[1.7.10] Void World HQM Map [270+ Quests|ProjectE|CustomNPCmod|Second place of JampackedII]

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this just occured to me, but whats the point of the bomb shelter if youre not actually protected down there? ive risked it and stayed outside during a strike, because i wanted to see what happens. expected explosions and falling meteors, but it was exactly the same as sitting in my bunker.

would be nice if youre actually protected in the shelter, so youre able to afk. because its pretty painful sitting there and keeping an eye on the character while farms are running in single player. as opposed to playing this on a server where you could log out and stuff keeps running and building emc.

also, i dont understand how you make the journal entries. (edit. nvm on the journal. figured it out)
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I've taken a break for awhile and came back. I am curious, is there anyone hosting a server of 1.1.7? The server I used to play on is no longer around. Any ideas?
While I was expending my base I found the ship and I found creative energy cell while I was looking and saying what is this place. I could reach there by destroying all conduits and energy cell than putting vacuum chest there. I think you have to hide it at better place. :)
or put more bedrock around it :P I know this needs to be fixed. But this will only be fixed for new maps if I update it and I want to make a big patch where you to have advantage of that patch have to reset your world. So with that patch I want to implement that and also fix some bugs with the pumpkin quests
I figured it out. Somehow my entire appdata/local folder was read only and locked so the launcher couldn't update the pack list. Once I removed the hidden/read only it now works.

Trisscar - I was missing 4 packs including Voidworld.:D
Heh, glad to hear it worked out. I'll have to remember that for the next time someone has similar issues. ;)
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So I've been playing this way to much. I've run into a bug. After crafting the electrical steel jetpack, I went to claim the reward and that quest was complete as was the tier 3 and tier 4 jetpacks as well as the Ultimate protection quest. I didn't make the tier 3 & 4 jetpacks or the protection.

posted to github as well
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Just to let you guys know Research Ernst for the quest.. Be careful do not place it on a wall or table.. The then Vanish It happened to me. Now i am unable to finish the quest.
Just to let you guys know Research Ernst for the quest.. Be careful do not place it on a wall or table.. The then Vanish It happened to me. Now i am unable to finish the quest.
Except when it is an item that you have to give to a npc you can always fix problems with the hqm books. See bug section on front page

So I've been playing this way to much. I've run into a bug. After crafting the electrical steel jetpack, I went to claim the reward and that quest was complete as was the tier 3 and tier 4 jetpacks as well as the Ultimate protection quest. I didn't make the tier 3 & 4 jetpacks or the protection.

posted to github as well
That is a problem indeed. I know where the problem is so this should be fixed soon. Thanks for posting it on the github tho. Since I first check those bugs if possible and after that I got spitting through all these posts
I have a couple questions. How am I supposed to get nether bricks for magma crucible. Don't I need that in order to make a type of flux duct and gelid cryothium? I'm just stuck on a few quests
You eventually get Netherrack from a quest. One of the technical quests I think.

The First machines Quests under #7 Technical.
I cant start the first machine quest it says I need to complete one quest from somewhere else or something
For that quest to unlock you need to have unlocked journal I if I remember correctly. This is a easy quest which can be completed only by the hqm book itself if I remember correctly. You need the notes to unlock the journal chapters. The journal will give you a update of the story etc
Hi there, I'm getting extreme FPS lag which makes the pack unplayable. Whats peculiar is that a friend of mine with a weaker laptop than mine can play the pack smoothly. Am I missing anything here? I have an i7 Core, geforce GT540M and 8gb Ram (I allocate 4-5 gb to the pack) while my friends laptop is a generic laptop with a default video card and 4GB max ram.

Are there any other factors I'm missing? I'm also running 64bit Java 7 update 80. Pressing F3 to see the memory usage shows that MC is using less than 1GB out of 5GB at the spawn point and yet there is still extreme FPS lag.

Edit: Adding optifine doesnt seem to help as well
Hi there, I'm getting extreme FPS lag which makes the pack unplayable. Whats peculiar is that a friend of mine with a weaker laptop than mine can play the pack smoothly. Am I missing anything here? I have an i7 Core, geforce GT540M and 8gb Ram (I allocate 4-5 gb to the pack) while my friends laptop is a generic laptop with a default video card and 4GB max ram.

