[1.7.10] Void World HQM Map [270+ Quests|ProjectE|CustomNPCmod|Second place of JampackedII]

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I started with using an item node with world interaction upgrades piped into a condenser right next to it so that it had 0 distance to pipe the cobble. Then used the emc generated to make more world interaction upgrades. When that became too fast for the condenser, I used a cyclic assembler to make compressed cobblestone and piped that in to the condenser.

After I got more emc, I switched to blaze rods->blaze powder. I used the sag mill with octadic capacitors and dark steel balls. The dark steel balls cause you to sometimes get double or triple output. I had ender io item conduits on the sag mills set to round robin mode sending blaze powder to 3 condensers. One condenser used the blaze powder to create blaze rods to feed back in to the sag mills. Another condenser used blaze powder to create dark steel balls to also send back in to the sag mills. And the last condenser used blaze powder to make diamonds and later red matter for me to use for emc for whatever. Eventually I upgraded the condensers to mk2 since they can process a stack of blaze powder at a time instead of just one at a time. You will also get sulfur doing this, but until you can make the mk2 condensers, you may want to pipe the sulfur to a barrel or even a trash bin since a mk1 condenser won't be able to keep up, depending on how many sag mills you have running. You will also need some speed upgrades for the ender io conduits when your setup gets bigger.

Oh, and you can make blaze rods. You don't need to find and kill a blaze. I didn't know that at first.

Edit: Just mentioning that I currently have 20 sag mills going and it is still going to take quite a while to get enough emc to make 640,000 yellorium ingots... I didn't make any "emc flowers" because looking at the tooltips it seemed like a full mk3 flower would be slower than several sag mills but for a much greater emc cost to make. But I didn't actually figure it all out. I could be wrong. Of course, sag mills require power where as the emc flowers do not.

I was going to ask whether the pack creator took into account of the world interaction upgrade from extra utilities...It feels cheaty xD. Apparently other people have abused it as well =))
hello!! I'm a big fan of this custom pack that you made and i was wondering if you can give a starter a few tips on making a map for mod packs
Thanks that you like my pack. The biggest tip I have is that you have a general idea what you want to do with your pack. First I was busy with remaking the ftb pyramid pack for friends with the help of the hqm mod. Same idea as this map, to do quests with the help of emc, but in 1.2.5. Then I saw the jampacked II competition and tada my idea was created. A apocolypse kind of map (which was the theme that was needed in your pack) which is progressed through with the help of emc.
I was going to ask whether the pack creator took into account of the world interaction upgrade from extra utilities...It feels cheaty xD. Apparently other people have abused it as well =))
I know it is there noprobs of that. Still debating if I want to remove it since it is the kinda go-to emc generator at this point and i want people to use their own ideas etc. Just a headsup that in the next patch (when i can make it, don't have much time currently) the cost of making one will be higher and more mid game oriented.
I started with using an item node with world interaction upgrades piped into a condenser right next to it so that it had 0 distance to pipe the cobble. Then used the emc generated to make more world interaction upgrades. When that became too fast for the condenser, I used a cyclic assembler to make compressed cobblestone and piped that in to the condenser.

Clearly you mean the energy condenser(chest like thing) right? I can't get the condenser(box with a hole in each side) to do anything.
Should the airstrikes stop at some point? Mine have, ever since I talked to Max about the letter and didn't kill him.

Also the rubber saplings. First you have a quest for 1000. Fine took some time but finished it, now there is a quest for 100,000!!!!!!!!
Thanks that you like my pack. The biggest tip I have is that you have a general idea what you want to do with your pack. First I was busy with remaking the ftb pyramid pack for friends with the help of the hqm mod. Same idea as this map, to do quests with the help of emc, but in 1.2.5. Then I saw the jampacked II competition and tada my idea was created. A apocolypse kind of map (which was the theme that was needed in your pack) which is progressed through with the help of emc.
Cool thank you for the tip. I was also wondering how you manege to make sure everyone spawns in to the pre made world evertime they load a new game. I looked everywhere and it seems that i can't find an answer
Cool thank you for the tip. I was also wondering how you manege to make sure everyone spawns in to the pre made world evertime they load a new game. I looked everywhere and it seems that i can't find an answer
The mod what does that is called LOCKDOWN, you add another template to your files and every time you generate a new world it loads from the template.
Hey, thanks for a fun pack.

