[1.7.10] TolkienCraft II - Adventure Awaits! - v2.9.5[QUESTS][ADVENTURE][NORMAL MODE]

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Good to know about recipe cycling. I have another problem, its Ars Magica fault so I don't expect you to solve it, but if you already know a solution, feel free to share: I tried spawning the Winter Guardian, but he didn't spawn and instead my game crashes every time I open the world. I tried to turn on Forge's "delete erroring entities" setting, but that didn't fix it. Mithion is AWOL so I can't exactly get him to look at the crash logs. Most people in the past who had this problem either only crashed once, or fixed it with the "delete erroring entities" setting

EDIT: ignore me, might have fixed it, will update when I load in

EDIT^2: Nope, still broken. Some ticking entity in AM2 particle effect, presumably from the Winter Guardian's summoning particles. Basically, never summon the Winter Guardian, he'll freeze your game ;)
If you are familiar with MCedit you can load the world and delete the entity at those coords in there.
I'm having an issue with one of the included mods in the pack. Whenever i ride on a Chocobo it stutters while moving, it will move for a little bit, freeze, then move again to a point where walking is faster. It's not my game lagging either, while the freezing happens everything is working as normal and my FPS is fine while it happens. Help would be much appreciated! :)
Sadly there are bugs in the 1.7.10 version and it is not being updated anymore but that was one of the many bugs found :(
Hey there guys!
First off: awesome modpack! I'm loving it and the maps so far! (I've been playing tolkiencraft 2 solo and we are currently setting up a tolkiencraft 3 server).
But a couple of questions:
1) I did a few missions in Draconic and got so excited when I got to the ring that I jumped straight in and warped to middle earth. ...and I have no way back. According to the lotr guide there should be a return ring floating at 0, 0 but there is just a delightful dining area. Most of my stuff is back in Draconic and I left some quests unfinished... is there any way back (apart from using must craft books and rifts)?

2) is there a guide for tolkiencraft 3 anywhere? Upon starting I did the first quest but I cannot for the life of me find the real estate agent selling houses.

Otherwise it seems pretty awesome so far. :)
Glad you are having fun!

1. Yup, just head in to hobbiton. The portal back was custom placed so it does not show where you expect.

2. Not yet, but, try wandering the path away from rivendell. You'll come to a river crossing so just follow that, should be easy to locate from there :D
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Okay, so we've tried setting up the server and there appear to be a lot of mismatches between the 3.15 version (beta) and anything available for server maps.

After a lot of tinkering and reloading we managed to get it to work only to have the spawn point in the middle of the air somewhere. Any suggestions on where to get matching ones (using twitch and the curseforge files so far...) and though they all say 3.15 they have different files.
Well, the server pack I know I need to replace, the chisel and bits version there needs to be 12.17 and I keep forgetting tp upload a new version. as for the map, it is the same one that single player uses. You need to download the map then upload to the server in order to get the map online that way
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Cool, thank you. :) I'm gonna stuck to tc 2 for a while until we can get it up and running properly - there is a mild issue with npcs not talking to me (as in just saying "we hope you can save our Kingdom! ") so I not only can't get quests from them (especially the mage and the ancient) but of times I can't even shop from them. Sometimes I will quit out and start again and they will open shop menus with me but it seems a bit hit and miss. I am using both hqm and the npc quests (have to use L to open that menu) but it seems broken?
Aside from the relog issue (first I had heard of that happening), most often it is because a quest was missed somewhere along the lines
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The Epic Tale of The Three Housemates:
Maz the Elf, Shevek the Dwarf and Lexic the human decided to meet up and venture forth into the epic lands of TOLKIENCRAFT 3...willing to take on the task of saving MddleEarth from whatever doom hung over it. Starting in the Safe Haven of Rivendell, the three looked around and Lexic promptly blinked out of existence. He could not be here, he was told, because he was already here. [[Error: Could not log in because already logged in]] after blinking in and out of existence a few times more, he threw up his hands and muttered something about FinalFantasy 15 before vanishing for good.
Not to be too easily disheartened, the other two heroes set out to explore the beautifully designed city and the mountains around it.
Maz went to go to talk to Aragorn, yet quickly found that he could only talk to you if you stood in a very specific location... [[Quest could not continue unless you stood in the exact spot and hammered the SUBMIT button until it agreed that you were close enough to talk to Aragorn]] while Shevek cheerfully ran around Rivendell exploring and chatting animatedly to the other residents. That is to say, Gandalf, Bilbo and Leoglas all looked at him blankly and said "Hello" while the other NPCs like the librarian and the faction members said nothing at all. Not put off, the two heroes met with Elrond and were gifted a task to FIND A HORSE somewhere to the NorthWest.
"Wait a minute." said I. "Don't we need to Get Started first?"
"What?" Said Maz, still trying to get the librarian to give him a BO quest book. {{Which he did once we reset and got the command blocks to work}}
"We have to do the "Getting Started" quests to learn about the Librarian and Horses and Houses and Stuff, I think." I said helplessly, shuffling through the pages of my questbook. After a few minutes we gave up and set off to the Northwest Road leading out of Rivendell.

