[1.7.10] TolkienCraft II - Adventure Awaits! - v2.9.5[QUESTS][ADVENTURE][NORMAL MODE]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I won't mind you doing that if you need to, to see what's going on. Inbox me the information you would need? :) I did download the map fresh today so that's the one I used as well. Really not sure what's going on. :(
I was exaggerating about connecting to your pc, just start from square one and copy the region files for the dimension in and overwrite, something is not working right on your pc is all I can come up with.
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Jul 29, 2019
Bilbo is probably there. He just saw you coming and slipped on the ring.

That's not possible... since I have it. :p lol

Edit: Short of just reinstalling the entire map and game, I don't think whatever is going on is going to be fixed. I've tried rewriting the region folders again and still, he's not there. So I will just hold off til the next big map update to start over again. :)
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Jul 29, 2019
i have a slight problem with finding the ancient quest, it's been in my log for a very long time and have no idea how to complete it, I've killed the bandit, troll, witch, reder and even went back to talk to them all but finding the ancient is still there, from searching around a bit it seems the monk was supposed to give me some kind of teleportation item after killing the troll but I didn't get it, is there anyway I could spawn it in or am I doing something wrong?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i have a slight problem with finding the ancient quest, it's been in my log for a very long time and have no idea how to complete it, I've killed the bandit, troll, witch, reder and even went back to talk to them all but finding the ancient is still there, from searching around a bit it seems the monk was supposed to give me some kind of teleportation item after killing the troll but I didn't get it, is there anyway I could spawn it in or am I doing something wrong?

If you don't already have flight, go behind the Commander's building and you will see stairs where you can get into the upper wall's walkway. Circle around so that you're walking on the side of the wall closest to the main gate and keep going. You will find him there.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you don't already have flight, go behind the Commander's building and you will see stairs where you can get into the upper wall's walkway. Circle around so that you're walking on the side of the wall closest to the main gate and keep going. You will find him there.
Yay done!! Thanks! I feel a little dumb now, I knew I was missing something. The quest does say to speak to someone at the southern wall I ran all around it like a headless chicken haha, just missed him I guess.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Having a weird bug where oil seems to just be replaced with air blocks, I found a + shaped hole in the ocean leading down to a massive cave(9 block radius sphere), then a hole further down to a single bucket of oil on top of an oil spring

Also found lots of holes in the desert that looked like they should be small oil lakes, but no oil at all there

Edit: It also seems the quest asking for oil and fuel buckets need buildcraft oil buckets, but when you pick up oil you get artifice buckets
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
yeah, that has been a real thorn in my side...artifice mod dev changed something that wiped oil out of one of the map versions, been fixed in recent versions, but still giving me a headache in HQM


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
yeah, that has been a real thorn in my side...artifice mod dev changed something that wiped oil out of one of the map versions, been fixed in recent versions, but still giving me a headache in HQM
Quick update, the fuel bucket is also causing problems like that.

Easily solved by just spawning in a bucket of each through NEI though

Edit: That was a map downloaded 2-3 days ago I believe
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Jul 29, 2019
well, the next planned update will be next week (weekly updates end up being a vicious never-ending cycle unfortunately) and because of the volume of mods updating and adding features I will put up a new map download as well that should fix that oil disappearing and will try to get HQM to behave for me, can't complain though as it is currently the only quest causing issues


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I should start by saying how impressed I am with this modpack. It is a masterpiece.

There are a couple of places where I could use some help. First, how do I craft a chocolate sprinkles cake for the NPC in the inn? It doesn't have a recipe in NEI. Is it just not showing up, or do I just need to find one somewhere?

Second, is anyone willing to share their strategy for troll slaying? I have pretty good gear (mithral) but the knockback from the troll is keeping me out of melee range. I score an occasional hit, but he regenerates before I can get close enough again.

Also, I think I've found a glitch. The NPC at the temple offered to teleport me to the Nether, but I ended up suffocating inside solid blocks (tried twice). Next I made my own Nether portal (just outside Draconis) which worked, but I crashed when returning to the overworld. I when restarted, I was next to the portal in the city southeast of Draconis (there was also a Mystcraft portal there). Now either Nether portal takes me to the same location in the Nether. Will this break anything? Should I reset the Nether from the template?

Finally, I think you need some in-game rational for the antibuilders (ancient magical protections or regions that are sliding into the shadow realm etc.). It feels too artificial as-is. It would have also been nice to know that graves can't spawn when antibuilders are present (and those are the places I like to die the most). That said, is there a config setting to turn them off? My self control works fine, and I'd rather have more reliable grave spawning.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey Spoo, I can help you with some of that but the rest will have to be GO replying to ya.

First, the chocolate sprinkles cake, pay close attention in NEI. There are two of them. One with a recipe, one without. The one with a recipe, of course, is the one you'll need.

