[1.7.10] TolkienCraft II - Adventure Awaits! - v2.9.5[QUESTS][ADVENTURE][NORMAL MODE]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi there i have a couple questions. Firstly id like to say that i havent played this mod for a couple of months nor have i looked at this forum in a while so i apologize if i ask a question that has been answered already!

Alrighty question time...
1. the council summons quest, i am still unable to complete this quest if there is a fix for it could someone let me know?

2. Im unable to create draconium blend is this a bug?

3. I noticed there are a lot of downloads on the tolkiencraft.com site should i be downloading any of those or are they specific fixes for certain bugs?

4. What kind of new content has been inputted since i guess end of February?

Thanks so much, apologies for all the questions i just really wanna get back into playing this mod! :)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi there i have a couple questions. Firstly id like to say that i havent played this mod for a couple of months nor have i looked at this forum in a while so i apologize if i ask a question that has been answered already!

Alrighty question time...
1. the council summons quest, i am still unable to complete this quest if there is a fix for it could someone let me know?

2. Im unable to create draconium blend is this a bug?

3. I noticed there are a lot of downloads on the tolkiencraft.com site should i be downloading any of those or are they specific fixes for certain bugs?

4. What kind of new content has been inputted since i guess end of February?

Thanks so much, apologies for all the questions i just really wanna get back into playing this mod! :)
1. fixed
2. was changed so that dust now smelts into ingots directly iirc
3. alway the most current for the version you are playing (2.4.x - whatever the newest is)
4. waaay too much to list here, short-hand version:two new towns in overworld and two new locations in middle earth.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've never been a fan of high places. Of course, putting a dungeon ruin on a hill is a wonderful idea. Very imposing on these simple citizens. Swarming with these primitive, melee and ranged combat monsters.
From my quota of monsters, I still need 8 zombies and 18 skeletons. The graveyard occasionally has zombies and skeletons wandering through, but for some reason, they cannot leave. A strange sensation passes over me when I enter there. However, walking on these stiff human legs make it very easy to trip over these gravestones. Trip, fall, and be pelted with arrows and beaten with rotting fists of zombies. Let me tell you, dragging those arrows back out hurts more then I'm willing to mention. Dragon knights heal passively fast, but it still leaves a bruise.
That graveyard is not empty. A wandering spirit lingers there. I feel her presence, hear her voice. Cursing her killer. Asking what she did to deserve to die. Something is not right about that. Its not my present task though. I've had enough of tripping over gravestones. I'll try the dungeon for more luck.

Back to that dungeon. Something went through and dug out the middle pillar of the downwards spiral stairs. If you don't look closely, you end up falling. I hit the ground from much higher then anticipated. 20m drop I think. I must've blacked out because I woke up in the lumberjack's home. I... borrowed his bed while he was at the mill.
My legs hurt from that fall. Every step I take back to the dungeon jars me. Those leather boots don't do anything to absorb impact. This body is more delicate then I assumed.
I had to retrieve my things from the bottom of the stairs. Maybe I can find a cushion or something to fix that fall. It hurt.
I'm in the dungeon now. Cooking up some fish and bread that I've collected up, and making sure my energy is sufficient for fighting. Fighting skeletons is very difficult, and hurts more then anything else. I hate arrows. Come at me with a sword, I'll meet you there.
This dungeon is a maze. Corridors blocked off with iron bars, a mix of broken down bricks and stone, with wood. Primitive.

Now to fill this quota, and find a bit of something to ease the ache I feel. The witches might be able to provide, but I have not seen any yet. Nor Loteitha. I never did hear of where to find her in Draconis...
Primitive monsters indeed. Aiming at their feet when they cannot see you seems to be very effective.
My sword seems to be stronger against the undead now. 2-3 hits bring them down. It seems there are stronger monsters hidden in the hordes, ones that radiate power and have unusual abilities. One had come out invisible and escaped the trap I put together, but I took care of it. Not fond of something that impedes my sight.
I never did show my old form, did I.
Dragon knights don't tell. ~_^

