[1.7.10] TolkienCraft II - Adventure Awaits! - v2.9.5[QUESTS][ADVENTURE][NORMAL MODE]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok so I've finished The Investigation but the King Great Orator has disappeared entirely. He's just gone. Was gone for someone else who hasn't started any other quests, so I'm not sure that could be the reason (I don't even know if he does disappear during the questline, was waiting for my friend to catch up). Replaced the customnpc folders with a freshly downloaded map, but he's still gone. What am I missing?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I hate to be annoying and keep bringing up stuff, but thaumcraft golem use cores aren't doing anything. Perhaps some setting with mob griefing? I can't get golems to place anything or right click anything.
It is because of mobgriefing being turned off. so if you feel lucky and don't mind the world sploding in draconis, you can turn it back on, I have reported to see if there is some way around it though
Ok so I've finished The Investigation but the King Great Orator has disappeared entirely. He's just gone. Was gone for someone else who hasn't started any other quests, so I'm not sure that could be the reason (I don't even know if he does disappear during the questline, was waiting for my friend to catch up). Replaced the customnpc folders with a freshly downloaded map, but he's still gone. What am I missing?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you turn off the mobgriefing game rule they still don't seem to do anything. Tested it out. Not sure if it just needs a server restart or something (players playing on mine atm) but... yeah D:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
After an hour or so prettying up Beorns hall, i went back to work on BrandyHall. I tested out my new method. The hill now has about 30 of the needed "hundred doors". Strange overlaps between holes at different levels led to many poor suffocating hobbits and rooms filled with dirt. Digging it all out it's starting to turn it into some strange maze, with all the holes connecting to each other.....which is pretty much what i wanted. I'll add stairs between levels, and do some large rooms down lower. Really needs a large feasthall and kitchens somewhere.

Orthanc has finished hedges and is forested now, with a fine assortment of exotic and magical trees.

Vals NoisyToys

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
17Apr15 - Livestream Of Tolkiencraft II: Demons Invade... #blamespyro

GreatOrator's Official Tolkiencraft II Server (Whitelisted)
Where: Val's Noisy Toys on Twitch / Beam.pro / Youtube
When: Friday April 17, 2015 - 8pm MDT / 7pm Pacific.
Why: Demons. Blood Magic. Mayhem!**

Not content with being a permanent resident in the hotseat at Dragonburg courthouse, Spyropulse is planning to let demons loose on the server. Come enjoy the unfolding event of a Blood Magic demon incursion as Val and her friends battle the encroaching hoarde!

**Note: Amount of mayhem may or may not be to your taste. Quality of mayhem is variable and results vary. Watch while sipping a cooling drink and have a snack handy. Death of event participants may or may not be a side effect of this event. Consult your local forum often in the event of increasing Tolkiencraft II interest.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
After an hour or so prettying up Beorns hall, i went back to work on BrandyHall. I tested out my new method. The hill now has about 30 of the needed "hundred doors". Strange overlaps between holes at different levels led to many poor suffocating hobbits and rooms filled with dirt. Digging it all out it's starting to turn it into some strange maze, with all the holes connecting to each other.....which is pretty much what i wanted. I'll add stairs between levels, and do some large rooms down lower. Really needs a large feasthall and kitchens somewhere.

Orthanc has finished hedges and is forested now, with a fine assortment of exotic and magical trees.
Excellent! will have to take a look at the progress.
17Apr15 - Livestream Of Tolkiencraft II: Demons Invade... #blamespyro

GreatOrator's Official Tolkiencraft II Server (Whitelisted)
Where: Val's Noisy Toys on Twitch / Beam.pro / Youtube
When: Friday April 17, 2015 - 8pm MDT / 7pm Pacific.
Why: Demons. Blood Magic. Mayhem!**

Not content with being a permanent resident in the hotseat at Dragonburg courthouse, Spyropulse is planning to let demons loose on the server. Come enjoy the unfolding event of a Blood Magic demon incursion as Val and her friends battle the encroaching hoarde!

