[1.7.10] TolkienCraft II - Adventure Awaits! - v2.9.5[QUESTS][ADVENTURE][NORMAL MODE]

  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So we installed this mod on our server and the hqm quest book doesn't open. We opped ourselves switched game modes requested a new book etc. And it just doesn't work. Any ideas what the issue is?
For some reason it is not synching the client and server. Copy your hqm config directory (or your server admin's) directly over the one server side. Make sure the server is stopped before you do this and then start the server. Should fix the problem. Still trying to pinpoint what happened to cause this from my end as the archives for client and server were identical (configs-wise anyways) so this shouldn't be happening.

Also make sure the hqm.cfg has server sync set to true (I did this myself, but weirder things have happened with FTB)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
so i reinstalled FTB and TC2 new world and still cant get mages quest to recognize i have found the council room. logged out and back in left the city came back bat form flew around the whole place. nothing seems to be working. had no issues before 2.3 always just went to the adjacent room and back. am i the only one having this problem? and if not please tell me wheres the sweet spot for this.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You're right, it is not showing up in HQM like in the previous versions of the modpack. However, I found that by following the CustomNPC quests, killing the troll opens it up on that page.

The one issue I found afterwards was that the HQM quest for the ancient where you have to have a dislocator and a key, the key didn't register and no amount of cheating in keys allowed me to complete the quest.

I just assumed the placeholders were for a future update. They font really bother anything.

Also, the recipe for the Chisel chisel is the same as the trowel, but the trowel overrides so you can't craft a chisel.

On another note; I plan on opening the my server to those who would like to play either tonight or tomorrow. It is whitelisted, and right now I am limiting slots to 10 players. I will post more on this tonight.
Glad to see server opening. Is there a slot for meh or I need to apply somewhere
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
so i reinstalled FTB and TC2 new world and still cant get Mages quest to recognize i have found the council room. logged out and back in left the city came back bat form flew around the whole place. nothing seems to be working. had no issues before 2.3 always just went to the adjacent room and back. am i the only one having this problem? and if not please tell me wheres the sweet spot for this.
I can't get it to work for me, either. I have gone well away from the tower on other errands and have done the Botania quests but can't seem to get any recognition for being in the Mages' Tower/Council.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
so i reinstalled FTB and TC2 new world and still cant get mages quest to recognize i have found the council room. logged out and back in left the city came back bat form flew around the whole place. nothing seems to be working. had no issues before 2.3 always just went to the adjacent room and back. am i the only one having this problem? and if not please tell me wheres the sweet spot for this.
Hmmm, I will take a look at that quest again...that and the wool quest are on my list to check. It gave me a bit of trouble as well and I thought I had it fixed...

Glad you guys like the tardis. Just a little easter egg for all of you! :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Glad to see server opening. Is there a slot for meh or I need to apply somewhere

As of tonight, I am opening the server to those who want to join.

I have limited slots based on the current server specs. If more want to join, I will look at increasing the capacity. Currently there is no separate website or chat channel. I can also create these if requested.

I still consider the world a work-in-progress, so please take care of abiding by a few general rules.
  • Obey the Admins (RangerX, Talandar)
  • Do not grief; either the server, or other players.
  • Build outside of 2000 blocks Draconis or in Middle Earth. You don't want your hard work destroyed during an update now do you?
  • Mystcraft should be disabled for players. If you find that you can create ages, please don't. I will delete errant ages I find.
  • Use the Portal Room to get to Middle Earth, Mining World, and others (linkbooks)
  • Hand mining only in the Overworld
  • We're all here to have fun. So be polite and respect each other.
By logging into the server you agree to the rules set forth. If you find you are having an issue, please let me know so that I may attempt to resolve it.

Ok, with that out of the way, now on to how to get in. Please PM me your ID so that I may add you to the whitelist and provide you the IP address. I will respond to you if I've added your name or if the server is full. Please understand that I do have a career and other real-life events to attend, so I may not get to your PM right away.

Have Fun!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
found another possible bug i died from the 20 witches quest while on the hill no gravestone was made and only half my equipment was there. made 2 different worlds and went there to die again and still no gravestone. its not the witches cause i kited one out of the imediate area and died there and gravestone was there. also did you remove the recipes for large bags or is it something derping on my end.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
found another possible bug i died from the 20 witches quest while on the hill no gravestone was made and only half my equipment was there. made 2 different worlds and went there to die again and still no gravestone. its not the witches cause i kited one out of the imediate area and died there and gravestone was there. also did you remove the recipes for large bags or is it something derping on my end.
Not a bug, per se, it is the result of new protections near the witch spawners, the graves are not being placed which is the cause. Guess I may have to rethink that area yet again.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So looks like my Blacksmith disappeared all of a sudden. Not sure what happened. He pathing seemed all jacked up; he was walking past the church and on to the wall. Now he's just gone. Anyway of respawning him using commands or the NPC Wand?

Can't run a server for quests without him.