Second, for the troll, if the knockback is the only part you're having trouble with, you can get a potion from the Apothecary in Draconis (which will come in handy later on during your playthrough with another boss). Using a strength potion also helps as you'll deal more damage per hit and get it over with faster. If he's doing some damage to ya, take a regen potion as well or some apples (the "notch" apple that's made with gold blocks and/or some jeweled apples). Probably wouldn't hurt to take a fire protection potion too cuz of the lava in the area, if your armor isn't already enchanted with it.

Now with the Nether portal, I never had that problem and I did create my own at my base, even tho I no longer use it thanks to Draconic Evolution's charms and I've never had that NPC teleport me there. The suffocating in the wall thing did almost happen to me with the Deep Dark though but if you break the area around you with a pick fast enough, you won't die. But the Nether portal that's near the Mystcraft portal, I believe, is part of a quest. I haven't gotten to that yet but I did find the exit portal in the Nether for it when I was flying around looking for cobalt and ardite. lol But as I said, I have my own portal too and I never crashed so not sure what happened to you there.

GO may be doing something about the antibuilders in the really dangerous areas as there's been a few complaints but I don't know. Will just have to wait and see what he has to say when he sees your post. :) I do hope I helped you some though!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The anti builders got put to make the boss fights a challenge. Early on, players just snuck up near the troll, or the bandits, and built defenses. I had several players explain to me how easy the encounters were. "Just dig a trench for them to fall into, a wall they can't climp over, and then hit them through a hole". Solid minecraft logic, but hardly worth the time GO puts into the quests to give you an epic battle.

Thinking in rpg terms, i'd more suggest a good sword, and a cocktail of potions and enchanted apples to kill the bandits. Then walk in and finish off the cowardly thieves like a hero.

The troll was the same situation. "Stand in the hallway and shoot him with a crossbow. Piece of Cake". After talking with GO, we ended up playing in the Trolls cave until 3am one night, making sure that not only did he have a stylish place to live, but your encounter with him would be memorable :)

As to toggling off antibuilders, if it's not in config files, there really isn't a way. They are one tough bit of protection. Being opped doesn't help, and they outthink world edit :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
To build on @Mikhaila666 's point, it came down to choosing the lesser of three evils, leave it as it is naturally, then watch players destroy key points of the map while playing and hearing comments like why can I just take everything, putting the pack into adventure mode, or turn on keep inventory.

When it came down to the wire, the antibuilders fixed a two of the issues, but created another. There really is no easy fix to take care of everything so I settled on antibuilders to fill the need.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks for the ideas, @BvB1979. I'll try those next time I have a chance to play. What mod is the required cake from?

@GreatOrator, thanks for answering my question about the antibuilders so quickly. I understand why they're there. I started playing in 2.4.8, so it sounds like the troll fight was "easier" in the past. Given the change, have you considered moving the Ancient quest to before the troll? I'd like to gear up properly by building a base. I know nothing stops me from wondering off into the wilderness, but I'd like to stay within the plot of the modpack.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks for the ideas, @BvB1979. I'll try those next time I have a chance to play. What mod is the required cake from?

@GreatOrator, thanks for answering my question about the antibuilders so quickly. I understand why they're there. I started playing in 2.4.8, so it sounds like the troll fight was "easier" in the past. Given the change, have you considered moving the Ancient quest to before the troll? I'd like to gear up properly by building a base. I know nothing stops me from wondering off into the wilderness, but I'd like to stay within the plot of the modpack.
You actually should be able to complete the ancient quest before the troll, I believe you even get it before the troll (at work so can't verify my memory right now)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I went through the ring to middle earth thinking I could come back again, I spawned on top of a wooden tent/gazebo but there doesn't seem to be a portal in sight, I've tried flying as high as I could and digging below where I spawned but no luck, is there any way to get back to the overworld?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@Spoo - I think the cake you need is from Pam's. I would have to go back into the game right now to confirm that but I do believe that's right. And you're welcome. :)

@_Denai_ - There is a ring to get back, but you have to do a lil walking/flying around to find it. It's still in the hobbit area tho. I don't have the coords on me but it's really not too far from where you are placed. Legolas is standing beside it but you'll notice the ring before him. It's near the ground tho, not high up.

@GreatOrator and @Mikhaila666 - Your points on the antibuilders are very well understood. I did play the pack when they were "easier" and I do agree with the changes made. The fact that you could kill them all before even getting good gear together did make it a lil too easy for the way the plot is and honestly, the graves not working in the troll area (normally lol) just takes it back to old Minecraft where, if you died, you either lost your stuff or you found ways to get it back. For the troll area, being he can one shot you if you don't have any gear on at all, lol, makes you very cautious about what you bring with you there and makes you gear up better. That's how it should have been. :)

Edit: Oh and @GreatOrator - the Ancient quest that actually gives you the key to teleport far enough away is given after you defeat the troll. You do get a quest for him before the troll fight but he won't give you the key til after the troll is defeated. I think that's what Spoo meant by moving it around. :)
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