The king rewarded me greatly for reducing the monsters, even with a stack of steaks and of wood. The valuable resources indeed. There is not a million trees planted inside the city walls. I won't complain, pay is pay.
I volunteered to track down the bandits that seem to be in the capital. Hopeful that this will prove beneficial, and make this sword stronger. I don't think the bandits are undead.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1. fixed
2. was changed so that dust now smelts into ingots directly iirc
3. alway the most current for the version you are playing (2.4.x - whatever the newest is)
4. waaay too much to list here, short-hand version:two new towns in overworld and two new locations in middle earth.

okay thank you so much one follow up question if you dont mind.... ive downloaded the most recent template but i forgot how to transfer my world onto the new template thingamajig and im lost in all teh folders i have cause i didnt organize them well...

also can i delete older downloaded templates if i have the most recent one? just so i can clear up some space and get organized
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have to be careful.

The bandits hide just past the bridge of crossing over the valley. Carnow the leader is surprisingly strong for a human. His minions Ariel and something with an L are just as strong as he is. They heal faster then a normal human. They are no match for these simple citizens, no wonder they are being ambushed and harassed. Every single time those bandits keel over, they possess a handful of iron, gold, diamond, and steaks.
Steaks. Cooked meat. I'm getting used to this 'cook your food' thing of this body. I was able to ingest raw meat with no problem before coming here. Rotten meat even, no issues. This... inability to dine normally is frustrating. I've dined on this bland 'cooked fish fillet' for days now.... its nearly enough to make me retch inside my mind. This body handles cooked food though, just nothing raw.
As for the bandits, I ended up putting a short barrier between me and them, and barricading myself from behind to avoid being knocked back. They knocked me out twice, and I went back to regain my things and my supplies. This undead slaying broadsword now can combat spiders and the undead within 2 hits. That is... well enough for these monsters. No real assistance against the bandits, but they fell to the sword, and I returned the leader's crest to the king. I received a great reward, and an apple made of gold. Odd. What else is made with gold in this world? Ingots stack in a hoard just fine.

The king's military commander is a rather grouchy sort of human. Loud and violent. He sent me to slay a troll that dwelled in the bottom of the dungeon I had previously explored. He took quite a while. Getting out of the dungeon is harder then it looks. I did find a bit of a fall breaker to place at the bottom of the stairs.
I did the fight in creative, will fight him fair in a while
The commander seemed happy enough with having the troll's mace shown to him, and rewarded me. He suggested chatting with the barkeeper.

The barkeeper is an old dwarf who wanted to hear the story of seeing a troll. He has an interesting lair, thats for sure. You can only enter from above. Between spiders and his knockback, the troll has probably taken every hero out before me. Either that or the bunch of witches outside the wall who seem to be launching a constant assault.
Another commander wants me to slay 20 witches to hold them back. I did not tell him that I am indebted to the coven of witches who saved me. To Loleitha... who I still have not found. She said she was in Draconis. I don't know where though.

I chose to abandon Draconis for a bit. I need to cool off from the heat of fighting. The monk of the temple allowed me to stand in the middle of this oddly floating golden ring that is spewing fire. It transports me to the land of 'little people'. They call themselves Hobbits. This world is called Middle Earth.
I learned five things about hobbits in my walk about their town. They eat 7 meals a day. Drinking, eating and smoking a pipe are allowed literally everywhere. Hobbits stand at a Draconian human's waist height. They have hair on their toes that apparently should not fall out on any occasion. They live in hills called Hobbit Holes.

Their town of Bag End has a duplicate massive floating ring there. I marked it on a map so I can at least return to Draconis.

I acquired myself a pony to get about, as I cannot fly any longer. I miss flight, but I'm a faster runner. Not like this though. This... weak, pathetic human form. No wonder they can't handle themselves.