Question, isn't there any EMC values for applied energistics (exept the skystone) or am I bugged?
Hey, thanks for a fun pack.

Question, isn't there any EMC values for applied energistics (exept the skystone) or am I bugged?
No there isn't except for some items which are in the basis of almost every recipe (the crystals, etc) This is mostly because how AE works. I have a custom emc given to those items so you can progress through AE.
im loving this pack but im at the point where im fighting the 1st boss. i was fighting morrison and he glitched through the floor. now hes gone and i dunno what to do next. i found a npc that gives the option to reset morrisson but that didnt help me. is there a way i can get him back.
im loving this pack but im at the point where im fighting the 1st boss. i was fighting morrison and he glitched through the floor. now hes gone and i dunno what to do next. i found a npc that gives the option to reset morrisson but that didnt help me. is there a way i can get him back.
If he glitched through the floor (idk how that happened) probably not. The reset is only for his temper to change back. But you can only kill him once and then he drops the item needed to complete the hqm quest. I think you have to fly back to your base (it is not that long of a ride from that place) and see the bug section on the frontpage how to see what to do with now the uncompletable quest in the book.
Hi i put the smeltery recipe into the height map generator and it has gone back to a empty map and i cant get it back. could i have some help please???
You kill blizzes, they spawn on the map.
If you need gelid cryotheum, check out NEI. You can make it using snow balls and liquid redstone.
Hi i put the smeltery recipe into the height map generator and it has gone back to a empty map and i cant get it back. could i have some help please???
You had to hand it in the quest book. See my bug section on the front page how to fix this.
i for the most part like this modpack. But, I'm not a masochists, so it's really hard to enjoy it. The 4-5 wide walkways over death, the infinite spawning mobs, specially skeletons that if they hit you it's pretty much a guaranteed death. Is this modpack supposed to be OMGDIELOLZ! Cause that's how it feels. I've died more in the past 5 minutes, then I've died in the last 5 years of MCing combined. That and the added 5 seconds of daylight doesn't help. So, am I missing something? Or, is this really supposed to be just run around like a chicken with no head throwing torches and hope you can last long enough to make the trip worthwhile to feed your trans table?
Mogymog - fences or walls make the walkways safer, the mobs are coming from spawners. You need to slowly and methodically clear each building. I never ran into special skeletons (knockback? again walls or fences)... The longs nights can be slept through with a bed or sleeping bag. I found building my own walkways (during daylight) helped me in the beginning. Seems like you may not be equipped to start clearing buildings yet. Have you set up a pigman farm? This is one of the few packs where you go to the nether early. I'm late game and have died like 3 or 4 times.
I've enjoyed this pack a lot, but the end game quests are either messed up EMC wise or just ridiculous. I feel like I'm being punished by some of them.
Mogymog - fences or walls make the walkways safer, the mobs are coming from spawners. You need to slowly and methodically clear each building. I never ran into special skeletons (knockback? again walls or fences)... The longs nights can be slept through with a bed or sleeping bag. I found building my own walkways (during daylight) helped me in the beginning. Seems like you may not be equipped to start clearing buildings yet. Have you set up a pigman farm? This is one of the few packs where you go to the nether early. I'm late game and have died like 3 or 4 times.

Thats the thing, WHAT daylight? IT lasts maybe 30 seconds and it's dark again... And I can't run around placing fences, cause I'm running around placing torches so I don't have a million mobs spawning every second.. And what should I have to be properly equiped for this endevour? I have diamond armor, and a crappy pickaxe, since getting weapons is rather hard to do.
Find a EMC generator that too powerful seem like a bug.

Since magical wood crafting output is depend on the enchantment book used.
Using 4 flip-flop I book will result on 17 magical wood, which are 16792 * 17 = 285464 EMC
but it only cost 4 gold (4*2048),1 bookself (408), 4 flip-flop I book = 4 emerald (4*16384) + 4 book (4*120)
total 74616 EMC to produce 285464 EMC

by using condenser and cyclic assembler, it produce more than 1M EMC per second