[1.7.10] TolkienCraft II - Adventure Awaits! - v2.9.5[QUESTS][ADVENTURE][NORMAL MODE]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hm well for new doctors I'd say David Tennant, but my absolute favorite Doctor is Tom Baker and probably always will be. :)
I would have to say I loved Jon Pertwie, Tom Baker and Peter Davidson of the originals. But Leila was by far my favorite companion. I first started watching Dr Who at the end of Patrick Troughton's reign as the second Doctor, though. This would have been in the late 70s so it took a while for them to make it to Australian tv. I watched it with my Dad when he got home from work on a little black and white tv set. And Blake's 7 screened after it, I think. That was the start of my addiction to scifi.

Dove Krindia

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • under the middle-earth folder (if you've visited it)
    • follow the same procedure for the middle-earth region files as listed below for the overworld region files
  • (overworld) region folder: copy over any region files that are NOT the same as the ones created in the new folder
    • it is VERY important to ONLY copy ones that are NOT in the new folder

Just a questions, I have not updated the pack from 2.2.2 to 2.3.0 as I am running it on a server with a couple other people. I will be updating on the weekend. We have built a base in middle-earth right near the Ring portal, everything is there we will take our items off before the update and put into a chest there.

Will anything in the Middle-earth map be reset near the ring when I copy over the appropriate files? I am scared of loosing all that work we all put into building that base.

I haven't really done and update like this before, the host for my server usually sets up a install update button and it updates the files. If I have problems with this I may just update the files(config/mod/library) and not the world folder (where the saves are for the server) will this cause a problem, if I decide to go this route?

P.S Once the base is finished I will post some screen shots :)

Dove Krindia

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Whats the best way to get Pam's Harvestcraft Seeds? I have been trying to get onion seeds for ever, and the only thing dropping from punching grass in seeds, choco seeds, and witchery seeds.

Another way I found great getting heaps of different seeds/vegetables is to make a Horn of the Wild from Botania.


And if you have the components to make it a Coin of Fortune that will pull all items around you into you inventory.


Hope that helps.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Whats the best way to get Pam's Harvestcraft Seeds? I have been trying to get onion seeds for ever, and the only thing dropping from punching grass in seeds, choco seeds, and witchery seeds.
I believe you can only find the pams plants that have them, I think onion is in the Spice plant.
If your in single player and want the seeds to drop from grass you might need to edit the config


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
in 1.7 Pams Harvest craft doesnt drop seeds from grass. you must find plants from the mod that are like a garden in 1 plant, ect plant can give you many types.
If you want seeds to drop from grass you will need to change it in the configs to do so.

Also if you dont break the gardens, they will spread over time
When you play lots of different packs which contain different configs I guess you will run into stuff like this. I need to stop assuming that, just because it worked a certain way in one pack, it will work the same way in this one.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Whats the best way to get Pam's Harvestcraft Seeds? I have been trying to get onion seeds for ever, and the only thing dropping from punching grass in seeds, choco seeds, and witchery seeds.
She updated her mod to add the gardens, so I left it that way as I found the gardens made more sense and left the grass for other mods that wanted to add seeds. As as was said, the gardens will grow over time so as long as you leave one intact, you will have a never ending supply.
Just a questions, I have not updated the pack from 2.2.2 to 2.3.0 as I am running it on a server with a couple other people. I will be updating on the weekend. We have built a base in middle-earth right near the Ring portal, everything is there we will take our items off before the update and put into a chest there.

Will anything in the Middle-earth map be reset near the ring when I copy over the appropriate files? I am scared of loosing all that work we all put into building that base.

I haven't really done and update like this before, the host for my server usually sets up a install update button and it updates the files. If I have problems with this I may just update the files(config/mod/library) and not the world folder (where the saves are for the server) will this cause a problem, if I decide to go this route?

P.S Once the base is finished I will post some screen shots :)
Unfortunately yes, as the final part of the quest chain ends in middle earth, you could save it as a schematic and add it back in afterwards though.
Any plans to add Ender IO? IMO its better then Thermal Expansion and has the piping and coduits in it.
I have been asked, and while I do agree that the pipes are superior to most options, the overall theme of the mod didn't really fit in with the pack. You are welcome to add it if you want though.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just found one in a dense magic forest. It was actually quite spooky.

The funny thing is I was fly around trying to find more harvestcraft garden plants, when I see a lone well(the same in village's) with the top covered with command blocks. I said that;s strange and as I got close they vanished and POOF a spooky village and baddies appeared out of no were. So that is really neat how they are generated, and thanks to a lag spike I would have never figured that out.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok, has anyone seen a HUGE F-in tree that is shaped like a double helix(DNA Strand), and is there anything at the top that will kill me? That thing looks like it goes all the way to the world build height.

HAHAHA, NeverMinnnned.. I found out! I have the ability to fly, but I decided to climb this massive beanstalk to find my golden goose. Let's just say NOT COOL!! lol
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What mod adds those villages that look run down, and have baddies in them? Those are cool and deadly at the same time.lol
That would be witchery, and the ruins mod
i hope it gets added to the pack, this way it can be on a server without players needing to add it.
@GreatOrator you say it doesnt fit the theme? then why have thermal expansion, Buildcraft or AE2? I think Ender IO fits
Well, I was going for low-end tech, steampunkish, which those mods are, AE was added simply because it is my all-time favorite storage mod, so I went with BC, RC and thermal expansion since they all use RF and RF is kinda mystical.
Ok, has anyone seen a HUGE F-in tree that is shaped like a double helix(DNA Strand), and is there anything at the top that will kill me? That thing looks like it goes all the way to the world build height.

HAHAHA, NeverMinnnned.. I found out! I have the ability to fly, but I decided to climb this massive beanstalk to find my golden goose. Let's just say NOT COOL!! lol
And not sure...have not seen a lot of the ruins that are available.