When I get back to Draconis, I will be taking some land as my own. I have not enough silver to afford the bank vaults. Perhaps I can do work for these... hobbits.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
okay thank you so much one follow up question if you dont mind.... ive downloaded the most recent template but i forgot how to transfer my world onto the new template thingamajig and im lost in all teh folders i have cause i didnt organize them well...

also can i delete older downloaded templates if i have the most recent one? just so i can clear up some space and get organized
those instructions are in the OP if you want to update an existing save


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The longer I spend wandering in Minecraftia, the more I start to loathe this human form. It is slow. It is delicate. It requires constantly eating to keep my strength up. I think Loleitha put me into a mutated Hobbit's body.
I spent a great many days walking the world, swimming it, and exploring it. An old human with a covering over his eyes sent me to a green place, full of little pointy trees and other flora. Being myself, I prefer having a cliff to dig into. To hollow out, place my hoard, and keep a lookout over my land. Stranger creatures then what I have seen in the end roam out here. Bovine with red and white hides that have mushrooms spouting off their backs. I tried to eat a mushroom once. It did not sit well. I am a carnivore, for that is what I used to eat.
Before I left, the old human gave me a purplish pink orb. He told me it contained the power to draw me back to Draconis, should I wish. It had limited uses though, so I should be careful with how often I come back. He does not know of my storage plight. I took an extra unbound one to draw myself to this new 'home'. I do not wish to do that journey again on foot.
My fellow knights and I were runners. Stamina and speed was our strength in battle. To rush in as the first line of attack, bring down the ranged attackers, and dart out to allow the heavy hitters their space. One does not stay in the range of a heavy hitter, it is a death sentence.
I am not used to this slow paced life. I examined various places to live. Minecraftians have made villages outside of Draconis. I even encountered one with a wall of stone around it. It does not keep anything out, for the wall dips into the water outside, and you can get in that way. There is an odd hovering black... thing there. I have seen one in the end before. It hovers there, bobbing slightly and making one on edge.
I made my journey on peaceful mode. Being killed en route would ruin it for me.
I finally discovered a place to live. Out on a sunflower covered plain (what is a sun flower? It does not emit light, nor is it hot...) I found a sheer walled cliff of canyon. I can dig into this, and make a lair here. I like it. I cannot excavate it as I used to though. To dig it out with your own claws. A minecraftian body has limbs that can handle tools though. I can use the various tools thrown at me by that violent blacksmith to excavate my lair. Perhaps a rounded entrance....

I am not pleased with how slowly the excavation is coming. The blacksmith told me that I could use his metalworking forges. I will make myself a stronger excavator... a hammer. He says it will make a large hole with each strike to the stone. Same with one for dirt, gravel and sand. Easier materials to dig through. I have a small bit of bronze left from doing some prior metalworking. I made a new lumber axe for the lumberjack (a human who fells trees) with the bronze. Who uses a prickly plant to chop trees with anyway? Idiot human. He gave me an 'epic bag'. I will examine these bags when I have the space to put things. I just put them away in the bank.

The librarian tells me there is an alternate way of going places. Called a 'linking book'. He has the basic supplies to make them. I might use those, or these strange teleport orbs. Er, dislocation orbs. If I need more, the king's... squire? Assistant? Knight in badly done scale armor? Whatever he's called, he will give me one unbound orb every now and then.

No offense to Draconic Evolution's textures, but the draconic armor does... need a texture update. Don't include this spoiler in the story.
Disclaimer: Any negativity in this roleplay is in character and is not meant in any way or form to be taken offense to. It is a story, and a dragon knight far from home is not the jolliest sort of folk.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was wondering if a fellow gamer can fill me in a few things? I have been trying to keep up on this forum and have read something about world gen beside the amazing starting area.

Is this in, or was it just something being talked about? If there is other gen what all is in now(on the latest version? "Do I need to download anything other than the main map to get the other world gen?"

Edit: Just found out that the Anti-builders are in a mod and realized that that mod is needed:( I will just disable them, and if I happen to run into the issue(that is a very rare issue) I can just mcedit, So that not an issue, sorry for asking. I still would like to hear about the other places that have world gen(if that is a thing)?

I don't need details other than if there is other cool places that were added like the starting area. Thanks again:)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I made some progress today. I made myself a hammer from the leftover bronze and iron I had in Draconis. The Knight's Hammer. It makes a large hole with each strike, and makes excavating out my lair much faster. I'm unsure on how gravity here in this dimension works. Will the stone wall far above my head come down at any point? I chose to put in supports of wood, up the sides of the walls and across the ceiling. It took a few trips out to Middle Earth to gather enough pear wood to make the supports. I'm wishing they would poke out just a bit more. Its rather flush with the wall, and I'm not sure I like it. That's not how supports should be. *I rub my hand across the wall and meeting of the pillars and they are a bit too flush*
I chose to call this home Sunflower Plains Lair, for now. My first room will be just inside the door, a 4 corridor storage hall. I'm not sure how to organize all this hoard yet, but I am making a bit of progress.

