The Epic Tale of The Three Housemates:
Maz the Elf, Shevek the Dwarf and Lexic the human decided to meet up and venture forth into the epic lands of TOLKIENCRAFT 3...willing to take on the task of saving MddleEarth from whatever doom hung over it. Starting in the Safe Haven of Rivendell, the three looked around and Lexic promptly blinked out of existence. He could not be here, he was told, because he was already here. [[Error: Could not log in because already logged in]] after blinking in and out of existence a few times more, he threw up his hands and muttered something about FinalFantasy 15 before vanishing for good.
Not to be too easily disheartened, the other two heroes set out to explore the beautifully designed city and the mountains around it.
Maz went to go to talk to Aragorn, yet quickly found that he could only talk to you if you stood in a very specific location... [[Quest could not continue unless you stood in the exact spot and hammered the SUBMIT button until it agreed that you were close enough to talk to Aragorn]] while Shevek cheerfully ran around Rivendell exploring and chatting animatedly to the other residents. That is to say, Gandalf, Bilbo and Leoglas all looked at him blankly and said "Hello" while the other NPCs like the librarian and the faction members said nothing at all. Not put off, the two heroes met with Elrond and were gifted a task to FIND A HORSE somewhere to the NorthWest.
"Wait a minute." said I. "Don't we need to Get Started first?"
"What?" Said Maz, still trying to get the librarian to give him a BO quest book. {{Which he did once we reset and got the command blocks to work}}
"We have to do the "Getting Started" quests to learn about the Librarian and Horses and Houses and Stuff, I think." I said helplessly, shuffling through the pages of my questbook. After a few minutes we gave up and set off to the Northwest Road leading out of Rivendell.
It quickly became apparent to our heroes that there *was* no northwest road leading out of Rivendell - rather there was a road that headed south and forked east and west. Maz took the Highroad. I, however, cheerfully punched down some trees, made a boat, and dived into the waterfalls. Which was a great deal more fun than it should have been. After getting voraciously mobbed by zombies and skeletons and golems, (Oh MY!) I dragged myself up out of the river to the north. Maz, heading along the path in the dark, found the stables and abruptly vanished - to the Halls of the Horse Lords. "Be right back!!" He promised. How naive he was.
I shrugged and headed north across the barren plains next to the mountains to find a strange colorful shack in the middle of nowhere. The sole resident told me he was selling houses - and to follow the path north to the housing. Vanishing into a tunnel, I found a quaint little village with shops and a teleportation temple. "Ahah! I thought to myself." I'll just nip to Dale to visit that town and then return to catch up with Maz upon his return!"
Maz, in the meantime, had jumped to the Halls of the Horse find the Halls- resplendant and full of horses, just sadly lacking any actual Horse Lords. After wandering around and being greeted by the city's only residents (some horses, a few zombies and a rather surprising creeper) he got scared and used his magical device to teleport back to Rivendell. I, finding a few stragglers in Dale, quickly came to the same conclusion and reunited with my comrade. We agreed to do the main quest (chasing shadows) as well as we could and he set off. After finding the Elven camp nestled in the heart of a small copse of trees, he then went to the ruins, found half a horse sticking up out of the rather empty and not at all menacing ruins, and after much ado, returned to Rivendell. I, in my round-about getting-lost-a-lot way did the same. We both levelled up quite a bit from our misadventures and random ambushes, but finally made it to Glorfandel behind the waterfall where he told us to hunt down the Nazgul with the use of his magic elf stone.
"I have given you an elf-stone," he said "To find traces of the Nazgul in the Fjord of Bruinen."
We blinked, and looked down at our hands, which clearly held nothing. We checked our books and our logs, which agreed that yes, we had spoken to Glorfandel and he *had* given us a magical elf stone - though our books referred to it as a "Beryl". So, deciding that it was an elf stone so magical that it was Invisible, we set off again.
Using my boat I once again careened down the aterfalls, along the river, and, upon finding exactly the right spoit near the river, hammered the SUBMIT button in my book until it agreed that I was in the right place to use my Beryl. Taking a drunken step sideways, my Log popped up to agree that I was in the right place and had used the Elf-Stone correctly. And I was to return to Glorfandel to tell him more.
My book disagreed. It told me I still needed to hold the Beryl. It, in fact, stubbornly refused to allow me to do anything else until I had held the beryl. Twice.
Since neither of us had beryl we returned to Glorfandel and he told us to return to the elven camp to the Northwest to hunt down the Nazgul using his elf stone.
Whereupon Maz entered into a light coma and I ran off into the wilderness and got lost.
The end.
Game looks awesome but feels very empty...and gets emptier the more you explore. It's nice that the buildings are all there though.
There seem to be two questing systems in place which makes little sense and makes it horribly awkward to try and progress - I myself had to backtrack several times to locations to hammer the submit key in my BQ book to make it let me progress.
There appears to be no Beryl(ElfStone) given out that we could find - which broke the quest.
There are also WAYPOINTS, MILESTONES, STABLES, and TELEPORTERS which while thankfully useful, don't seem to be connected - maybe a more streamlined idea might work?
All in all, looks awesome, I love the idea of being able to travel to cool places from MiddleEarth, but it still seems to need a few kinks ironing out. Let me know when it progresses so we can do a playthrough of it. Keep up the good work!