It quickly became apparent to our heroes that there *was* no northwest road leading out of Rivendell - rather there was a road that headed south and forked east and west. Maz took the Highroad. I, however, cheerfully punched down some trees, made a boat, and dived into the waterfalls. Which was a great deal more fun than it should have been. After getting voraciously mobbed by zombies and skeletons and golems, (Oh MY!) I dragged myself up out of the river to the north. Maz, heading along the path in the dark, found the stables and abruptly vanished - to the Halls of the Horse Lords. "Be right back!!" He promised. How naive he was.
I shrugged and headed north across the barren plains next to the mountains to find a strange colorful shack in the middle of nowhere. The sole resident told me he was selling houses - and to follow the path north to the housing. Vanishing into a tunnel, I found a quaint little village with shops and a teleportation temple. "Ahah! I thought to myself." I'll just nip to Dale to visit that town and then return to catch up with Maz upon his return!"
Maz, in the meantime, had jumped to the Halls of the Horse Lords....to find the Halls- resplendant and full of horses, just sadly lacking any actual Horse Lords. After wandering around and being greeted by the city's only residents (some horses, a few zombies and a rather surprising creeper) he got scared and used his magical device to teleport back to Rivendell. I, finding a few stragglers in Dale, quickly came to the same conclusion and reunited with my comrade. We agreed to do the main quest (chasing shadows) as well as we could and he set off. After finding the Elven camp nestled in the heart of a small copse of trees, he then went to the ruins, found half a horse sticking up out of the rather empty and not at all menacing ruins, and after much ado, returned to Rivendell. I, in my round-about getting-lost-a-lot way did the same. We both levelled up quite a bit from our misadventures and random ambushes, but finally made it to Glorfandel behind the waterfall where he told us to hunt down the Nazgul with the use of his magic elf stone.
"I have given you an elf-stone," he said "To find traces of the Nazgul in the Fjord of Bruinen."
We blinked, and looked down at our hands, which clearly held nothing. We checked our books and our logs, which agreed that yes, we had spoken to Glorfandel and he *had* given us a magical elf stone - though our books referred to it as a "Beryl". So, deciding that it was an elf stone so magical that it was Invisible, we set off again.
Using my boat I once again careened down the aterfalls, along the river, and, upon finding exactly the right spoit near the river, hammered the SUBMIT button in my book until it agreed that I was in the right place to use my Beryl. Taking a drunken step sideways, my Log popped up to agree that I was in the right place and had used the Elf-Stone correctly. And I was to return to Glorfandel to tell him more.
My book disagreed. It told me I still needed to hold the Beryl. It, in fact, stubbornly refused to allow me to do anything else until I had held the beryl. Twice.
Since neither of us had beryl we returned to Glorfandel and he told us to return to the elven camp to the Northwest to hunt down the Nazgul using his elf stone.