Hanging lights of iron, glass and fire-sticks seem very appropriate. Making them will be difficult, I need powdered light.

Not wanting to constantly carry an orb on me, I put an orb to my lair in the Draconis bank vault, one inside the bank itself on a pedestal of stone and fire. (Apparently it does not use up if on the pedestal, but it needs powdered fire). One is in Middle Earth, at the First Hobbiton Bank. The last one is an orb to Draconis... literally in hell.
The Minecraftians call hell the Nether. I can see why. Nothing but blood soaked rock and lava. Its so hot, the feeling of melting inside... and digging into lava with a very quick iron pick. Being chased down the corridor into a pool of blood, and it stopped just short of me. Enough to give anyone in my predicament an elevated heart rate. I will need to brave the Nether to find powdered fire, and hellish quartz. It apparently can put an edge on this broadsword of the dead. That, and powdered light. Are all Minecraftian powders usually out of Hell?

I have been felling trees and collecting the wood to make the supports. Making wooden chests to contain all the loot I have accumulated. My inner hoarder tells me I should be doing more raiding, and less hollowing out a lair. Time, time, I tell myself. The treasure isn't going anywhere fast. I'm interested in finding out what is in those bags I keep receiving.

I must give some thought to seeing those cities the king told me that Capt. Ahab had seen. Perhaps when I'm settled. Or go looking about in Middle Earth.

The hobbits will task anyone who asks with finding something or cooking something for them. I brought four pears to a Grubb woman, who paid me eight silver. I owe cherry liqueur and plates to two other hobbits, I think both of the Grubb family. I can't remember, they are all the same to me. Short, hairy and constantly eating or drinking. I did bring enough saplings of the woods I want for my lair to grow them outside though, and some elderberries. I am told you can make juice and pies with them, that other Hobbits will request, and those berries are not the easiest to locate. How does one make cherry liqueur anyhow. I'll ask a Hobbit.

Middle Earth is rich, at least around Waymeet and Hobbiton, with towers that contain old artifact loot. I will investigate more, when I have pocket space. Perhaps invest in a leather sack to put on my back. A back-pack. Such an unusual name...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I made some progress today. I made myself a hammer from the leftover bronze and iron I had in Draconis. The Knight's Hammer. It makes a large hole with each strike, and makes excavating out my lair much faster. I'm unsure on how gravity here in this dimension works. Will the stone wall far above my head come down at any point? I chose to put in supports of wood, up the sides of the walls and across the ceiling. It took a few trips out to Middle Earth to gather enough pear wood to make the supports. I'm wishing they would poke out just a bit more. Its rather flush with the wall, and I'm not sure I like it. That's not how supports should be. *I rub my hand across the wall and meeting of the pillars and they are a bit too flush*
I chose to call this home Sunflower Plains Lair, for now. My first room will be just inside the door, a 4 corridor storage hall. I'm not sure how to organize all this hoard yet, but I am making a bit of progress.

Hanging lights of iron, glass and fire-sticks seem very appropriate. Making them will be difficult, I need powdered light.

Not wanting to constantly carry an orb on me, I put an orb to my lair in the Draconis bank vault, one inside the bank itself on a pedestal of stone and fire. (Apparently it does not use up if on the pedestal, but it needs powdered fire). One is in Middle Earth, at the First Hobbiton Bank. The last one is an orb to Draconis... literally in hell.
The Minecraftians call hell the Nether. I can see why. Nothing but blood soaked rock and lava. Its so hot, the feeling of melting inside... and digging into lava with a very quick iron pick. Being chased down the corridor into a pool of blood, and it stopped just short of me. Enough to give anyone in my predicament an elevated heart rate. I will need to brave the Nether to find powdered fire, and hellish quartz. It apparently can put an edge on this broadsword of the dead. That, and powdered light. Are all Minecraftian powders usually out of Hell?

I have been felling trees and collecting the wood to make the supports. Making wooden chests to contain all the loot I have accumulated. My inner hoarder tells me I should be doing more raiding, and less hollowing out a lair. Time, time, I tell myself. The treasure isn't going anywhere fast. I'm interested in finding out what is in those bags I keep receiving.