**Note: Amount of mayhem may or may not be to your taste. Quality of mayhem is variable and results vary. Watch while sipping a cooling drink and have a snack handy. Death of event participants may or may not be a side effect of this event. Consult your local forum often in the event of increasing Tolkiencraft II interest.
I shall be there! will try to push out an update beforehand as well


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I finally defeated the troll. The trick was magical booze. (I used most of my coin, though.)

Now I've started my base in a far away walled village.

I have some quest feedback surrounding the troll: Like I suggested on the last page, I think the Ancient quest line should happen before the troll (I also think that "End Game" isn't the best name for the quest). Also, there seems to be some vestigial material where the commander sends you to see the king right after the troll is defeated, but the king doesn't care. In addition, the quest book looks like it wants the troll's mace, but really you just need to get near the troll for it to trigger. Consequently, the quest book had been showing that I finished the troll quest for a while now.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I finally defeated the troll. The trick was magical booze. (I used most of my coin, though.)

Now I've started my base in a far away walled village.

I have some quest feedback surrounding the troll: Like I suggested on the last page, I think the Ancient quest line should happen before the troll (I also think that "End Game" isn't the best name for the quest). Also, there seems to be some vestigial material where the commander sends you to see the king right after the troll is defeated, but the king doesn't care. In addition, the quest book looks like it wants the troll's mace, but really you just need to get near the troll for it to trigger. Consequently, the quest book had been showing that I finished the troll quest for a while now.
The quest book is used more as a journal, the true quest is the NPC one, as for the king, check your mail, it triggers the kings quest.

Update v2.4.10

Multiple mods updated (sorry, lost my log tracker)
Configs tweaked again

Draconic Evolution was the important one...Now with more thaumic goggle!

The major update has to ETA as I am waiting on two mods to catch up with forge because of the rewrite of fluid mechanics.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I finally defeated the troll. The trick was magical booze. (I used most of my coin, though.)

Now I've started my base in a far away walled village.

I have some quest feedback surrounding the troll: Like I suggested on the last page, I think the Ancient quest line should happen before the troll (I also think that "End Game" isn't the best name for the quest). Also, there seems to be some vestigial material where the commander sends you to see the king right after the troll is defeated, but the king doesn't care. In addition, the quest book looks like it wants the troll's mace, but really you just need to get near the troll for it to trigger. Consequently, the quest book had been showing that I finished the troll quest for a while now.
Magical booze and what else?
I keep dying to him.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Magical booze and what else?
I keep dying to him.

I had unenchanted mithril gear (which is about diamond strength by my estimates). I know the sword was 9 damage. The gear by itself would keep me alive for awhile, but the key was an athelas brew and a knockback resistance potion from the apothecary.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I had unenchanted mithril gear (which is about diamond strength by my estimates). I know the sword was 9 damage. The gear by itself would keep me alive for awhile, but the key was an athelas brew and a knockback resistance potion from the apothecary.
With almost every potion under the Draconis sun ingested, including athelas brew and backup of two werewolves, it still took a draconic staff of power to bring Tyltran down. That knockback of him and the lava pools = a pain in the tail. His knockback is insane.

TROLL DOWN. I'll wait on witches, but the random tp out into the overworld is there. Now for one in Middle Earth.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The demon invasion has begun...

#blameSpyro ;-)


...and I seem to have some new roommates!

#cantblameSpyro... #blameSpyroanyway

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I have a question. In single player, how can anyone retrieve a grave that actually spawned inside the antibuilder zone? Is it impossible, or is there a secret trick.
Might have corrupted my save, trying in creative different ideas on how to kill the troll and leaving him with only bits of hp and not killing him outright...

I'm hoping I didn't wreck my save, but it seems to be saying the client has sent too many requests. I'll try again tomorrow, and if its still showing that, I'll look for assistance.
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