Are there any other factors I'm missing? I'm also running 64bit Java 7 update 80. Pressing F3 to see the memory usage shows that MC is using less than 1GB out of 5GB at the spawn point and yet there is still extreme FPS lag.

Edit: Adding optifine doesnt seem to help as well

make sure JAVA is using your GPU. try going to nvidia control panel and make sure it is on high performance.
also update to java 8, it might help
make sure JAVA is using your GPU. try going to nvidia control panel and make sure it is on high performance.
also update to java 8, it might help
Also check your Journeymap settings to make sure nothing there is turned up too high, there's a guide online as to what they all are and how they affect FPS, but there are also useful tooltips in game on each setting.
So I am unable to turn in the Enchanting Done right enchanted book quest. I created an xp boost III book but it doesn't recognize it. I created a generic enchanted book in the transmutation table as well that doesn't work.

Another thing, how do you generate a lot of emc? I have a condenser, tried piping in cobble, but it did nothing. I have Gem of eternal density which is changing stone to iron. I have the MKI energy collector making redstone block from charcoal. These methods are slow. Really slow the end quest need a lot of EMC.
So I am unable to turn in the Enchanting Done right enchanted book quest. I created an xp boost III book but it doesn't recognize it. I created a generic enchanted book in the transmutation table as well that doesn't work.

Another thing, how do you generate a lot of emc? I have a condenser, tried piping in cobble, but it did nothing. I have Gem of eternal density which is changing stone to iron. I have the MKI energy collector making redstone block from charcoal. These methods are slow. Really slow the end quest need a lot of EMC.
Giant flower-of-power farm. You're in a void world, and you have unlimited (theoretically) EMC, so make a giant farm and put the EMC you already have to use. It's not doing anything sitting in your tablet, might as well make it generate more, and if you ever need a bunch for something you can just dismantle one of the flowers for the same cost as it was made.
So I am unable to turn in the Enchanting Done right enchanted book quest. I created an xp boost III book but it doesn't recognize it. I created a generic enchanted book in the transmutation table as well that doesn't work.

Another thing, how do you generate a lot of emc? I have a condenser, tried piping in cobble, but it did nothing. I have Gem of eternal density which is changing stone to iron. I have the MKI energy collector making redstone block from charcoal. These methods are slow. Really slow the end quest need a lot of EMC.

I started with using an item node with world interaction upgrades piped into a condenser right next to it so that it had 0 distance to pipe the cobble. Then used the emc generated to make more world interaction upgrades. When that became too fast for the condenser, I used a cyclic assembler to make compressed cobblestone and piped that in to the condenser.

After I got more emc, I switched to blaze rods->blaze powder. I used the sag mill with octadic capacitors and dark steel balls. The dark steel balls cause you to sometimes get double or triple output. I had ender io item conduits on the sag mills set to round robin mode sending blaze powder to 3 condensers. One condenser used the blaze powder to create blaze rods to feed back in to the sag mills. Another condenser used blaze powder to create dark steel balls to also send back in to the sag mills. And the last condenser used blaze powder to make diamonds and later red matter for me to use for emc for whatever. Eventually I upgraded the condensers to mk2 since they can process a stack of blaze powder at a time instead of just one at a time. You will also get sulfur doing this, but until you can make the mk2 condensers, you may want to pipe the sulfur to a barrel or even a trash bin since a mk1 condenser won't be able to keep up, depending on how many sag mills you have running. You will also need some speed upgrades for the ender io conduits when your setup gets bigger.

Oh, and you can make blaze rods. You don't need to find and kill a blaze. I didn't know that at first.

Edit: Just mentioning that I currently have 20 sag mills going and it is still going to take quite a while to get enough emc to make 640,000 yellorium ingots... I didn't make any "emc flowers" because looking at the tooltips it seemed like a full mk3 flower would be slower than several sag mills but for a much greater emc cost to make. But I didn't actually figure it all out. I could be wrong. Of course, sag mills require power where as the emc flowers do not.
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hello!! I'm a big fan of this custom pack that you made and i was wondering if you can give a starter a few tips on making a map for mod packs
make sure JAVA is using your GPU. try going to nvidia control panel and make sure it is on high performance.
also update to java 8, it might help
I really appreciate this. Didnt know java didnt used my default GPU and not nvidia. Everything's running fine at 60 FPS xD