I must give some thought to seeing those cities the king told me that Capt. Ahab had seen. Perhaps when I'm settled. Or go looking about in Middle Earth.

The hobbits will task anyone who asks with finding something or cooking something for them. I brought four pears to a Grubb woman, who paid me eight silver. I owe cherry liqueur and plates to two other hobbits, I think both of the Grubb family. I can't remember, they are all the same to me. Short, hairy and constantly eating or drinking. I did bring enough saplings of the woods I want for my lair to grow them outside though, and some elderberries. I am told you can make juice and pies with them, that other Hobbits will request, and those berries are not the easiest to locate. How does one make cherry liqueur anyhow. I'll ask a Hobbit.

Middle Earth is rich, at least around Waymeet and Hobbiton, with towers that contain old artifact loot. I will investigate more, when I have pocket space. Perhaps invest in a leather sack to put on my back. A back-pack. Such an unusual name...

I am totally enjoying your storytelling... you write very well.
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Vals NoisyToys

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I made some progress today. I made myself a hammer from the leftover bronze and iron I had in Draconis. The Knight's Hammer. It makes a large hole with each strike, and makes excavating out my lair much faster. I'm unsure on how gravity here in this dimension works. Will the stone wall far above my head come down at any point? I chose to put in supports of wood, up the sides of the walls and across the ceiling. It took a few trips out to Middle Earth to gather enough pear wood to make the supports. I'm wishing they would poke out just a bit more. Its rather flush with the wall, and I'm not sure I like it. That's not how supports should be. *I rub my hand across the wall and meeting of the pillars and they are a bit too flush*
I chose to call this home Sunflower Plains Lair, for now. My first room will be just inside the door, a 4 corridor storage hall. I'm not sure how to organize all this hoard yet, but I am making a bit of progress.

Hanging lights of iron, glass and fire-sticks seem very appropriate. Making them will be difficult, I need powdered light.

Not wanting to constantly carry an orb on me, I put an orb to my lair in the Draconis bank vault, one inside the bank itself on a pedestal of stone and fire. (Apparently it does not use up if on the pedestal, but it needs powdered fire). One is in Middle Earth, at the First Hobbiton Bank. The last one is an orb to Draconis... literally in hell.
The Minecraftians call hell the Nether. I can see why. Nothing but blood soaked rock and lava. Its so hot, the feeling of melting inside... and digging into lava with a very quick iron pick. Being chased down the corridor into a pool of blood, and it stopped just short of me. Enough to give anyone in my predicament an elevated heart rate. I will need to brave the Nether to find powdered fire, and hellish quartz. It apparently can put an edge on this broadsword of the dead. That, and powdered light. Are all Minecraftian powders usually out of Hell?

I have been felling trees and collecting the wood to make the supports. Making wooden chests to contain all the loot I have accumulated. My inner hoarder tells me I should be doing more raiding, and less hollowing out a lair. Time, time, I tell myself. The treasure isn't going anywhere fast. I'm interested in finding out what is in those bags I keep receiving.

I must give some thought to seeing those cities the king told me that Capt. Ahab had seen. Perhaps when I'm settled. Or go looking about in Middle Earth.

The hobbits will task anyone who asks with finding something or cooking something for them. I brought four pears to a Grubb woman, who paid me eight silver. I owe cherry liqueur and plates to two other hobbits, I think both of the Grubb family. I can't remember, they are all the same to me. Short, hairy and constantly eating or drinking. I did bring enough saplings of the woods I want for my lair to grow them outside though, and some elderberries. I am told you can make juice and pies with them, that other Hobbits will request, and those berries are not the easiest to locate. How does one make cherry liqueur anyhow. I'll ask a Hobbit.

Middle Earth is rich, at least around Waymeet and Hobbiton, with towers that contain old artifact loot. I will investigate more, when I have pocket space. Perhaps invest in a leather sack to put on my back. A back-pack. Such an unusual name...

Well done! I'll have to try to read more as you post it. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was wondering if a fellow gamer can fill me in a few things? I have been trying to keep up on this forum and have read something about world gen beside the amazing starting area.

