[1.7.10] TolkienCraft II - Adventure Awaits! - v2.9.5[QUESTS][ADVENTURE][NORMAL MODE]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@Spoo - I think the cake you need is from Pam's. I would have to go back into the game right now to confirm that but I do believe that's right. And you're welcome. :)

@_Denai_ - There is a ring to get back, but you have to do a lil walking/flying around to find it. It's still in the hobbit area tho. I don't have the coords on me but it's really not too far from where you are placed. Legolas is standing beside it but you'll notice the ring before him. It's near the ground tho, not high up.

@GreatOrator and @Mikhaila666 - Your points on the antibuilders are very well understood. I did play the pack when they were "easier" and I do agree with the changes made. The fact that you could kill them all before even getting good gear together did make it a lil too easy for the way the plot is and honestly, the graves not working in the troll area (normally lol) just takes it back to old Minecraft where, if you died, you either lost your stuff or you found ways to get it back. For the troll area, being he can one shot you if you don't have any gear on at all, lol, makes you very cautious about what you bring with you there and makes you gear up better. That's how it should have been. :)

Edit: Oh and @GreatOrator - the Ancient quest that actually gives you the key to teleport far enough away is given after you defeat the troll. You do get a quest for him before the troll fight but he won't give you the key til after the troll is defeated. I think that's what Spoo meant by moving it around. :)
Thank you, been so long since I built those quests :D

I'll look into shuffling it around a bit and see, I did create that when the troll was a might bit easier...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
lol You're welcome. May wanna stop by and see Brandon, by the King, once you get back to grab some charms and bind them to the overworld just incase something like that happens again. So much easier to get back that way. lol
Hooray! Finally found it! Just kept following the path towards Hobbiton, now I can fetch my AE2 stuff, a bit out of place in middle earth but can't really live without it lol. Thanks again :D

Oh and thanks for the tip about the charms wasn't really prepared the first time hehe


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just found a bug or a config change, the Big Backpack's from the Backpack mod are no longer craft-able. NEI shows no recipe and when I put the stuff in the crafting table anyway, nothing happens. I haven't checked the configs or anything yet, just noticed it.

Unrelated Note: the newest Extra Utilities adds a working void dimension for base building! I have tried in the past to make a void world with Mystcraft but it always had terrible instability and so I gave up. The new portal is also pretty easy to make, an ender pearl some stone, gold, quartz and redstone and that's it! Awesome!


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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just found a bug or a config change, the Big Backpack's from the Backpack mod are no longer craft-able. NEI shows no recipe and when I put the stuff in the crafting table anyway, nothing happens. I haven't checked the configs or anything yet, just noticed it.

Unrelated Note: the newest Extra Utilities adds a working void dimension for base building! I have tried in the past to make a void world with Mystcraft but it always had terrible instability and so I gave up. The new portal is also pretty easy to make, an ender pearl some stone, gold, quartz and redstone and that's it! Awesome!
double check, I had set it so that you could only get big backpacks using the small ones (effectively upgrade only)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
double check, I had set it so that you could only get big backpacks using the small ones (effectively upgrade only)

Yep, that works, placing a small bag in the center with the tanned leather around that makes a big bag. I like that recipe, upgrading my bags now ;) NEI still doesn't show the recipe however.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Will the map update with the coming update for the pack GreatOrator? Should anyone wanting to start anew wait?
I will typically update the map for one of two reasons at this stage, either to bugfix, or to keep the level.dat current with the updates of the mods. The content I am currently working on (Minas Tirith, Isengard, etc) will be handled differently then the current map. So if you ever want to start over you can, entirely up to you, but no reason you have to.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm getting potion ID conflicts. I noticed only when I started ars magica 2.... I tried creating a spell Self + leap + slowfall + haste + gravity well (a fun fast travel spell, recommended in the compendium) When it came up wrong, I tested just haste, and haste is giving Flight. The full spell was giving, I think, leap, flight, gravity well, and slowfall, but when I tried messing around with it a little more, I was getting fire resistance, sometimes two times flight if I tried regenning the ars magica potion config. I don't really know what to do with the configs to fix this...

Edit: Scanned through the forum to see if anyone had a fix. I know ars magica potion conflicts have been a problem before, but I don't know how to manually fix it

Edit 2: Further testing: Obelisk gives soul harden 2 with default configs. Instead of haste, flight. Leap and gravity well working as normal. Not taking falling damage while active, but no slowfall listed, instead, fireproof is listed. Can confirm I am actually fireproof during. Can confirm soul harden 2 is giving mana regen. ID conflict with blood magic for those two is likely, both affects seem to apply at once. Not sure what's going on with haste->flight though.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'll take a deeper look, I spent a full day working on those conflicts and the issue is there are so many potion effects in the pack that I need more than 128, though thought I had gotten them situated.

After pulling a data dump, the current configs have those effects mentioned fixed...you mentioned default configs, are you using the ones that come with the pack?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah. I tried deleting the configs and regenerating them but that didn't help it just got sillier. I'm using the latest version, and both server and normal client have the effects. A lot of spell effects work fine (though a few are weirdly glitchy like beam+rangerangerange+mark+self+recall, but haste, in particular, doesn't seem to exist and always gives flight (which, incidentally, permanently gives you flight regardless of what the buff timer says) It isn't making ars magica 2 unusable, exactly, but it is certainly buggy.

Edit: Waterbreathing works, but doubles with taint withdrawl.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
do you have to go to middle earth first to get the higher silver coins from the Lotr mod? I tried buying the knockback res potion and i don't have the right coins or is there some other way to get them?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah. I tried deleting the configs and regenerating them but that didn't help it just got sillier. I'm using the latest version, and both server and normal client have the effects. A lot of spell effects work fine (though a few are weirdly glitchy like beam+rangerangerange+mark+self+recall, but haste, in particular, doesn't seem to exist and always gives flight (which, incidentally, permanently gives you flight regardless of what the buff timer says) It isn't making ars magica 2 unusable, exactly, but it is certainly buggy.

Edit: Waterbreathing works, but doubles with taint withdrawl.
Well, i definitely doublechecked the configs, the issues you are reporting should be fixed by what is currently in the release, regenerating the configs would make it worse because they go back to default id's. I even pulled an ID dump of potion effects and nothing is conflicting, so unless ars is doing something I don't have a config option to change, should not be an issue.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I hate to be annoying and keep bringing up stuff, but thaumcraft golem use cores aren't doing anything. Perhaps some setting with mob griefing? I can't get golems to place anything or right click anything.