[1.7.10] TolkienCraft II - Adventure Awaits! - v2.9.5[QUESTS][ADVENTURE][NORMAL MODE]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
well, the AW npc's shouldn't be there? but as for the frog...that was it, though you should have gotten the hype horn as a reward...that was a gag quest is all fairness :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh. Hmmm.... I did get the hype horn.

In other news... my game crashed and now the save file keeps crashing the game whenever I open it. I'm super sad. It's something about ars magica causing a ticking loop or something. I had just begun to fight an ice guardian (which I had to spawn in because it won't spawn on its own but whatever) and then... curtains.

I'm super bummed. I haven't spent this much time on a single save file of minecraft in forever. And I really like Ars Magica too... it's the best magic mod out there. But it seems to be plagued with bugs. Man... I'm pretty upset.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, and that was the back-dated version instead of 009 because it was far worse. You can temporarily remove ars...but so much breakage.

if you know how to use mcedit, you can remove the offending entity (most likely the guardian)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks for your help but I don't think I can salvage my save. I downloaded and opened MCedit and when I open the world file it only lets me see the nether, even though it says I'm looking at the overworld. And there's no option to look at anything else. If I try to go to the player's view mcedit shows an error. If I try to move the player to the camera's position the same thing happens.

I'm definitely not savvy when it comes to editing files and things like that. I'm just a guy who was playing a game. Argh.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was thinking of just skipping to number three. I mean... after spending... I think a month... building up my infrastructure, I think it'd be mind-numbing to start that over. I really love two, I'm just bummed that my save was destroyed by some dumb glitch that I can't undo. But I don't want to take up a lot of your time with this.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wow! Ummm... do you know a guide on how to archive something? I'll see if I can do it. I'm using a mac, I'm not sure if that makes a difference.

Edit: Does archive mean create a copy? I googled archiving and it's giving me instructions on how to copy the save... which is pretty easy. Do you want me to zip it?

I don't know of a place I could post it. I could email it to you.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't think it being a mac should make a difference actually, but yes, zip it up. If you have google drive you could upload it there temporarily for me to download (would let you know once I had it so you could delete to save space)


I'm having a small problem... I am now working on the quests in Middle Earth, but the map is not (fully) loading. The initial places are there, but when I tried to fast travel to Bree, it teleported me underground in the middle of no where. Bree is a "regular" Middle Earth world (other than the vanilla villages with a combination of vanilla villagers AND Minecraft Comes Alive characters). I've had to restart the world already like 10 times because I got an item that crashed my game for whatever reason (the flower seeds from a mod, I'm pretty sure they were "deviating" lily seeds or something...) and I'd rather not start over AGAIN... This is (I'm pretty sure) a copy of a world that had the Middle Earth maps installed, but I am working on an old world that I made like 2 years ago and did not do any quests or build in until recently. Can I have some help? I can do basic file rearranging, if I need to (I have NOT done that so far, but if I am given instructions to do so, I MIGHT be able to). If anyone sees this, please help! Thank you in advance!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, at the very least you would need to download the extra content packs as they had all of the additional areas for the world. Issue is though in 2 years a lot changed so you may need to start from a fresh map.


Well, at the very least you would need to download the extra content packs as they had all of the additional areas for the world. Issue is though in 2 years a lot changed so you may need to start from a fresh map.

The world is a copy of another that had the maps installed, and the Shire character and custom buildings are there. But other than that, there are vanilla villages spawning in Middle Earth. I don't know if I found a bug, or if I'm just that stupid...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
well again, it sounds like you are missing the added content packs, and with the changed over time it would be best to just start from a fresh map


well again, it sounds like you are missing the added content packs, and with the changed over time it would be best to just start from a fresh map

Would it be possible to try and re install the map, and then move my current world data to the new world somehow via the folder and copy/paste? I've had to restart 10 times in the past month, and am burnt out... NOTE: I am willing to make a new world, but I don't want to have to remake my base (yes, it is outside the city, I did The Ancient's quest) Also, what should I do if the problem still happens? Sorry for bothering you!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you are outside of the pre-built areas, you should be able to simply paste the download over the existing map without any issue


If you are outside of the pre-built areas, you should be able to simply paste the download over the existing map without any issue

Can I have instructions? I'm super new to this, sorry for bothering you... Is it in logs? Saves? Downloads? Sorry again...


if you are referring to the menu download, that is in your saves folder

I'm sorry that I'm being so stupid! I've been away longer than I thought... I have downloaded the pack, and downloaded the map from the website (It took me forever to find, a lot of the links to it fail to load when I click them. I get a message that basically says "This page is no longer available") but when I go to the Singleplayer option, the Draconis isn't there, and when I go to the download/install in the Main menu, it doesn't download! The progress bar numbers turn negative, and my computer freezes for like 30+ minutes, and I have to restart the launcher... I have the downloaded files saved on my desktop as well, do I need to put them somewhere? You are being very helpful! Last time I asked for help on a forum, the mods said I was stupid... Sorry for wasting you time again!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
do you have it set as a saved map? Would need to see the folder structure because it sounds like it is loading as if there is no map