Is this in, or was it just something being talked about? If there is other gen what all is in now(on the latest version? "Do I need to download anything other than the main map to get the other world gen?"

There are 3 cities in the overworld and 2(?) in MiddleEarth. Ahab will eventually take you between the overworld cities. Is that what you are asking?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was wondering if a fellow gamer can fill me in a few things? I have been trying to keep up on this forum and have read something about world gen beside the amazing starting area.

Is this in, or was it just something being talked about? If there is other gen what all is in now(on the latest version? "Do I need to download anything other than the main map to get the other world gen?"

Edit: Just found out that the Anti-builders are in a mod and realized that that mod is needed:( I will just disable them, and if I happen to run into the issue(that is a very rare issue) I can just mcedit, So that not an issue, sorry for asking. I still would like to hear about the other places that have world gen(if that is a thing)?

I don't need details other than if there is other cool places that were added like the starting area. Thanks again:)
Yes, there is a ton! you can see what has been added and what is being worked on at retty much any of the three social networks :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I discovered a wondrous drink. It is called 'tea'. Boiling various plant life in water produces a drinkable liquid. Water has flavor! It is delicious! This blend is mostly leaves, but has flower petals in it as well. Some plants are not as good in tea. Trial and error, at the cost of my insides. At the boon of finding out what this body can ingest without becoming weakened, or sickened.

The lumberjack came by the blacksmith's in Draconis today. He raved about his new lumber axe bringing down so much wood. He offered to even give the smith a discount on oak when he needed it. Surely a decent business decision for him. Now if I need logs, I will pay him a visit. I wish he would carry saplings as well...
Do the merchants in town have their supplies change as you gain faction?
Hearing this, I chose to gather the materials and create a lumber axe for myself as well. The Knight's Axe, made from iron and bronze. Durable, but heavy. It does bring down large amounts of wood though. Will make the supports faster to create.
The smith told me that if I heated the iron further, it would create steel. Something I can start delving further into the stone with. I'm not quite sure why I would want to invest in steel, but I might. At least for the pick and hammer. The faster, the better? The hammer is beginning to show its wear, but I'm told I can repair it with the leftover bronze. What leftovers, I put the rest into making my axe...

I have been in the plains long enough that occasionally I see monsters roaming at night. I'll need to work on a barricade or something. Those monsters seem to be attracted to light.
Switched back to normal difficulty now that I at least have a start on a home.

While hollowing out the wall, I discovered a winding tunnel inside the mountain. I'm not quite sure what I will do with my layout, but the hoard room will need to be large. VERY LARGE.

Slow progress with moving my hoard out of Draconis and into my lair. So many bits and pieces. The hoard room is mostly chests, but thanks to a citzen called Hikarr and his friend Kittana (who I need to remember that cake for), I learned I can indeed make usable crates. The spots in the room that aren't double sized chests can be crates and barrels. Across from it, a drying room. Since I cannot ingest the raw meats I keep receiving from my kills, I will dry them. The flesh that falls from the zombies can dry into something called 'monster jerky'. Very tough, but at least edible. This does not mean I enjoy it. Mostly I've been ingesting berries in great quantity.

When I investigated the desert in search of a plant called a 'cinderpearl', I found a fallen meteor. The stone reminds me of the dark End. I took it home with me, every single bit I could find. Including a chest with these... presses. 3 of them, engineering, silicon and calculation. A few silver nuggets as well. Perhaps part of the mountain can be of this black stone. I do not understand what these presses are for. They feel foreign in my hands. Unusual. None of the Draconians seem to know about what to do with them. Perhaps I should go forth and ask that captain about going to a different city today...

When I passed by the dockworker today, he gave me a book. Its unusual, giving you tasks and rewarding you. Similar to how the Hobbits pay in silver, but it pays in supplies and these 'treasure bags'. For instance, I get one if I pass through the gate of the castle city. I just keep putting them away, because of no space. Soon now, I can break open the bags and see what they hold.
One chapter of this book details on better storage. It wants strange tools. What is a 'screw gun'? A 'tool box'? A 'wrench'? This world keeps surprising me. How humans adapt. They cannot fight, but they create. They cultivate. Mutated hobbits, all of them. 'Big folk'.