Whereupon Maz entered into a light coma and I ran off into the wilderness and got lost.

The end.

Game looks awesome but feels very empty...and gets emptier the more you explore. It's nice that the buildings are all there though.
There seem to be two questing systems in place which makes little sense and makes it horribly awkward to try and progress - I myself had to backtrack several times to locations to hammer the submit key in my BQ book to make it let me progress.
There appears to be no Beryl(ElfStone) given out that we could find - which broke the quest.
There are also WAYPOINTS, MILESTONES, STABLES, and TELEPORTERS which while thankfully useful, don't seem to be connected - maybe a more streamlined idea might work?
All in all, looks awesome, I love the idea of being able to travel to cool places from MiddleEarth, but it still seems to need a few kinks ironing out. Let me know when it progresses so we can do a playthrough of it. Keep up the good work! :D
So the fast travel deliberately has multiple ways. The NPC built-in one has the stables, the BQ book has a time delayed but repeatable on as you unlock areas (ala skyrim style), the waypoints are much the same style as the npc ones though can only be marked for one area at a time, and teleporters just so you can go wherever whenever :D

That beryl quest...cripes how many times have I tried to debug that is supposed to be given by a hidden quest in the book but it, like a couple of others I can not for the life of me figure out WHY it does not trigger like it is supposed to...I may just unhide it so if it does not complete you can still trigger it.

As far as the npc/bq quests. Trying to make the bq book be more a journal than anything, the main issue is in multiplayer. In single player it works as intended, basically acting as a stop-gap so players don't get too far ahead one way or another, but when parties happen, that seems to break it, still trying to work that part out.

As far as overall fleshing. Yes, that is happening slowly, if you go to edoras, there is a small "arena" where there are a lot of people milling about, same for bree, rivendell and I think minas tirith as well as a couple other locations.

Love the way you made it a story too :D
Um... Hi... I REALLY like this modpack, but I've run into a roadblock. I tried to find Sauron, but I ended up teleporting next to a giant wall in (seemingly) the middle of nowhere but the quest was marked as "completed". I left the area (not having found Sauron) and I can't remember where I was. I've tried making another world, but the map won't install (that's a different question though). I've just spent the last 14 hours looking up FAQs, checking the files, and waiting for things to finish "installing" (they crash about an hour into the download). ANYWAYS, I'm back to searching for Sauron manually, but without the book's help. Is the tower not in Isenguard? Dol Amroth? Somewhere in Mordor? I'm sorry if this question doesn't belong here... I just can't think of what else to do...
Well, the key is making sure you are using the complete map, including the extended content (if downloading from curse or direct, if the downloader is not working just download from the link). The place it's at is in one of the map locations that were built.
Well, the key is making sure you are using the complete map, including the extended content (if downloading from curse or direct, if the downloader is not working just download from the link). The place it's at is in one of the map locations that were built.
I've tried downloading the map from the link and placing it in the "saves" folder and refreshing the modpack to no avail. I've also tried getting the maps from your websites, and that hasn't worked either... Sorry that I'm bothering you with this...
The download in-game also allows you to download the zip direct. once downloaded follow the instructions on the curse page for "installing" the map.
The download in-game also allows you to download the zip direct. once downloaded follow the instructions on the curse page for "installing" the map.
It won't let me download it though. It says "map dowloaded" but the world doesn't show up in Single Player (btw, only "Draconis" is listed in the download area) when I try to re download the map, the percentage goes into the negatives. The numbers still change, but after an hour it just crashes. It's a shame. I REALLY like this modpack, and I don't mind starting again if I have to. I just want to play it more (right now all I can do is wander around middle Earth doing side quests). Also, the Hobbit town is there, but Bree isn't. I'm pretty sure I downloaded it wrong, but I can't figure out how to re download it (as stated above). Sorry for continuing to bother you...