and makes sure you load the correct world but isnt needed in the server.

Thank you, that worked!

Now to EMC the universe!
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My console keeps saying something like this
"[21:20:56] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [hardcorequesting.commands.CommandHandler:func_71515_b:310]: ENABLE"
every few seconds.
Should I be concerned? I don't think it was like that before, or should be like that.
My console keeps saying something like this
"[21:20:56] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [hardcorequesting.commands.CommandHandler:func_71515_b:310]: ENABLE"
every few seconds.
Should I be concerned? I don't think it was like that before, or should be like that.
No, this is because I have a timer running on a commandblock enabling the hqm. Since I want to run it on hardcore mode, and I had some problems before with servers when I closed it down I had to reanable the hqm every time when I restarted the server which is annoying

Been having a blast!

Wanted to ask about the pages... the framed paper things, i cant seem to make them work.
When i try to read or use them they get placed in the world, and upon breaking them i lose their unique name.
Have i broken those broken quests? Can I fix them?

Also, in the pumpkins quest, theres at least one that has a specific icon but the quest itself asks for a different pumpkin (which i had already traded in)
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Been having a blast!

Wanted to ask about the pages... the framed paper things, i cant seem to make them work.
When i try to read or use them they get placed in the world, and upon breaking them i lose their unique name.
Have i broken those broken quests? Can I fix them?

Also, in the pumpkins quest, theres at least one that has a specific icon but the quest itself asks for a different pumpkin (which i had already traded in)
"/hqm edit" will give you an OP quest book that lets you complete or uncomplete quests as you wish.
The pumpkin thing is a known bug, though I am curious which version of the pack you encountered it in.